The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1083: It's time to start here

  The pale and very tired parturient woman was also taken aback. Before she could speak, she heard the mother say, "This child...yes, is it a girl?"

  Yu Qingluo looked at her expression and nodded clearly.

  In this era, the notion of patriarchal patriarchy is too heavy, especially for the wives of large families, only when they have a son can they stand firm.

  Now this is a girl, and the mother's disappointed expression is normal.

  It’s just that Yu Qingluo didn’t like this very much, so she held her baby and wiped it clean gently, and then said, “The girl is also good and caring.

  Nan Nan nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes, good girls, I want my mother to give birth to me a younger sister, and I will be very good to my sister."

  The grandmother looked at them and gave a wry smile, but didn't say much.

It was the parturient who looked at the child in Yu Qingluo's hands expectantly after a moment of disappointment on her face, struggling to support herself, and asked in a low voice, "Can you give me the child and hug me? ."

  Yu Qingluo has washed the child clean, but there is no clean clothes around to wrap her.

  Hesitated for a while, and suddenly took out a small coat from his arms.

  This is still what Xiaomao asked her to do for her unborn child. She sews it just before coming to Youxiangfu, but the technique is really bad, and she can't see it. She was also afraid of staying at home and showing it to Mother Xiao, and she was going to end up nagging, so she put it away and stuffed it into her generous clothes.

  Unexpectedly, it comes in handy now.

  Although her sewing technique is not good, the material of this dress is excellent, and it is most suitable for children. It is soft and comfortable.

  She wrapped the child in a small coat, and then took the clothes in the hands of the mother and wrapped it in several layers. Only then did she carefully hugged the child to the mother. The parturient body was still too weak and her fingers were still trembling, so it is better not to hug the child.

  The child is small, and the whole body is surprisingly soft, as if she would be broken by accident.

  She was pretty cute, and after crying at the beginning, she looked left and right with grunting eyes. Finally looking at Nan Nan, he suddenly waved a small hand at him.

   Nan Nan was immediately excited, "Mother, mother, look, she seems to like me very much, her eyes are really beautiful."

  Yu Qingluo buttoned his head anger, "Okay, don't be narcissistic."

  The mother and the mother looked at the child in their arms, and they were also very happy, their eyes were soft and cautious.

  After a while, it seemed to remember when, and hurriedly raised her head to Yu Qingluo and said, "This madam, thank you so much. If it weren't for you today, I'm afraid...I am afraid that the child and this child are too bad.

  Yuqing smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just think of myself when I see you."

   "Huh?" The mother looked at her strangely.

Yu Qingluo waved her hand, "It's nothing, oh, yes, you have to take care of it when you go back." After that, she turned around, took two medicine packets from Hongye, and took out a bottle of medicine from her body. , Handed it to her, "Take this back and decoct it. This bottle of medicine is for body conditioning and good for women."

  The parturient looked at the things in her hands and was very grateful to Yu Qingluo, “Thank you, may I ask where is the madam’s house? Today’s life-saving grace, the concubine will definitely repay her.”

  Yu Qingluo has stood up and smiled, "It's nothing more than a hand, and there is no need to repay, you can take good care of the children. It's not early, we will go back first."

  Now Ye Xiudu should be back home. If he knows that he has gone to the Youxiang Mansion, he doesn’t know if he will look for it.

  The parturient still wanted to say something, but she felt dizzy as soon as she moved. After she had just given birth, she didn't dare to exert any more effort, so she could only watch Yu Qingluo walk outside.

However, Yu Qingluo stopped after walking a few steps and turned to them and said, "You seemed to say that there was a maid looking for a carriage, right? Looking for a whole afternoon, tusk, that girl doesn't seem to be very Urgent."

  The mother and the mother were both shocked. After a while, they saw that Yu Qingluo had left.

  Grandma's face sank in an instant, "Madam, Xiao Jing has indeed been there for too long, your girl is not a good thing."

  The mother did not answer, but her face became a little heavy. When he looked down at the child again, his expression softened a bit.

"Fortunately, with the help of that wife, this child was finally born safely. I don't know which wife she is in. It looks a little strange. It is not a secret to help me deliver the baby. , Don’t look at it even if you have blood."

The mother touched the little clothes on the child, pursed her lips, and said, "The material of this clothes is very comfortable to the touch. It should be the wife of a big family. The child next to her is also very delicate and temperamental. Okay, that lady must be a blessed one. By her side...Huh?"

  Grandma's words were half-talked, and suddenly she stopped.

  The parturient woman looked back and saw that the mother took out a small pendant from the child, "This thing..."

"What looks like a child was left by the little boy just now? I didn't see when he was stuffed into the baby's swaddle." The mother took a look and looked very ordinary, not like it. Very rare and precious, "After all, it was left by the benefactor, so keep it well, and there may be a chance to find them in the future and repay them well."



  At the same time, thousands of miles away in Jinglei Country, in a magnificent and luxurious mansion.

  Shangguan Jin stood with his hands behind and looked to the east.

  Soon, someone bowed and knelt down behind him, "Master."

   "How?" Shangguan Jin asked blankly.

The man’s voice was low, "The seventh and fourth princes have been captured, the imperial concubine Meng is dead, and the rebellion in the capital of Fengcang country has been put down. Now the prince is the son of the former abandoned prince, Ye Lansheng, and Ye Xiu alone is the regent. , Assisting the Crown Prince Jianguo."

  A smile appeared at the corner of Shangguan Jin’s mouth, with a hint of relaxation, as if there was a hint of sarcasm.

After a while, he asked in a low voice, "Where is her?"

   "...The Jade girl is safe and sound, and she is pregnant."

   With a sound of "pop...", the quilt on the table was slammed to the ground, making a cracking sound.

  Shangguan Jin’s face was covered with haze for an instant, and the expression of the dead man kneeling on the ground remained unchanged, but his body was obviously stiff.

  For a long time, Shangguan Jin’s mood gradually calmed down, and her tone returned to her previous appearance, “You let your people withdraw back. Now that it’s all right, you don’t need to stay there to protect.”

  He was silent, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he sneered, "On our side, it's time to start."

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