Ye Xiu froze for a while, still closed his eyes, and his voice was low and unusually low, "I will never tolerate the traitor, even if he has been with me for many years."

  He has experienced so many things since he was a child, and he knows what a traitor means.

  Peng Ying’s performance obviously did not mean any repentance. What's more, he has never worried about the feelings of Shen Ying Wentian for many years.

  This kind of person, once let go, he will still make trouble, even if his hands and feet are useless, it is the same.

  He couldn't use the lives of people around him to gamble, especially with Qing'er and Nan Nan, let alone put them in any slightly dangerous situation.

   Therefore, Peng Ying will never let him go.


"After all, he has been with me for so many years, and his hamstrings and hamstrings were broken by the Left Guardian, which is a bit painful. I want him to go easier." Ye Xiudu opened his eyes and looked at the top of his head. On the bed, he whispered, "I was thinking that you would give me a medicine. The medicine that won't cause him torture, just take a sleep, it's fine. Unexpectedly, his feelings for Hongye are like that. Shen, I don't want to let him see it in a panic."

"Actually, you have fulfilled his wish, haven't you?" Yu Qingluo turned his head over, "He didn't want Hongye to see how he was when he was dying, so you simply destroyed everything in the house. The light of the light makes him walk a little more at ease."

   "En." Ye Xiu walked over alone and kissed her, "Let Hongye see it, it is also a burden to Hongye."

  Yu Qingluo smiled, and got closer to him again.

  The two spoke for a while, and Ye Xiudu's mood gradually calmed down, smelling the incense lit by Yuqingluo at the tip of his nose, he slowly fell asleep.

  When he woke up the next day, Ye Xiu Du was gone.

  Yu Qingluo frowned, sighed, and got up to eat.

   When I went to see Xu Rou, Xu Rou had already woke up, and the three princesses were there.

  Seeing Yu Qing coming over, the three princesses got up hurriedly. Now she has concealed her arrogance. Since being rescued by Yu Qingluo and Nan Nan twice, she has been full of affection for King Xiu's Mansion and has been very polite and polite to Yu Qingluo.

Yu Qingluo smiled and let her sit down and showed Xu Rou. Only then did she withdraw her hand in satisfaction and smiled, "Although her complexion looks a little bad, there are a lot of medicinal materials for nourishing blood and nourishing qi in the house, and it makes people look back. I will stew it for you and drink it, and it will grow back to the way it was before."

  Xu Rou's lips are white, but she smiles very reassuringly, "With you, no matter how bad I am, I will get better."

  Yu Qingluo was very helpful to this praise, and smiled very shyly.

  Xu Rou couldn't help laughing when she saw her look very similar to Nan Nan sometimes.

   was talking, Nan Nan and Ye Lansheng ran in together.

As soon as he entered the door, the little guy climbed directly on Yu Qingluo’s knees, sat on her lap and shouted to her, “Mother, mother, I just went to see Uncle Bao’er. Uncle has improved a lot. It’s okay. Starting today, I plan to accompany Uncle Bao’er to walk more in the yard every day, so that he can also get better and faster."

   "Okay, but you have to be quiet, your temper is too noisy."

Nan Nan was a little dissatisfied, "Mother, you despise me again. I am obviously very quiet, isn't it Aunt Rou? Nan Nan, I'm still very obedient."

Xu Rou laughed. Seeing Ye Lancheng sitting on the edge of her bed properly, she stretched out her hand. Hearing Nan Nan's words, she immediately agreed, "That's true, our Nan Nan is the most pleasing. ."

Nan Nan nodded vigorously, "Mother, did you hear that? Aunt Rou likes me very much too. Don't worry, Aunt Rou, when you get better, Xiao Shengsheng and I will accompany you for more walks. "

  Yu Qingluo looked at him speechlessly, and the three princesses who cast her eyes to the side had some enviable gazes, and paused.

"I discussed with the prince last night. Two days later, I will take Ye Lanwei to live in the mansion. There are many children in this mansion, and he also has a companion." Otherwise, he always dresses up as a little **** in the palace, not a man. thing.

What's more, the queen mother doesn't really like Ye Lanwei very much. On weekdays, she just pretends to be a little eunuch, and she doesn't want to treat Nan Nan as she does, and plays with her from time to time. In this way, it makes Ye Lanwei very lonely.

  Although there are still Concubine Liu in the palace. But although Concubine Liu is Ye Lanwei’s grandmother, she knows her temper is a bit aggressive, and she is not suitable for frequent visits to the queen dowager’s palace. She is afraid that in this troubled autumn, she will cause some things to happen, so she can do it on her own. He stayed behind closed doors in his palace, and restrained his temper.

  The three princesses were stunned after hearing this, and looked up at Yu Qingluo in shock, "Really, you can really take it over? But, doesn't it mean that he is in this mansion...isn't it suitable?"

  The three princesses actually envied Yu Qingluo and Xu Rou very much. Seeing their two sons joking around by her side, she missed Ye Lanwei very much. But the last time the third prince went crazy in the mansion, it really scared Ye Lanwei. She didn't know how to make him understand the painstaking effort the third prince did.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, “It used to be inappropriate, but now, it’s not a big problem anymore.”

  At that time, the city gate had not been closed, and the Seventh Princes were everywhere. Meng Xin was still wandering in the city, and the traitor in King Xiu's Mansion was not found.

  At that time, if Ye Lanwei was picked up in the mansion, I am afraid that Peng Ying would be the first person to start with Ye Lanwei.

   After all, the seventh prince at that time still wanted the third prince on his side.

  But now it’s different. Peng Ying is dead, and Meng Xin and Meng Guifei are gone. The people from Yufengtang stood on their side, and Concubine Kang folded in their hands.

  It can be said that the staff of the Seven Princes distributed in the city are almost removed by them.

  Currently, King Xiu’s Mansion has the secret guards of Ye Xiu alone, the killers left by Fan Pingyun, and the people of Yufengtang watching in secret, it is like a copper wall and an iron wall.

  Furthermore, there are An Fusi, Qin Jiaopiao and others in this mansion. Those people are very sensitive and sensitive to danger.

  Hongye and Wentian also returned. Jin Liuli and Ye Haoran did not live in the mansion in order to avoid suspicion, but they were always paying attention to the actions of the palace.

   Nowadays, the purchase and purchase of King Xiu's Mansion are also all taken care of by Ye Xiu's independent dark guards. The people in and out of the mansion must undergo strict inspections.

  If it is such a palace, if there are people who can be disadvantageous to a few children, then there is really no place to be safe.

  Only, Ye Xiu alone won the Seventh Prince and the Fourth Prince, and forced the soldiers back, and everything was settled. <

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