The grass was pulled apart, a small head poked out, and looked at Fan Pingyun with a smile, "Second brother."

  Fan Pingyun glanced at her, frowned, "Why are you... this outfit?"

Fan Xiaoxiao was dirty, dusty on her face, and black. She was dressed in the clothes of her servants, or men's clothing. He also wore a small hat on her head, which covered her black and beautiful hair. In the little gray hat.

  Ye Lansheng hurriedly replied for her, “Uncle Fan, Miss Sister, Miss Sister dressed up as a coachman to protect us.”

  Fan Pingyun was taken aback, and suddenly he thought that Ye Lansheng had said that the man in black who had captured Nannan had kicked off the coachman in their carriage before driving over.

  That coachman... is it Fan Xiaoxiao?

  Fan Xiaoxiao smiled, limply walked out.

"Second brother, you can't blame me this time. It was Sister Yu who said that I was small and it was the most suitable to dress up as a small servant. Moreover, I was a raw face, not easy to be dismantled, and also, my martial arts is strong, this mission Who am I? I also want to save people, but it's not fun."

  Of course, Yu Qingluo also said to her that she was young and hadn't developed...feminine characteristics were not obvious.

  For this sentence, she almost quit.

  Hmph, if it wasn't for Shen Ying, she wouldn't do this thankless thing.

  Fan Pingyun stroked her forehead, did not say much, just looked at her walking posture...

   "What happened to your feet?"

   "Hey, brother, this is a long story."

   "Then make a long story short."

  "..." Is it her brother and sister who are hurt? I don't know if I should take pity on Xiangyu and comfort her.

Fan Xiaoxiao gave him an angry look, then walked to sit on the big rock aside, and said with a sigh, "I pretended to be hit by him and fell off the carriage. When the carriage left, I Just followed. But you also know that the carriage is running fast. Although I am very light, it takes strength to run such a long distance? As a result, the **** thing was originally running in the carriage, but it was inexplicable. Suddenly stopped."

  Ye Lansheng suddenly remembered that when the man in black took out the dagger and slashed Nannan, the carriage had indeed stopped.

   "I was so excited that I was flying at the time. I didn't expect that the carriage would suddenly stop. I was afraid of being exposed, so I hurriedly stopped. I didn't expect to give my feet to me." Fan Xiaoxiao was indignant.

   "..." Fan Pingyun sighed silently.

Fan Xiaoxiao should not be able to see, "Later, I took advantage of the black man not paying attention, and hid under the carriage, and followed all the way here. Only when I was about to arrive, I hid again, intending to find out the situation first. Besides. I didn’t expect to see you, so I didn’t show up. I would hide here and look at my feet first.”

  Fan Pingyun glanced at her foot, it was indeed very red and swollen.

  He lifted the hem of his robe and squatted down, clutching her ankle, frowning slightly. Suddenly raised his head and said, "Grit your teeth and endure, don't make a sound."

  Fan Xiaoxiao knew what he was going to do, and was frightened for a while, “Second brother, second brother is no longer needed, I’ll just do it myself. Well, what about Nannan? How about Nannan? Is there any danger?"

  Fan Pingyun ignored her, put a veil into her mouth, grabbed her ankle and rubbed it fiercely.

  The sweat on Fan Xiao's small forehead came out, but he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

   Ye Lansheng saw this, thinking about helping her divert her attention, and hurriedly answering his questions, “Nan Nan was taken into the house, and I don’t know what’s going on inside, I’m very worried about him.”

  He was originally trying to relieve Fan Xiaoxiao’s pain, but when he said this, he couldn’t help worrying and turned his head to look in the direction of the house.

  The house was very quiet. After Nan Nan was taken into the house by the man in black, he was directly placed in a corner to the side.

  He raised his eyes and glanced at the house, and found that there was a small room on the left, and a low voice came from inside.

  He listened carefully for a while, it seemed that it was Aunt Rou’s voice, a bit painful.

  Nan Nan is a little anxious, is it because her finger was broken, and these people didn't treat her at all? That waste prince was too damning, he really wanted to cut off all his fingers.

  Nan Nan is indignant, but fortunately, reason is still there. He came to save people. He originally planned to delay time waiting for his mother, but now Daddy is here, it's the same.

  It’s just that although he wanted to act, he also knew very well that the expressionless people in black in the room were all masters.

  He has no problem dealing with two or three, but with so many, he certainly can't take advantage of it.

  Don’t be able to save Aunt Rou by the time, instead you will harm her.

   And he hasn't seen Aunt Rou's face until now, and he is not sure if the person inside is her.

"Hey." Nan Nan called the man in black just now. The man in black was originally the fourth prince and the guard of the Jincheng Garden. Although he has some skills, he is not very tall, and compares with the others inside , Is the weakest.

   Therefore, standing in this room, he was a little out of place with other expressionless people, and seemed very uncomfortable.

   Nan Nan called him, but it made him relax. When Even shook his head and walked to him, he sneered, "Why? Want me to stab you?"

  In fact, he was just talking about this. The people here are better than him. None of these people said that he wanted to Zannan. In fact, he didn't dare to act, and he was just a fake tiger.

   Nan Nan rolled his eyes. Now that Dad is outside, he is not afraid at all.

   "I want to pee." Nan Nan's voice sounded angrily, but the pitch rose a little.

   "Hold it." The man in black sneered.

  But as soon as he finished speaking, the others in the room looked at him coldly.

  The man in black shrank his neck and said with a flattering smile, “I’ll take the kid, I’ll go.”

   As he said, he gave Nan Nan a vicious look, and reached out his hand to hug Nan Nan. But these people don't give face to the Fourth Prince. What if he is the Seventh Prince, is he also the confidant of the Fourth Prince?

  Nan Nan didn’t know what he was thinking about, but just glanced inside when he passed the door of the room on the left. Sure enough, I saw Xu Rou's figure, but she looked a little haggard, there were blood stains on her clothes, and her hair was messy.

  Nan Nan felt a little uncomfortable, but still took a deep breath, letting the man in black see him and carried him to the pail in the room on the right.

   "Pee, I want to see what tricks you can do."

   Nan Nan pouted, what tricks can he play? He was so behaved and cooperative all the way.

   was thinking about it, and found something strange at her feet. When she looked down, she saw Sayuri.

  The corners of Nan Nan’s mouth twitched unconsciously, mother came...

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