When she saw Wentian's figure earlier, Yu Qingluo was also shocked.

  She did not expect Wentian, who should be in the Mongolian nationality, to suddenly appear here.

  According to the truth, this city gate had been closed many days ago, and Wentian appeared here at this time, which made him very surprised.

   "I came back the day before the city gate was closed." Wen Tian probably also wanted to break some of the blows that Peng Ying's spies had brought him. Yu Qingluo asked him to speak, and he answered honestly.

"Hong Ye came back with me. The first day I came back, I went back to repair the palace." Wen Tian smiled bitterly. "I just ran into the prince at the door. The prince said that the mansion is not safe and that Hongye's injuries were not complete. Don’t live in Xiuwang’s Mansion for now. Stay outside for a few days."

  They are recovering from their wounds in the Mongols, but they shouldn’t have arrived in such a hurry.

  It's just that Hongye is worried, always restless, and has been restless, and has to rush back anyway.

  It happened that he was also unstable, always thinking about the situation in the imperial capital, and could not sleep all night.

   So just after the doctor Qiongshan said that Hongye was ready to go, they went back to the imperial capital without stopping.

  Originally, Grandma Ge was also going to come back, but she was still persuaded by Madam Ge, after all, Grandma Ge was old and her body was not good enough, so she returned to the Imperial City in this way but she would still drag her back.

   Therefore, Hongye and Wentian went into battle lightly and rushed back all the way.

  Unexpectedly, when he came back, the situation in the imperial capital was already so serious. They returned to the Palace of Xiu at that time, but they were stopped by Ye Xiu alone.

  Ye Xiu Du said that now that Wang Mansion has become a goal, there may be danger at any time.

  Ye Xiu Duo means that no one knows that they have returned to the imperial capital. It would be better to live outside. If the palace is in danger, it will be more convenient for them to do things outside.

  Wen Tian naturally obeyed the orders given by the prince.

  It happened that Hongye was rushing all the way, and the injuries on his body were a bit split. It can't help much at the moment, but it will become a burden. He took Hongye to live in a farmhouse, waiting for Ye Xiu's order at any time.

  In order to hide their traces, not too many people were allowed to know that they were coming back. Except for Ye Xiudu, they did not have any contact with any acquaintances, including Yu Qingluo... and Peng Ying.

  Until today, when he went out to buy things, he heard someone say that Lord Xiu, who was in charge of the war at the city gate, had suddenly disappeared. He became anxious and eagerly went to the outside of Wang Xiu's mansion to inquire about the situation.

   but it happened to meet Mo Xian's stern look and Fan Xiuyun's figure with Concubine Meng in the carriage. When Fan Xiujun left in the carriage, a small servant rushed over and said to Mo Xian that something had been found in the small servant's room for Peng Ying.

  Mo Xian cursed on the spot, Peng Ying, a traitor.

  Wen Tian heard these words, people were a little confused, and the hidden figure was also exposed.

  Mo Xian's eyes were sharp, and he immediately spotted him.

  Wait when the two met, Wen Tian looked excited and asked him what exactly did that sentence mean?

  Mo Xian took him to see Shen Ying lying on the bed, and Wen Tian fully understood that the man who had been with his brother for many years was a traitor, a spy, and a poisonous snake that had been hidden by them for many years.

  Potian's anger burned Wentian's reason, and he was going to find Peng Ying to settle accounts.

  Mo Xian could not stop him, Wen Tian was at a loss for a moment after he rushed out of the Palace of Xiuwang.

  When she calmed down, she remembered that Peng Ying was working for Concubine Meng, and just now, Fan Xiuyun took Concubine Meng and left in a carriage.

  He just wanted to follow this clue to look for it, and Fan Xiuyun, the carriage he was driving, hadn't hidden a trace on the road. For him, time is urgent and it is no longer necessary.

  Wen Tian followed the trail of the carriage all the way, and as soon as he arrived, he saw Peng Ying who was about to escape.

  He hadn't digested the news he heard for a while, but stood in the dark for a long time, until Fan Xiaoxiao was injured, and he could not bear to block his way.

  It's just that... Seeing Peng Ying like this, Wen Tian is in a complicated mood and doesn't know what to do.

  Yu Qing finished listening, and sighed slightly.

Wen Tian wiped his face and smiled, "I just know today, why the prince asked me to take Hongye to find a remote place to live when he saw me, and don’t contact anyone. After all, Peng Ying is a spy, and I...have that kind of relationship with him."

   "You think too much." A cold voice sounded from the edge of the carriage.

  Yu Qingluo and Wen Tian turned their heads at the same time, and they saw that Ye Xiu's straight body didn't know when he had come over.

  He glanced at Wen Tian lightly, his tone still very cold, "Peng Ying is a spy and has nothing to do with you. This king wants to deal with Peng Ying, and I don't want you to embarrass him."

   As he said, he immediately lifted his robe and got into the carriage, and by the way, he also took Yu Qingluo in.

Yu Qingluo laughed, leaning in his ears to make fun of him, but the volume did not lower, "You just say that you trust Wentian very much, and you won't feel susceptible to him just because he and Peng Ying are cousins. That's it, why bother to make mistakes?"

  Wen Tian on the outside naturally heard this. After he was slightly startled, his expression was inexplicably relaxed, and even the corners of his mouth evoked a smile.

  Ye Xiuduo glared at Yu Qingluo with some irritation, "Just you talk a lot."

   "Daddy, I actually trust Uncle Wen a lot." Nan Nan was unwilling to be lonely, and immediately squeezed his little head and squeezed to the side of his parents.

   was indignant. Why didn't my parents hold back at all today? Although the carriage area is a bit smaller, there are others in the carriage.

  Really, he, being a son, also broke his heart.

  Yu Qingluo pushed his head aside and snorted coldly, "It's alright, what do you say to Uncle Wen, what do you say to me?"

  Nannan really opened the curtain and sat side by side with Wen Tian. The little adult patted his shoulder like an adult, and said with a smile, "Uncle Wen, you really trust you."

  Wen Tian saw his desperate appearance, his depressed mood finally improved a lot, and he touched his head with a smile, "Well, Uncle Wen understands, thank you Nan Nan."

   "No thanks." Nan Nan said, picking up the driving curtain and climbing in.

  When the car curtain was lifted, Yu Qingluo happened to see the Left Guardian walking outside. She was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that she still had a lot of questions about this inexplicable Left Guardian.

  Thinking, she turned her head to look at Ye Xiu Duo, “How come Yufengtang’s Zuo Hufa became a gang with you? How did you know this person? How could he help you?”

   Ye Xiu heard this alone, but raised her eyebrows to look at her, and laughed inexplicably, "I have to thank you for this matter."

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