The Dimensional Pursuit

Chapter 796: Have you heard of Bo...

"My friend, have heard of wave...oh, no, is it the power of resonance?" Zhong Tu turned to look at the crowd, the only one who has always shown a friendly attitude towards him said.

And I don’t know if it’s because the image of Patriarch Agni is so happy or something, he almost uttered the wrong word and rushed to the studio to JOJO.

"Resonance?!" Patriarch Blazing a question mark on his face, he didn't understand what it meant.

"Does it mean resonance?"

Based on the education that Patriarch Agni received, there was only this possible explanation he could think of. It’s just that before he can confirm to Zhongtu, the result of Zhongtu’s previous actions quickly appeared before his eyes——

First, there was a dull crackling sound, like an oil explosion in a stuffy pot, which blasted the air covered in the space to pieces, creating an oxygen-free dense fog environment. Then the rocks cracked, the mud fell and flew, floating on the island. The main hall suddenly collapsed in a wave of light, leaving only the enchantment that had not been annihilated, shining there, and as the vibration spread, it quickly dimmed until it was completely extinguished.

Luo Hanjin's body and physical appearance began to crack, and the golden-like body was covered with rugged cracks visible to the naked eye, running through the front and back of Jin's body, making it look precarious, and it might be completely collapsed with a little force, which makes people see. Frightened.

Fortunately, it only looks dangerous. In fact, as a magical product formed by the combination of primordial spirit and vitality, as long as the source-Zen Master Zunsheng is immortal and has unlimited mana, it can be maintained for a long time, even if it is broken. It can also be repaired through spiritual energy and mana, but it does not mean that it is not hurt at all. At least as the source of its existence, Zen Master Zunsheng himself still feels quite empathetic.

Especially in the soul part, the aura is dim and the soul is disordered, and even the mana of the Zen Master Zunsheng has become unstable, rushing around, and there is a phenomenon of confusion.

Seeing this, where does Zen Master Zunsheng dare to hold on? Hastily retracted the golden body physiognomy, returned to protect the soul, suppressed the mana in the body with all his energy, and freed himself from the danger of explosion.

Then, the floating island collapsed and turned into a sky full of rubble dust. Under the influence of gravity in nature, it fell towards the lower Emei Mountain.



"Rumble rumbling..."

Numerous flowers and trees were destroyed, dozens of palaces and temples were buried, a large number of innocent people died tragically, and they lost all consciousness without even knowing what happened.

It is true that people are sitting at home and disasters fall from the sky, and the degree of unlucky luck is no one.

Zen Master Zun Sheng and the others didn't think so much, they all floated in the air, their expressions staring at the clock in mid-air, their eyes flickering.

"Do you not?"

"It's done!"

Then the terrifying mana wave rippled. The heads of his school and the elders who had been watching Zun Sheng Zen master and Zhong Tu's fight before all moved, some flying swords out flying swords, some magic weapons on magic weapons, even The kind with a relatively poor family is also greeted by various spells. It is a posture of facing the world-killing demon. It is not invited to participate in the plan, and the Patriarch of Fire, who has just calmed down, has not come to think about other things. The Zen Master Zunsheng hesitated and couldn't help subconsciously asking.

"You are..."

"Why did you do it suddenly?"

However, it is a pity that other people are now immersed in the atmosphere of the powerful enemies, and no one notices at all, or they have noticed but they have no intention of answering the questions of Zen Master Zunsheng and Patriarch Blazing. Efforts to deal with the enemy.

The result is that, no matter the magic weapon, flying sword, spell or mysterious light, 100% of the power and effect have erupted, which is shocking.

"Finally can't bear it..." However, the face of the clock in the face of the ‘squally wind’ was still cold, and he said calmly, as expected, "Then, feel the despair!"

With that, when the mind moves, the invisible wave spreads rapidly with him as the center, interfering with particles, stirring the void, affecting the motion and trajectory of all waves, strings, particles, and energy, creating a chaotic field like a monster. His huge mouth instantly swallowed the flying sword magic weapons and spells that flew in front of him.

Then, the light particles in the domain moved and gathered into a rain of light, bombarding spells, and disintegrating them, while the sine wave turned into vibrations, flicking flying swords and magic weapons, constantly obstructing their path and consuming them. Power, slowing down their speed, creating opportunities for the frosty air made by other particles. The freezing air and the ice-free space freeze the flying sword magic weapon that is constantly slowing down in the vibration, and further block their kinetic energy...

Almost instantly, the masters of the magic weapons and flying swords felt the difference.

Then Zhong Tu seized the gap to activate his natural power, jumped back from the past to the present, and appeared behind the group of righteous leaders and elders as if moving instantaneously. The Radiation Sword appeared in his hand and unceremoniously pierced the back of the person in front of him. Go down.

Then jump again, reappear, and put another Radiation Sword into another person's head.

So back and forth...

It wasn't until everyone except the Patriarch of Fire and Zen Master Zunsheng was entertained by him in the same way, and then he stopped the action of traveling through time and fate, and reappeared in the sky above the chaotic realm, allowing the timeline to continue again.


Following that, a strange muffled sound came, and a miserable scream came out from the mouths of all the righteous masters and elders.


"Baiyunzi, Buddhist monk, Chunjiang old man..." Zen Master Zunsheng and Patriarch of Burning Fire changed their expressions, and subconsciously turned their heads to look at others.

"you guys!?"


"Old Agni..."

"Be careful……"

Then, a decent leader with a weak cultivation base closed his breath and his body went dark, and his body became pitch black under the gaze of Zen Master Zunsheng and Patriarch Blaze, then corrupted and destroyed, until the entire body looked like an ordinary human body. So completely corrupted.

You know, these people present are all masters of Taoism, and the last time they have attained their cultivation base, they can be called terrestrial gods in other worlds. The monks with a life span of thousands of years are powerful, even if It is not a specialization, but it also has the effect of Buddha's golden body. People are not decayed and can remain unchanged for hundreds of years.

But now, I can’t keep it for a moment, and even the primordial spirit has not escaped. It can be seen that the power of the radiant sword that Zhongtu used for them is how powerful and how high the radiation damage is. It is really invincible magic. , Make people feel fearful.

"Zhong! Tu!" Upon seeing Lao Laihuo's face, his face changed again, and at the same time a substantial red arrogance burst out from his body, roaring towards Zhong Tu.

Other people died if they died. Anyway, their relationship is not good, and he won't care, but his friend Yun Shangsan also died, so he can't bear it! Is it easy for him to make friends? Just like that, you have been harmed by you. He would not agree with him without giving an explanation.

"Give me my life!!"

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