was talking, the carriage had stopped.

  Yu Qingluo's questioning also stopped, but Ye Xiudu laughed, "How can Meng Xin become the right guardian of Yufengtang? Just go in and ask."

  The curtain was opened, Nan Nan took the lead to get up from Ye Xiudu's arms and jump straight down.

What you see is an ordinary courtyard with two people guarding the door, their eyes are like torches. When they see Ye Xiu alone come down, they look at each other and immediately come forward, with a very respectful and polite attitude, "Master, you Coming? The hall master and Zuo Hufa have been waiting in there for a long time."

   Ye Xiu nodded alone, and walked inside with Yu Qingluo and Nan Nan.

  But as soon as he entered the door, he saw the left guardian with a long gray beard greeted him with a smile from a distance.

   "The Lord Xiu really kept his promise, but he didn't expect to come so soon, but it made this protector very surprised."

  "Unhappy, unhappy, we all ate dinner before coming." Nan Nan quickly replied.

  "..." The corner of Zuo Fa's mouth twitched, watching Nan Nan tilting his head and looking innocent, he could only look up at the sky.

   Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo held back a smile, coughed slightly, and laughed, “Left guardian will take us to see Hall Master Ning.”

  Zuo Hufa just glanced at Nan Nan and led the two into the house inside.

   Nan Nan was baffled by his glance, scratching his head, and his small body trembled involuntarily.

  The look in the eyes of this left guardian...something terrifying.

  The group of people entered the room and saw that Hall Master Ning was sitting leaning on the head of the bed with his eyes closed, calming, looking very tired.

  Yu Qingluo took a look and knew that although Ye Xiu's life-saving pill was available, the foundation was hurt, and Hall Master Ning could not recover in a short time.

  Left Guardian stepped forward and whispered in the ear of Hall Master Ning.

   Hall Master Ning opened his eyes, shifted his eyes slightly, and looked towards Ye Xiudu, "Master Xiu, you are here."

   "Palace Master Ning, don't come here unharmed." Ye Xiu brought Yu Qing forward and introduced, "This is Qing'er, that is, the ghost doctor young girl rumored to be outside."

   Hall Master Ning then set his gaze on Yu Qingluo's body, and took a closer look.

  Yuqing fell with clear eyes, smiled and nodded at him.

   "I knew that Ghost Doctor Young Lady is a young and beautiful woman, but I didn't expect it to look so young. This is what I can achieve at such an age. Lord Xiu... a good blessing."

  Yu Qingluo was slightly surprised. For the first time she met, she was still a man of high authority in this era. She really liked this kind of words that clearly elevated the status of a woman.

  She raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Ye Xiudu triumphantly, her eyes seemed to say, if you hear it, he said that it is your blessing that you have me.

  Ye Xiu Du looked at her helplessly, Qing'er sometimes looked a little bit, she was exactly the same as Nan Nan, just like the appearance of raising her tail at this moment.

  Yuqing was finished, so he sat down on the edge of the bed happily, and said actively, "The complexion of Hall Master Ning is not very good, let me show it to Hall Master Ning."

   "I have work."

   Ye Xiu shook her head with a smile. Hall Master Ning is really an old fox, knowing that the initiative is now in Qing'er's hands, but she slapped her flattery without a trace.

  It is rare for Qinger to see a complete stranger willingly to see a doctor so happily.

  Ye Xiu sat on a stool alone, and finally took a light sip of the tea that Zuo Hufa handed over.

  After a while, he asked in a low voice, "Pall Master Ning, presumably Zuo Hufa has already told you about today's affairs. This king has something to confirm with Hall Master Ning."

  I didn’t want to ask, just to confirm, to confirm what he was thinking.

   "Confirm?" Hall Master Ning laughed, "Please say, Lord Xiu."

   "Meng Xin should be the imperial palace that has been advancing for 35 years."

"Indeed." Yu Qingluo was giving the acupuncture to Hall Master Ning. His heartstrings were a little tight. He felt that under her movements, his body suddenly relaxed, and his speech became clearer and clearer. "He is in Yufengtang. The name is not called Meng Xin. Back then, it was also an income from the old hall master. Meng Xin has a good talent. He met the old hall master when he was out. He said he was an orphan, and the old hall master brought him and his brother back. ."

Having said that, Hall Master Ning laughed, "Actually, with the cautious nature of the old Hall Master, I am afraid that it has been discovered that Meng Xin is a member of the Mongolian ethnic group. I just reluctant to bear it, so I always pretended not to know. In addition, Meng Xin was very well-behaved in those years and never returned to the Mongols. He was very filial to the old hall master, and the old hall master loved him very much, so he never told anyone about his identity and origin. It also gave him a lot of power, allowing him to lay the foundation for becoming a rightist guardian in the future."

   "It's just that, what the old hall master didn't expect is that Meng Xin is not satisfied with the position of right guardian."

  Yu Qingluo withdrew a needle and said faintly, “When people are old, they become confused when they do things. Sometimes they decide things based on their likes and dislikes.”

   Hall Master Ning gave a wry smile, “Indeed, I heard that the old Hall Master was vigorous and resolute when he was young, and he did everything simply and decisively and was very courageous.”

  Yu Qingluo shrugged, how many people have always been like this? Isn't it the emperor who tried his best when he was young, and when he was old, he would have fun and indulge, and was scolded by posterity as dogs?

"I also found out about him and Concubine Meng before I was murdered." Hall Master Ning looked at the fine needle on the back of his hand, and felt that the needle went down and felt a little more comfortable, so he continued, "Concubine Meng years ago. He left the Mongols and met the two Meng Xin brothers. They met earlier than the old hall master. The three of them were still young, and they were all lonely and helpless, but they became dependent on each other."

At that time, Meng Xin and Meng Po did not hide the old hall master’s identity as a Mongolian, but they hid the whereabouts of Concubine Meng to death, without letting anyone discover her, but after a while, it would make others. Secretly give her money to live a life.

At that time, both Meng Xin were studying martial arts in Yufengtang, and they stayed in Yufengtang almost every day, so they didn’t have much time to meet with Concubine Meng. In addition, the three of them were still young and saw one in a year. Two sides, and in order not to be discovered, he was in a hurry, and couldn't even say a few words, so the feelings were still clean and pure.

  In those few years, the elders of the clan have been looking for Concubine Meng.

   was found later and brought the people back to the Mongols.

  The clan elder at the time really wanted to make up for her, but he did not expect that as soon as the Meng imperial concubine returned to the Mong people, he encountered the matter of the Emperor Fengcang country choosing his concubine from the Mong people. <

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