Ion Sail was taken aback, and then smiled bitterly, "I know, you are different from before, you are stronger and smarter than before. In the past six years, you have suffered a lot, I know."

"I didn't mean that." Yu Qingluo was anxious, "Yes, I was shocked six years ago. But no matter how big a shock, can you completely change a person's character? Can she forget all her previous abilities? Can she suddenly soar her grades in medicine that she didn't know about it? Can it make a person's feelings for another person disappear completely? Can a person's behavior and even habits completely change?"

Ion Fan was stunned, he naturally thought about these things. But, but... She is clearly clear.

   "But, there is a mole in your ear, I remember. You hate Zuo Lin so much, you are so good to Yu Bao'er, how could you not be clear?"

  Yu Qingluo's head started to swell and soar. How can she explain this?

   "Ion Sail, Nan Nan said you have a delicate purse? The embroidery on it must be very good, right?"

  Ion Sail nodded in a daze, "This is the year, back then you...gave it to me."

  Yu Qingluo shook his head, and pulled out a small veil from his sleeve, with a flower embroidered on it, a messy flower that really couldn't be seen.

  She handed him the veil and said, "This is the veil I embroidered yesterday."

  Ion Sail’s sight slowly moved down, landing on the piece of embroidery on the veil.

   Then his pupils shrank, and he suddenly took out his purse. Completely different levels of proficiency, completely different needle-moving methods, completely different.

  To say that these two things are embroidered by the same person, I'm afraid no one will believe it.


"Ion Fan, I can only tell you that the Yu Qingluo you like is dead, she is really dead. Yes, I am Yu Qingluo too, my body is Yu Qingluo, but I am already that Yu Qingluo who doesn’t know you, Yu Qingluo who hasn’t lived in Yu’s family, Yu Qingluo who doesn’t have a relationship with you. I am good to Yu Baoer because he is indeed my brother, I I hate it because he hurt me."

  She was talking very convoluted, maybe even she herself didn’t know what she was talking about.

  But after Ion Sail heard it, his face suddenly turned pale, staring at her in a daze, his face full of disbelief.

   After a while, he heard the corners of his lips slightly open, and asked in a erratic tone, "What do you...what do you mean?"

  "You are so smart, you should be able to understand, right?" Yu Qingluo looked at the expression on his face, and knew that he had a vague idea in his mind.

  The ion sail went backwards two steps, and the corner of his mouth reluctantly tugged, but found that it could not be tugged.

  He shook his head vigorously, "This, this is impossible, too ridiculous, too ridiculous. How could there be such a thing in the world? Impossible."

   "Perhaps, I also think this kind of thing is very absurd, I still feel a little unreal." Yu Qingluo laughed. When she first came to this world, she thought it was a dream.

  Just when she woke up at that moment, she was faced with the dilemma of giving birth. The only thought in her mind was to give birth to the baby.

   Later, looking at the child who had worked hard by herself, and seeing his frail appearance, her only thought was to heal and heal him.

  Followed, she was like this. She didn't wait until she took the time to digest and adapt, but because of Nan Nan, she had already integrated into the world.

  When I looked back, I found that it was actually quite good here. At least, in this world, she has a relative who is connected to her. Instead of being an orphan, a modern geek who only knows that he is buried in medicine, and everyone looks at him with alienated and envious eyes.

   "At the beginning I also felt that God made a joke with me, but now, this joke is too long."

   Yu Qingluo gave a wry smile and turned to look at Ion Sail.

  His eyes widened, his expression was shocked, and he hadn't recovered yet.

  For a long time, he suddenly turned around, turned his back to her and stared at the book shelf in front of him, without saying a word.

  Yu Qingluo opened her mouth slightly, but still made no sound. She thought, Ion Sail needs time to digest.

  It’s just that, after a while, she went to see Ion Sail’s shoulders obviously shrugging slightly, very subtle, if she didn’t look closely, she wouldn’t know at all.

  She still didn't say anything, just a little worried.

  The study is very quiet, only the sound of each other's breathing.

   There was a faint sound of footsteps outside the door. It seemed that someone passed by not far away and passed by again soon.

   After a while, footsteps sounded again, and it still passed quickly.

  When Yu Qingluo heard footsteps for the fifth time, half an hour had passed before the slightly hoarse voice of the ion sail suddenly sounded.

   "...why do you want to tell me this? Doesn't it make me feel that Qinglao is still alive? Give me a glimmer of hope... can't it?"

"No." Yu Qingluo replied very firmly, "You have done enough. Yu Zuo is dying, and her hatred has already been reported. What you need now is a good rest. If you still think I am The person in your heart, you will not stop, your body will collapse."

  Ion Fan laughed, still facing her back, "But now, I have no hope, maybe it's really boring."

"How can you have no hope? You are still young, and you have a long way to go. Don't you say that you think it is good to be an official? You can help many people. Among these people, there are also those who were killed like Yu Qingluo. People. I think you don’t want tragedies like Yu Qingluo to happen again, do you?"

  Ion Sail was taken aback, and finally turned around. He looked at Yu Qingluo, and frowned slightly, "You just said that I would rest."

  "When you are an official, you can naturally rest. As long as it is not for me, you don't have to go all out. You just need to do what you think you should do."

  Ion Fan was a little speechless for a moment, and he fixedly looked at Yu Qingluo again.

  Yes, it's different. She and her have very different eyes, their temperaments are different, and they even have different things that they dare to be interested in.

  It’s just that she is still Qinglao, a completely different Qinglao, but not his.

  She was right. What happened six years ago became a knot in his heart, and he didn't want that kind of tragedy to happen. I don't want someone to be chased, killed and persecuted in a place like the imperial capital.

  Ion Fan took a deep breath, then looked at Yu Qingluo, "Does Lord Xiu know about this?" <

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