The Dimensional Pursuit

Chapter 828: Thoughts not on one channel

"By the way, is there a girl named An Qi on the island now? She is about 16 years old and she was born in the kingdom of Misrchi. She is the country’s first emperor. In order to better execute Libertas, I need to perform some treatment on her. Study." Zhong Tu got up and shook hands with Commander Jill, and then asked, "Of course, if possible, I also hope Inspector Emma can cooperate."

"This...I can ask if your research is..." Jill asked with hesitation on his face.

"Relax, there is no danger, just some physical examinations." Zhong Tu smiled.

"..., there should be no problem, I will try my best to persuade Inspector Emma to cooperate." Jill glanced at Zhong Tu with a weird expression, and replied a little bit wrongly.

Sure enough, this guy is interested in "human beings"!

Well, in the world of the round dance of angels and dragons, only humans who can use magic and master the power of Mana are humans. Norma, who cannot use the power of Mana, is a monster and is not among the ranks of humans.

Therefore, throughout the entire Alzenar base, only Inspector Emma is considered a human, and the others, even Commander Jill, is also a ‘livestock’ and has no status in front of the real high-level personnel of the human kingdom.

Even if the origin of this commander is also the royal family of the human kingdom.

"Then I will wait for your news from Commander." Zhong Tu smiled.

After a meal, the old saying was repeated again, "But, Jill, do you really have to think about my original proposal?"

"No, it's still useful for me. Let's wait until everything is firm before recovering." Jill raised his mechanized right hand when he heard the words, controlled his fingers to open for a number of times, and shook his head to refuse.

"It's up to you, you can come to me anytime you want." Zhong Tu said.

Then the two briefly discussed some content, Jill separated from Zhongtu and went to discuss with Jia Simin and others about accepting Zhongtu to join Libertas, allowing Zhongtu to regain his freedom and wander around the base.


Then that evening, stormy, a military transport aircraft driven by Mana flew to Alzenar base.

The base receives and transfers the cargo carried on it into the base.

This includes a blonde girl in a Chinese dress. With a face full of confusion and panic, like a frightened little beast, he carefully observed everything around him.

"Noma 1203-77, Angelique Turtle Dove Misrchi, birth: Misrchi Imperial Kingdom, 16 years old..." On the side, Emma Bronson, an inspector, is also an island The only person on the board who has and can use the real name said the girl's information with a terrible face, and read it to the base commander Jill who was a social tycoon next to it.

Jill didn't say a word, but his eyes flickered slightly to tell her how unsettling her heart was at this time.

"It actually really appeared..."

What happened? Naturally the girl mentioned by Zhong Tu!

Obviously there was no such person on the island before, but he didn't expect to be sent over on the evening of the day when the other party proposed...what is this? prophecy? Or is it implying the power he possesses, telling me that even in human society, his influence is very powerful?

Thinking of this, Jill couldn't help feeling complicated, and sighed secretly, activated the communication tool worn on the steel wrist and handed to her by Zhongtu, and contacted the Zhongtu who didn't know which wave was on the island at this time.

"It's rare that you would contact me at this time. Is something wrong?" Zhong Tu's face appeared in Jill's eyes, and he chuckled.

"The girl you mentioned appeared, and the inspector happened to be there. Come here." Jill responded with a cold expression without being polite to Zhong Tu.

"Really? The relationship is good, I will go over."

After speaking, without asking Jill's address, he consciously cut off the contact, and then, with torture instruments full, a light flashed in the dim room that looked like an interrogation room, and Zhong Tu's figure suddenly appeared in the room.

"It's you!? Why are you here!?" Emma, ​​who looked at her because she heard Jill mentioned about herself just now, was wondering who she was talking to and looked at her with a strange expression, looking at Zhong Tu in surprise and asked Tao.

At the same time, Angel, who still had the name of Angelique, looked surprised, and looked at Zhong Tu in amazement. It seemed that he couldn't understand how Zhong Tu entered this still-closed chamber without opening the door.

"Is this... an inspection?" Zhong Tu looked at An Qi, who still maintained his external image.

"Preparing to start." Jill put down his feet on the table and stood up.

"Really? Then I'm really lucky." The clock figure, who understood what was about to happen next, gave a weird smile and said with a slightly strange expression.

"Commander Ji, Jill, please explain why this person is here!?" Emma returned to her senses, and immediately looked at Jill with a serious face and sternly asked.

"Does that still need to be said? Naturally it is to assist me in checking the newcomer Norma." Jill responded calmly and calmly.

"Huh? When does this kind of thing need outsiders to help? Besides, even if you ask for help, you should ask Maggie to come over, right?! He is a non-professional and non-authorized person who has the right to participate in this kind of Here comes the matter? Commander Gill, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I will report the matter to the Joint Security Council to determine whether you are eligible to serve as the commander of Alzenar. Position." Emma said solemnly.

"You, it's still the same." Jill looked at Emma with regret.

Then suddenly he strode to Emma's side, waved his arm, and cut her on the neck just before Emma made resistance, knocking her out.

Then Emma rolled her eyes and fell softly.

Jill caught it and put it on a chair aside.

"I'll leave it to you here. Remember to let me know when you are done."

After speaking, Jill did not stop, and walked straight to the door.

Obviously, he didn't intend to stay anymore, and he was stunned by the appearance of playing around with Zhongtu.

This is, who do you think of him? Unscrupulous bastard, are you an evil spirit?

"Wait, wait! I'm the first emperor of the Misrchi Kingdom, Angelique Turtle-Dove Misrchi, I want to see the highest officer here! You can't treat me like this!! Man or something, hurry up Tell him to leave!!!" Seeing Jill about to leave, An Qi couldn't stop the panic in her heart, afraid of what would happen next, and shouted with fear.

It's just a pity that no one in the room cares about her request. Jill directly ignored her words, opened the door and went out, and closed the door again.

It's really hard to make Zhongtu come here.

"Well, although this is not my intention, but... forget it." Zhong Tu was speechless, shrugged, and sighed helplessly.

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