Concubine Kang walked in a hurry, followed by a large group of court ladies and eunuchs and guards, and walked toward Jinhua Palace with a green face.

Before approaching the gate of the palace, a cold voice followed, "The **** little prescription, I dare to lie to this palace. When you turn back to this palace, you must make him look good. Li Huwei, you quickly find the beast to this palace, Ben The palace wants him to survive, not to die."

   "Yes." Li Huwei behind him hurriedly responded. They were also careless, they didn't even notice when that little prescription disappeared.

"The victim's palace was even humiliated by the night cultivator. With this tone, this palace must get back from that child." Concubine Kang spoke grimly, and the palace maid behind him couldn't help but beat Shivering.

   Just now they ran to the emperor’s bedroom, surrounded by the imperial guards left by Ye Xiu alone, all expressionless, and the entire palace was quiet and terrible.

   Hearing their intentions, the guards all laughed sarcastically, saying that Lord Xiu hadn’t entered the palace at all today.

   Father Miao even ran out after hearing the sound, saying that Concubine Kang was disturbing the emperor's rest, and the emperor told Concubine Kang to return to the Jinhua Palace to think about it.

  Li Huwei also took the opportunity to find out clearly, that the prince Xiu did not enter the palace, let alone the fourth prince.

  Concubine Kang knew that she had been fooled, and she held a sigh of relief at the time. When she walked to the Imperial Garden, her anger was instantly ignited, and when Xiao Fangzi was not there, they fell victim. On the spot, two eunuchs were kicked by Concubine Kang in the center and directly let Guard Li drag them down and die.

  I'm back now... and threatened to get it back from that child...

  The people behind Kang Fei began to sympathize with the child who was locked in the iron box. I heard that she had been tossed all night last night. Now Kang Fei's anger is soaring, I am afraid that she will take half of her life if she does not die.

  That's just a kid...

  It’s just that, Concubine Kang is now like this, no one dared to come forward to persuade him, and can only follow him tremblingly, crossing the Jinhua Palace, and walking to his bedroom.

  It's just that the door of the sleeping hall was closed tightly, and there was no one around the sleeping hall.

  Concubine Kang had a fire in her heart, but she didn't find anything unusual. But Huwei Li felt that something was wrong, and cautiously patrolled the courtyard quickly.

  Finally, when he saw a pool of blood not far away, he took a breath, and when he stopped Concubine Kang by aloud, "Goddess wait a minute..."

  However, his voice was still a step too late, and Concubine Kang had already pushed in.

  The next moment, her body froze suddenly, looking at Yu Qingluo, who was facing the door of the sleeping hall, lazily sitting on the chair.


   "Concubine Kang, you just said, which child should you get back from?" Yu Qingluo raised her head coolly, and put her fingers on the armrest of the chair lightly, smiling harmlessly.

  Concubine Kang's steps were steep and then took a step back. The next moment, a scream sounded, "Come here, there are assassins, there are assassins..."

  As she said, she turned around anxiously and ran outside the gate of Jinhua Palace.

  In just a few steps, the heavy palace gate was slowly closed in front of her.

  Li Huwei hurriedly held his sword horizontally in front of him and blocked Concubine Kang’s face, " did you come in?"

Yu Qingluo got up from the chair with a smile, and walked out of the dormitory step by step until she slowly stood still five steps away from Concubine Kang, "Naturally came in, otherwise? You won't get into the ground. Come in."

  As she said, her sharp eyes shot at Concubine Kang.

  Concubine Kang's face became completely white with a ‘swish’, and her body began to tremble uncontrollably when she looked at Shang Yuqing’s cold look like the twelfth lunar month.

   "Guardian Liu, Guardian Liu, come out to protect this palace." Concubine Kang looked away and shouted at a corner of the eaves of Jinhua Palace.

  Yuqing laughed lowly, "Concubine Kang, is that Liu Huwei you mentioned?"

  Concubine Kang was taken aback for a moment, followed her gaze, and took a breath. He saw a young man carrying Liu Huwei who was convulsing, and suddenly fell in front of them.

   "Ah..." Kang Fei screamed, covering her eyes hurriedly.

  Yuqing squinted her eyes, and her eyes became colder. "Concubine Kang, who do you want to call? I will find out for you one by one and bring it to you. What do you think?"

  Even if Concubine Kang was flustered and scared again, after hearing these words, she immediately understood that she was afraid that all the guards in the entire Jinhua Palace had been taken down by Yu Qingluo.

  This woman, how could this woman have such great ability?

  Others don’t know, but she knows very well. She knows how many people are hiding up and down in the Jinhua Palace, and she knows how much the Seventh Prince takes the hostage of Yu Baoer.

   But now, even one person can't appear.

  You can look at Yu Qingluo's side...but only six or seven people, who are they? Can actually... calmly tie up all the seven princes.

  Concubine Kang was shocked when she thought of this, what a terrible person this Yuqingluo is.

  Her steps began to retreat, and Li Huwei also knew that the situation at the moment was very unfavorable to them, and her eyes cautiously fell behind Yu Qingluo, and then retreated.

  Yu Qingluo sneered, "Where else do you want to go?"

  Guard Li's eyes flashed, and suddenly he said in a loud voice, "Take Yu Qingluo."

  The dozen or so guards who had surrounded Concubine Kang rushed towards Yu Qingluo, but before they rushed to the front, Xuan Ya and others around Yu Qingluo quickly greeted her.

  Li Huwei took advantage of the chaos, and hurriedly took Concubine Kang to run outside.

  However, just as they opened the gate of Jinhua Palace, a person was blocked in front of them.

  An Fu thought with a chuckle, "How about so many guards Liu can't stand us, just rely on your little guards with a dozen? It's just whimsical."

  Li Huwei screamed uncomfortably, and could not think about it, and hurriedly pushed Concubine Kang outside, "Go on, there is a subordinate blocking her, so quickly go out of the palace to find the fourth prince."

   "Oh, oh." Concubine Kang didn't even look at Li Huwei, and hurriedly carried her skirt to the outside.

  Her footsteps were chaotic, and she stumbled and ran down the steps outside the palace gate, but a lot of people suddenly appeared in front of her.

  Concubine Kang raised her head in amazement, took a sigh of relief, and then began to retreat.

   However, a deep and powerful voice still rang in her ears, "Concubine Kang kept private soldiers secretly, behaving inappropriately, and attempting to kill Princess Tianfu of the Heavenly Rain Kingdom. It is ill-intentioned, and the crime deserves death."

   "You, you are all in the same group, you..." Concubine Kang plummeted to sit on the ground, looking at the bunch of people standing in front of her, she trembled inexplicably. <

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