There are two lines on the note, ‘If you want your parents to survive, trick Yu Qingnan out of the mansion and come to Bezhuang, a suburb of Xiuwang’s Mansion. If you fail to do it before sunset, wait for your parents to collect the body. ’

Ye Lansheng lowered his head, put another jade pendant in front of Yu Qingluo, and said in a low voice, "This is something that my mother is close to. It was given to my mother by my grandmother. My mother cherishes it and has never left. body."

  Speaking, he suddenly shed tears, took out a blood-stained veil from his body, and his small hands trembled slightly. This time, he didn't hand it to Yu Qingluo's hand, but he held it carefully and slowly lifted the veil.

  Nannan and Yu Qingluo gasped suddenly, but Ye Lansheng's tears fell even more fiercely.

  "This is...this is my mother's...finger, I recognize...there is a mole on it...and a small scar...they, they..."

  Yu Qingluo took Ye Lansheng into her arms, took a deep breath, her eyes were sore and unbearable, she was very sad.

   "Lan Sheng..."

"Aunt Qing, I'm very scared." Ye Lansheng finally uttered a whimper, but still didn't dare to be too big, her small body was trembling constantly, "I woke up in the morning, that piece of paper, and ...Just these two things, on the head of my bed..."

  Yu Qingluo hugged him tighter, and choked up too much, "It's okay, it's okay, your mother must be okay."

  Xu Rongrong, the abandoned prince actually fell into the hands of the seventh prince?

  She froze abruptly. When the emperor was in chaos, Ye Xiudu was also wary of being unfavorable to them, so he took the waste prince and Xu Rou to Biezhuang and joined the three princes and his wife.

  The place is very remote, and there are guards guarding it. Although it is not comparable to building a palace, it is not so easy to find people.

  Damn, what's wrong?

  Also, something happened to the abandoned prince and the others, what about the three princes and the couple? Could it be... something happened?

   Thinking of this, Yu Qingluo's face became ugly.

  I was afraid that the third prince would fall into the hands of the seventh prince again, and there would be a lot of trouble by that time.

  No wonder Xiu Wangfu is so peaceful, she feels very upset these few days, it turns out that the Seventh Prince shifted the target and started specifically at the weak place.

   "Mother, we must hurry to save Aunt Rou." Nan Nan was also shocked when he saw the **** fingers.

  Xu Rou's fingers are very beautiful. Last time she just went to the well to lift water and frayed a little, Nan Nan felt very unbearable.

  Now...A finger has been cut off.

  Moreover, he put this thing on Ye Lansheng’s bedside cruelly.

Yu Qingluo nodded, then slightly loosened the fingers holding Ye Lansheng, wiped his tears, and said softly, "It's okay, there is Aunt Qing, and Aunt Qing won't let your mother have trouble..." She paused, then frowned again, "You just said that this thing was found on the side of your bed?"

  Ye Lansheng cried for a while, and his mood gradually stabilized a lot. He was a little afraid to look at the **** veil, so he wrapped it up and put it back again.

  He knows that this is not the time for sadness and depression. His parents are still waiting for him to save his life. Even if he has hatred and anger in his heart, he must press it down.

Hearing Yu Qingluo’s questioning, his lips pressed tightly, but he nodded, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, "Yes, this thing was put on my bedside early in the morning. I don’t know who it is. But I think that if that person can come and go freely in the mansion and can approach my yard, he must be a man in the mansion, and he may also be powerful in martial arts. And he gave me this thing, he will inevitably monitor me Every move, so I dare not talk to Nan Nan."

   "So you plan to take the risk alone?" Nan Nan disagrees very much, and it's fine if you don't tell him, actually he plans to go alone.

  Ye Lansheng glanced back at him, his eyes contained the pampering for Nannan, the kind of pampering for his younger brother.

  As I looked at Nannan, I felt warm and could not say anything.

Ye Lansheng went to hold his little hand, but the smile on his face was a bit bleak, "Although I am young, I understand some things. I know that the man who made me trick Nan Nan out must be threatened by Nan Nan. Uncle Wu and Aunt Qing. I am very aware of Wu Shu's love for Nan Nan. I care, they use Nan Nan to threaten Wu Shu, and they will succeed."

"Now that war is tight, there are so many people who are ignoring their lives to guard Feng Cangguo. I am a descendant of the royal family, how can I hold back? Uncle Qi is ambitious and cruel, perhaps smarter than my father, but it is not suitable for that position. Mingjun, he is in power, and the people will definitely not have a good life in the future."

"But, I can't do nothing and wait for them to give me...mother's corpse at sunset. I know that I am not good at it, and I don't have much abilities, but I just stay with my parents... Okay. Even if they can't be saved, the family will be together... at least they won't be lonely."

"Uncle Wu and Aunt Qing are kind to me, I remember that I can't do ungrateful things. What's more, I sincerely treat Nan Nan as my beloved brother, how can I be willing to hurt him? What?"

  Yu Qingluo was shocked when she heard it. This kid was planning to sacrifice his life to protect Nan Nan.

Nan Nan hugged him directly, crying tears and running nose, "Xiao Shengsheng, in the future, I will treat you well in the future, and I will never let you down. I will give you all the good things I have, what's delicious? It will definitely be divided into half for you, and we will never be separated."

   "..." Yu Qingluo sighed secretly, Nan Nan, speak carefully.

  Ye Lansheng laughed, but the tears kept falling, "I wanted to secretly walk through the back door, but you didn't expect to find it."

  He was too nervous, Nan Nan was so sensitive, and his unnatural appearance must have made him suspicious.

  It’s just that when he saw his mother’s finger, how could he still calm down.

  The only thought is to see my mother as soon as possible, go to her as soon as possible, and be together anyway.

  After Nan Nan appeared, he really had the urge to tell him about it. Just thinking that someone could appear in his room silently and put such a few things on him, his whole body was chilled, and he felt as if there were several pairs of eyes staring at him in the dark, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Yu Qingluo glanced at the two of them, and then whispered, "Lan Sheng, the most urgent task now is to rescue your parents. I guess there will be someone in this mansion, and someone outside the mansion should be there to respond. You took Nan Nan to leave the Palace of Xiu, Just pretend that you lied to Nannan to go to Bezhuang, and leave the rest to Aunt Qing."

   Ye Lansheng was taken aback, "But...this way Nannan is too dangerous."

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