The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1020: The sneaky Ye Lansheng

   Nan Nan scratched his head with a face full of doubts. Just about to go out and ask the maid in the yard, he didn't expect that Ye Lansheng, who he was still looking for, suddenly rushed in from outside.

  When he saw Nan Nan, he was stunned, an inexplicable trace of unnatural flashes across his face.

  "South, South, why are you here?"

  "Xiao Shengsheng, where did you go?" Nan Nan sensitively noticed that Ye Lansheng's face was not right, but the other party quickly returned to normal, silently walked to the side chair and sat down and poured himself a glass of water.

After a long while, I heard Ye Lansheng say, "I just went out for a while, and I was a little upset. I went to the hut."

"Oh." Nan Nan suddenly realized that, the corner of his mouth immediately filled with a smile, and then went to him as usual, "I came to see you for dinner, it's not early, mother is still waiting for us," After eating, go see Uncle Bao'er."

Ye Lansheng froze for a moment, twisted her eyebrows for a moment, then squeezed her stomach and laughed, "Nannan, my stomach is still a little uncomfortable. I really don't have any appetite, so I don't want to eat. You go first, don't let it clear. Auntie has been waiting for a long time. I, I will just go to bed and have a rest. I will look for you when I feel better."

   "Your stomach is still uncomfortable? Then I will find my mother to come over and show you, my mother has such good medical skills, you don't need to worry." Nan Nan immediately responded, turned and ran out the door.

Ye Lansheng widened his eyes, cursed in annoyance, and hurriedly pulled him back, "I'm fine, it's just diarrhea. Maybe it was a cold last night. Nannan, don't go to Aunt Qing, I don't want to She is worried, you know that Wushu is still guarding the gate of the city. There are many and cumbersome things. Aunt Qing must be worried about Wushu now. I don't want her to worry about me. I will lie down on the bed and cover it up for a while. Sweat is just fine. It’s really okay. It’s not that I haven’t had a cold before. I always use this method."

  Nannan lowered his head, as if thinking.

  Ye Lansheng secretly became anxious. He was really confused just now. He clearly knew that Aunt Qing was a doctor, so why did he make such an excuse.

Seeing Nan Nan in a dilemma, he hurriedly let go of his hand and lay down on the bed, "Nan Nan, I'm really fine, you see, I feel much better with a quilt. Aunt Qing treated me again. I need to take medicine. Now the war is tight, and the imperial capital is surrounded by Tuantuan. The medicinal materials must be very scarce. Aunt Qing’s medicine must be used on the soldiers who guard the city gates. I can’t use it at critical junctures. Not being able to help in this way, it's a hindrance."

  Nan Nan watched him talk more and more seriously, making it as if he was going to ask his mother to treat him, but he was intolerant of nature and he was very sinful.

After all I raised my head and looked at him helplessly, "Xiao Shengsheng, then you have to take a good rest. I'll go to eat first, and I will ask you to bring food to you. After I went to see Uncle Bao'er, Come to see you, okay?"

   Ye Lansheng nodded hurriedly, his head still locked in the quilt, but smiled softly, "Okay."

  Nan Nan glanced at him uncomfortably, and put a sticker on his forehead in a pretentious manner, and found that there was no fever. After that, she turned her head three times and left reluctantly.

  Ye Lansheng pursed her lips, her eyes kept twisting on his body, her eyes darkened with shame, and she muttered in her heart, "I'm sorry, Nannan, I'm sorry."

Nan Nan asked the maid outside the door to take good care of Ye Lansheng, and then left his courtyard.

  Ye Lansheng was busy lying on her back on the bed, with sore corners of her eyes, she blinked away the water vapor in her eyes fiercely, and then took a deep breath and sat up from the bed.

  He tugged tightly with his fingers twice, then ran to the cabinet, put a dagger on him, and took several other messy gadgets.

  Thinking that these gadgets were given to him by Nan Nansai, and told him how to use them, but now...

   Ye Lansheng felt uncomfortable again, bit her lip fiercely, and finally walked out of the courtyard with a pale face.

  The maid at the door looked at him in surprise, "Sheng Shizi."

   "I'll go to the cottage, don't follow."

   "Yes." The maid's original footsteps that she wanted to follow stopped for an instant. Seeing that he really ran towards the hut, she didn't say much.

  Ye Lansheng and Nan Nan have always been good friends, and they come and go freely in this house. They don't like to bring people around, not to mention this troublesome thing, which is normal.

  It just made the maid wonder that there is a pail in this side room, so why did Sheng Shizi go to the cottage outside the courtyard of the mansion instead?

  The maid didn’t understand that Lan Sheng was the master during the night, and it was his business to do what he wanted, and he didn’t care much about it.

   But what she didn't know was that after turning the corner, Ye Lansheng bypassed the hut and walked directly outside.

  He is small, and he has lived in Yexiudu’s mansion for a long time. He has long been familiar with the terrain here.

  What's more, Nan Nan plays with him. The little guy is eccentric, and likes to avoid people sneaking into places where no one is.

   Ye Lansheng has been with him for a long time, and naturally knows how to avoid the eyes and ears of the people, and hurriedly walked towards the door.

  He was also cautious and anxious. He didn't know what he was pinching in his palm, and there was fine and dense sweat on his forehead, but his breathing was very rapid.

   Very nervous, very nervous, as if the whole heart is about to pop out.

  Ye Lansheng desperately suppressed her flustered heartbeat, her footsteps calmed down a bit, and she hurriedly walked out of the palace.

  As he passed the back garden, his gaze fell on the small house guarded by Master Tu, his eyes condensed, he took a deep breath, and suddenly withdrew his gaze, and walked forward again.

  Obviously, his courtyard is not far away from the back door of the palace, and he has walked through it countless times. But this time, for Ye Lansheng, it seemed that it had lasted for a century, which made him feel very heavy.

  Until he stood at the back door of the palace, his weak footsteps stopped immediately, and his eyes stared at the door with a little bit of sourness.

  After a while, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the Palace of Xiu, where he had lived for a long time, a wave of weakness rushed into his heart, and his eyes became more sour.

It took a long time before he walked towards the closed back door and looked at the two young men guarding the back door.

  The two young men were also taken aback when they saw him. They hurriedly bowed and asked, "Sheng Shizi, why are you here?"

   "Quickly, Nan Nan suddenly feels uncomfortable, so he is lying there, hurry up and take a look." Ye Lansheng panted hard, as if he had just run over.

  The two young men were startled, and there was no time to think of anything, so they ran in the direction of Ye Lansheng's fingers.

  Ye Lansheng took a deep breath and resolutely opened the back door.

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