Nan Nan was anxious and wanted to go and take a look immediately.

  I just controlled my anxiety in the end and suppressed my emotions.

  The man in black hugged her directly next to Xu Rou, let go of her hand, and raised her eyebrows to look towards Nannan.

  Nan Nan actually does not know how to heal, although it will be affected by ears and eyes, and he also knows how to deal with some emergencies. But if you want to tell others to get the pulse, he is

  However, he has met Yu Qingluo's side more than once in the case of hitting the wall. Although he has never dealt with it, he knows the steps.

   And he could see that Xu Rou's head wound was not big, but there was more blood on her body.

Nan Nan moved closer to the wound on her head and looked at it carefully.

  唔, the wound is really different from what he has encountered before, not so deep. The last time my mother treated a woman who hit the wall, the wound of that person was much more serious than that of Aunt Rou. But my mother said that there was no major problem. The woman had no worries about her life, and she simply treated the wound. It was clean, the head was bandaged, and some medicine was prescribed for a good rest.

  In comparison, Aunt Rou’s head injury should not be too severe.

  Her weakness seems to be more caused by excessive blood loss. Since he was losing too much blood, he would definitely not have much strength, and he wouldn't have too much strength to hit a wall.

  In addition, the waste prince has blocked it, and the wound on the head is actually not a big problem.

  Nan Nan was making comparisons in his heart. Although he didn't dare to be too sure, he could still feel relieved. Now it is necessary to wait for the mother and father to come and rescue the person before they can be handed over to the mother for medical treatment.


   "You have to treat the wound on her head first, and the wound on her hand should be treated too, otherwise the wound will be infected, will have a high fever, and still be dead."

  Nan Nan tried his best to make his tone sound like a professional doctor. Anyway, he heard a lot of these words from his mother.

  The few people in the room looked at each other. They naturally knew that they were all martial arts practitioners, and injuries and bruises on their bodies were inevitable. They would not always be followed by a doctor. They usually dealt with them on their own.

  Let Nan Nan come in, just thinking that he might inherit the mantle of the ghost doctor and give Xu Rou the pulse so that he won’t worry about his life.

Nan Nan watched them not moving, and snorted, "Don't you know what infection means? I tell you, there are people in this world who die because of a little bit of small wounds that are not treated. There are people who learn martial arts. How many people died under a high fever? I don’t need to talk about it. Your resistance and immunity are strong, but the second prince and concubine is just a weak woman. She was injured several times and in such a not-so-clean house. You are surrounded by sweaty people, the air is not circulating, bacteria breed, and the wound will rot by then, maybe even you will be infected."

  What bacteria and what breeds? It seems to be some professional terminology.

  The people in the room squinted their eyes, but treating the wound would not do them any harm. And this little thing was right. Several of them suffered minor injuries but failed to deal with them in time, so that the high fever did not go away and eventually died.

  So soon someone will prepare water and gauze as Nan Nan said.

  It was the man in black, who sneered looking at the back of those people. Look down on him? Look down on the four princes? He still makes them obedient.

The waste prince beside    stared at Nan Nan steadily. Several times he wanted to come forward, but was blocked by the man in black.

  Xu Rou was very weak, but she woke up slowly and saw Nan Nan by her side. She apologized and wanted to touch him.

  Nan Nan’s gaze fell on her slender finger that was wrapped, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry... Nan Nan, don't you, don't blame Lan Sheng... He was trying to save me, but I made him tired." Xu Rou really didn't believe Ye Lan Sheng would do anything to hurt Nan Nan, but Nan Nan was just right now. In front of him, it seemed that his body was soft and restrained by others.

   Even if she doesn’t believe it anymore, she has to accept reality.

  Nannan is now in the mouth of a tiger, but how to get out?

  Nan Nan wanted to tell her clearly, but there were people around him, and he couldn't say anything. He just turned his head and looked at the room, hummed softly, pretending to be disdainful.

  Xu Rou's face turned white, "Nan Nan..."

  "Don’t tell me that there are those that are not. I will save you today, just because you were good to me before. But, now we are both grievances and grievances."


"What are you? I see you being as hypocritical as Ye Lansheng, and I feel uncomfortable. People like you, compared with San Shu Ye Lanwei and others, are more like true temperament, huh, I am now Appreciate them."

  Nan Nan said, turning his head again, and suddenly said to the man in black, "You take me to find the three uncles and three aunts. I don't want to stay with these two people. I want to see the three uncles and three aunts."

  The face of the man in black changed. Before he could speak, he heard Xu Rou speak, “Nannan, your third uncle and aunt weren’t caught, they fled.”

   Nan Nan was secretly happy, no wonder the people who didn't see them had escaped.

  That would be easy, which means that only Aunt Rou is the only one they want to save.

   Anyway, the prince is so bad, there is no need to save it. He has the skills himself, so it's no problem to get out of the siege.

  It is that Aunt Rou is too weak to be saved.

Although I have already thought a lot in my heart, watching Nan Nan look at Xu Rou, his face is full of disgust, "Oh, so they escaped. Haha, I know that good people are rewarded. They will not betray me and daddy. Mother, so God is kind to them. Unlike some people, tusk..."

   He said, and after taking a look at Xu Rou, he moved his gaze to the waste prince.

  The waste prince looked at this contemptuous little eyes, and immediately couldn't bear it, "Who are you talking about? They are good people and get rewarded, you mean I will thunder and smash?"

   Hum, it turns out that he still knows himself.

   "Just talk about you, just talk about you, what's the matter? People like you will thunder and strike every day."

   "You stinky boy, I wanted to deal with you a long time ago, and now you fall into my hands, let's see how I can deal with you."

  The waste prince stared at Nan Nan with dark eyes. He used to be angry with Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo, but now this kid has no resistance and can just teach him a good lesson.

Nan Nan stared at the waste prince provocatively, "It depends on you? It depends on you? What do you think you are? When did I fall into your hands? Just like you, is it possible that you still think you have the ability to catch Live me?"

  The waste prince heard this, and became even more angry, and rushed towards Nan Nan.

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