Soon after Nian Nian was born, Ye Xiu Du and Yu Qingluo got married.

  Yu Qingluo has worked hard to lose weight since she was out of confinement. This important marriage event, once in a lifetime, was so beautiful, it left a deep impression on Ye Xiudu, and was infatuated with him.

  So, on the day of the wedding, her figure returned to its usual appearance, which made her very proud for a while.

  She was married as the princess of Tianyu Kingdom. Although it is said to be a make-up wedding banquet, everyone regards her as a grand wedding.

  Not only was Fengcang Country’s hundreds of officials congratulating him, the emperor gave a great reward, and even Liuyun Country and Jinglei Country also sent envoys and gave congratulatory gifts. It's just that the gift from the envoy of Jinglei Nation made Ye Xiu Duan's eyebrows frown. It's just a stone, and I don't know where it was dug out. Shangguan Jin is really stingy.

  And Tianyu Kingdom has two princes and many heavyweights.

  Among them, it also includes Bai Yifeng, who has long wanted to come to Feng Cangguo and Mo Xian to discuss winemaking techniques.

  Following Bai Yifeng, there was also a three-year-old doll, who looked like a jade and was the son of his elder brother Bai Chufeng.

  The child was naughty. When he saw Nian Nian, his eyes seemed to be nailed to her, and he didn't move his feet.

   Nan Nan was annoyed and blocked him from touching, and his fierce look almost scared the three-year-old Baili into tears.

  Yu Qingluo felt that Bai Chufeng's heart was really not an ordinary big one, and that this child was so young that he dared to let Bai Yifeng bring him to this windy country. Well, Yu Qingluo completely forgot that he took Nan Nan to run around the world when he was old.

  Bai Lijue likes Nian Nian very much. From the time he came to Xiuwang's Mansion, he had to come over every day to compete with Nannan Yelan Weiyu Baoer and others for the opportunity to visit Nian Nian.

  It's just that he is young, Nan Nan wants to deal with him as simple as dealing with an ant.

  Niannian ignored no one, just watched the children vying for her, giggled a few times, then turned over and started sleeping. Anyway, there is an older brother, so she doesn't have to worry about anything.

On the day of the wedding, Yu Qingluo got married from a courtyard outside the city of Yexiu. Lin's mother, Xiaoying, and others dug her out of the bed early in the morning, bringing the enthusiasm of Grandma Ge Xiao and others to the sky.

   When a bright red wedding gown fell on her, the eyes of everyone around her were bright.

  Yu Qingluo did not wear this red dress, and never knew that she was very suitable for this kind of dress.

  The moment she put on her hijab, she felt nervous and uneasy like never before. She wanted Ye Xiudu to see her now, and was afraid that Ye Xiudu would see her now.

  Thinking that in the future, he will be his righteous wife and formally enter the role of qi. She feels that her whole heart is going to jump out, and she is even more agitated than when she gave birth.

  The sound of gongs and drums, firecrackers, and all kinds of noisy sounds soon sounded outside.

The two princes of Tianyu Kingdom and Bai Yifeng led the friends who came to the wedding with Yu Qingluo and blocked the gate, blocking the welcoming team.

  There is a group of children behind the door, shouting and giving out red envelopes to enter the door.

Bai Yifeng directly set up the ladder and climbed to the top of the wall, and shouted at Ye Xiu outside the door, "Master Xiu, Qingluo is the most precious Tianfu princess of our Tianyu Kingdom. We don't know how many young talents in Tianyu Kingdom want to ask. Marrying, I didn't expect you to get on board first. However, if you want to marry home today, you have to satisfy our mothers."

  Ye Xiu was alone in a bright red groom's suit, sitting on the tall horse with a straight appearance and cold arrogance. Seeing Bai Yifeng's triumphant appearance, his eyes narrowed slightly.

   However, he responded very readily, "Then you are going to talk about it, how can you be satisfied?"

   "I heard that the regent of Tianyu Kingdom Wenwu Quancai, how about we come to test you?" He said, putting his hands together and patted twice.

   Soon, someone turned out from the wall, standing in front of Ye Xiudu with cold eyes.

  The man was very burly, and when he landed on his feet, he was as if he were still on the ground, unable to shake anything.

  Bai Yifeng said, "Master Xiu, this is the master of our Heavenly Rain Nation, how about it, knock him down first, you can count as passing the first level."

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone. This is the first level. So, there are still a lot of hurdles behind?

  He was silent, looked at his clothes, and won the competition without getting dirty and messing up.

Unexpectedly, before he responded, a familiar rant came from the yard, "Young Master Bai, you are just silly, this is the princess's happy day, what is the decent way of fighting and killing? The clothes are carefully prepared. If they are stained with dust, how do you marry them? You will come down for me. You are not allowed to compare them."

  "Grandma Xiao..." Bai Yifeng's face immediately became bitter. Grandma Xiao used to serve the Queen of the Tianyu Kingdom. To them, she was majestic and worthy of their respect.

  The two princes of the Tianyu Kingdom who followed this time directly covered their mouths and hid to the side, pretending that they had never participated in anything.

  Grandma Xiao, they actually...also dare not offend.

   "Grandma Xiao, that wouldn't make it easy for Lord Xiu to marry him. Wouldn't it be cheaper for him?"

  "Then you can change to a more elegant way, anyway, you are not allowed to fight and kill." Madam Xiao gave the order unceremoniously, and finally confessed, "Also, don't delay the time."

Bai Yifeng gritted his teeth, but he didn't dare not listen to what Madam Xiao said. He could only let people from outside come back, and then said to Ye Xiudu, "Forget it, this son is not easy to use his fists on the day of rejoicing, first. Let’s go straight to the second level."

  The second level?

"What's the second level?" The sixth prince was accompanied by Ye Xiu to welcome his relatives alone. At this moment, he asked with great interest, "Wu can't be compared, then it is Kao Wen now? Is it necessary for the fifth brother to write a poem on the spot? "

  Bai Yifeng tweeted, “It’s too easy to write poems, and it’s too easy for Lord Xiu. How can it be considered a pass?”

   "Oh? What are you going to do?" The Sixth Prince gave Ye Xiu a single glance, and wondered what kind of questions the people of Tianyu Country would make to embarrass them.

"Sing, sing, sing!!!" There was a tidy shout from inside the door, and it seemed that many people were booing together, "The second level is to sing for us until we are satisfied. It’s just a pass."

  Ye Xiudu's eyes suddenly squinted, singing? Fortunately these people can even think of it.

  The sixth prince was choked for a while, this...singing in the crowd, not to mention the fifth brother, even he can't do it, and I don't know how the fifth brother will deal with it.

  If it is pushed, it will inevitably make people feel that this is not paying attention to the performance of the Princess of Tianyu Kingdom, and the performance of welcoming the relatives is not satisfactory. If you don't push... then it is also related to Feng Cangguo's face problem. <

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