Yu Qingluo can understand that the two of them are weak and weak, one has no power to bind the chicken, and the other is injured, so they can only be cautious.

  If it weren't for the emergency situation of the three princes, I am afraid that the three princes would take them around here and wait until safety is confirmed before leaving quietly.

Yu Qingluo nodded to the two of them, "You go back to the palace first, and ask Mo Xian to find a doctor to do emergency treatment for the third prince. Fortunately, the third prince was not injured. I gave him medicine again. I’ll be fine after a short rest. I’ll save my second wife first. If you have anything, let’s talk about it when we go back home."

  The third princess nodded, "Yes, but where are you going to save your second wife? We don't even know where they caught people."

   "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

  "Then, you must be careful, you must save the second wife, and the wolf-hearted abandoned prince, you must not spare him."

  Yuqing gave an "en" and then jumped off the carriage.

  Not far away, a horse-drawn carriage drove over quickly, and Lu Lanfeng did not jump off the horse-drawn carriage until he was approaching him.

  He just carried the three princes onto the carriage, he quickly went to Biezhuang to inquire about the situation, his feet were fast, and he immediately found out the situation. Then he went to the stable of Biezhuang and set up another carriage, but when he jumped from the carriage, his face was very heavy.

   "...no one's life." Even if it is a person like Lu Lanfeng who is in the rivers and lakes, when he sees the miserable situation in Biezhuang, he can't help but tremble.

   Yuqing's eyes darkened, and her teeth suddenly became important.

  After a long time, she calmed down and said in a low voice, "Wait, wait until the second sister-in-law is rescued, we will come back again... and buried them."

   "En." Lu Lanfeng took a deep breath, but he was a little away from Biezhuang, and he still felt that the smell of blood was still floating on the tip of his nose.

   "Let's go." Yu Qingluo didn't hesitate anymore. Nan Nan, Ye Lancheng, and Xu Rou are still waiting for them at this moment, and there is no time to be sad here.

  Yu Qingluo left the ordinary royal coachman to the third prince and the third concubine. Here, Qin twisted to drive the car. After saying goodbye to their husband and wife, they all got on the carriage.

  Wait until the three princes and the others were far away, she put down Sayuri.

   Sayuri twisted her body and crawled quickly. It seems that he also knows his master's urgent mood, and the speed is even faster than usual.

  Qin twisted his horse whip violently, and immediately drove up to follow Sayuri.

  Yu Qingluo closed her eyes slightly, and she didn't know what happened to Nan Nan now. I only hope that the distance between them will not be too far, so that they can catch up as soon as possible.

  Although the little guy has good skills, he is afraid of rescuing Xu Rou from those who kill people without blinking. It is somewhat difficult.

  And...the most important thing is that they don’t know...the waste prince...is the culprit.

  That is Ye Lansheng’s father. Ye Lansheng will not be guarded against him. If the abandoned prince is too vicious, and even his own son is killed, then where do they have a chance of winning?

  Yu Qingluo is worried about Nannan, and Nannan is also worried about Yuqingluo at this moment.

  I don’t know where the carriage is going. Why hasn’t it stopped for so long?

The little guy was a little tired of pretending to be pajamas, so he woke up quietly, panting and cursing at the man in black who was driving the carriage with his back facing him, "You bastard, where are you going to take the young man? I warn you, my father is Lord Xiu, if he provokes him, none of you will have good fruit."

   said, turned his head and stared at Ye Lansheng fiercely, "And you, do you dare to betray me, I tell you, when I have strength, I will be the first to settle accounts with you."

  Ye Lansheng was originally worried, but Nan Nan pretended to sleep, but Xu Rou's figure was all in his heart, and he was always worried, worried, and afraid.

  He didn't know what he was going to face, but his mother had already faced a cruelty.

  Now Nan Nan suddenly saw the spear aimed at him, Ye Lansheng was stunned on the spot. Seeing that he started cursing again, he immediately started acting with him, and the anxiety in his heart was immediately washed away.

   "Nannan, you, you should worry about yourself. I am sorry for you, I will make up for it in the future."

   "What to make up for? Will you burn more paper?"

   "Nannan!!!" Ye Lansheng frowned. Although it was acting, he didn't want him to say that and curse himself.

  Nan Nan rolled his eyes and glared at him, please, they are in a scolding war, a scolding war, this kind of hatred and scolding can speak everything in the first place, the more ruthless the better. Xiao Shengsheng is really bad, the acting is too clumsy, and I need to educate him well when I look back.

  The man in black who drove in front of the car snorted, "Don't worry, you will know what you are going to do right away, and we will be there soon."

Nan Nan snorted coldly, "You still worry about yourself, my father is very good."

   "The little kid is a kid, and he's still so naive now. You are all in our hands, how good is your father? He has the ability to show up and stand in front of me now and save you."

   "You..." Nan Nan was furious, "My father can settle accounts after autumn."

  The man in black laughed loudly, flicked the whip, the carriage sped up, and the car bumped.

  Nan Nan leaned back and immediately hit his head.

  Ye Lansheng almost flew out of the carriage. Fortunately, he grabbed the door frame in time, but he gave the man in black a little dissatisfied, "Can't you just drive the car?"

   "Huh." The man in black snorted again. These two little things have reached this point, thinking that they are so great, and they are still the masters.

  Now he can drive the car as he wants. Anyway, according to his idea, when he meets the master, these two little things will not be dead.

  Nan Nan wanted to cover his head that was hurt, but now he is a little sheep who has been drugged. He seems to be unable to move, so he can only bite his face and he doesn’t even want to say anything.

  Somehow the carriage was quiet for a while, and after a while, the speed of the carriage gradually slowed down.

   Immediately after, the man in black pulled the reins to stop the horse.

   Then he hugged Nan Nan down, and said to Ye Lansheng, "Keep up." Then he walked inside.

  Ye Lansheng ran up in a hurry, and in front of him was a simple farmyard, which was also very remote.

  Although there are several houses nearby, it seems to be quiet and unoccupied.

  The black-clothed man directly hugged Nan Nan and walked into the yard. As soon as he stepped into the house with his legs, he suddenly stopped after he shouted "Master".

  Looking at the people in the yard, he took a sigh of relief and stood in the yard stupefied.

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