In that environment, five or six robbers stood opposite her, but she was not flustered at all, and she even stood in front of her maid.

  Obviously he had no martial arts at all, but he didn't retreat in the slightest, and tried to deal with the robbers.

A girl like this is really impressive.

  Thinking of this, Ye Lansheng laughed lowly, sat back behind Yu'an, and looked at Nannan with his chin on his hand, and said, "That girl, it's really good."

  Nan Nan's face turned black and completely, and the hands hanging beside her were slightly squeezed.

   After a while, he said solemnly, "She is mine."

   Ye Lan grinned sharply, smiling very proudly, "Oh, did you finally admit it?"


   "In the palace of the queen mother that day, you walked away without looking back. I thought you would give her to me." Ye Lansheng was excited and slowly leaned against the back of his chair.

  Nan Nan frowned. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and coldly snorted, “Since you have no interest in her, why let Nian Nian visit her?”

"She may be Niannian's sister-in-law in the future, and you are so spoiled about Niannian. Of course I have to ask Niannian's opinion." Ye Lansheng smiled slyly, "Besides, I'm also very curious, the girl who made you fall in love at first sight, How is it going?"

Nan Nan glanced at him, took a few steps forward, and sat down on his large dragon chair.

  "Who told you that the last time we saw her on the outskirts of the city, was it the first time we met?"

  Ye Lansheng moved aside to make Nan Nan sit more comfortable, and was a little surprised when he heard the words, "What? Have you seen it a long time ago?"

   "When she was born, my mother delivered the baby."

  Ye Lansheng's eyes widened, staring at Nan Nan strangely.

  The eldest girl from the Lan family was delivered by Aunt Qing? how come? The girl from the Lan family was sixteen years old this year. Sixteen years ago, Aunt Qing was already in the imperial capital at that time, and she didn't say who she gave birth to.

  If there is, he should have the impression that it is the Lan family after all.

  It’s just that, looking at what Nan Nan said so positively, I feel that this matter will not be false.

   "So, you guys are really fate." Ye Lansheng sighed for a while. Is Nan Nan's marriage destined from the beginning?

   "En." Nan Nan casually picked up the pen on the table and turned it around in the palm of his hand.

  Actually, the last time he and Lan Shuiqin met in the suburbs of the city last time. Except for the time she was born 16 years ago, there was another time, two months ago.

As the hall master of Yufengtang, although no one can match in martial arts in the hall, and his resolute and resolute behavior is becoming more and more like night cultivation alone, he can be regarded as standing in the Yufengtang and has become the real in Yufengtang. Those in power.

  But there are always some old people who used to follow Hall Master Ning, who are dissatisfied with his taking on important responsibilities at a young age, and their behavior often hinders him.

  Especially since Nan Nan became the hall master, he would secretly send someone to perform some special tasks.

  For example, since Ye Lansheng became the emperor, there will be inexplicable assassinations, or some officials, squires and even royal relatives and nobles who have done a lot of evil and bullied the people but could not deal with them clearly. For these people, the South-South Association personally led them to assassinate them.

  Although, most of this is because he himself can’t used to want to move his hands and feet.

  Ke, because of this, the old people have even more excuses to criticize him.

Two months ago, Nan Nan was carrying out an execution against one of the emperor’s relatives who loved the behavior of underage girls with heinous methods. This man acted harshly, but he did not commit any laws and regulations of Feng Cangguo, and was unable to make his crimes public. World and punished.

  So, it can only be solved secretly.

Unexpectedly, the plan was known to an old man in the hall who had followed Hall Master Ning. That person actually notified the imperial relative. Although he did not give the name of Yufengtang, he also prepared the imperial relative. The mansion has assembled many masters of the world.

  As soon as Nan Nan entered his mansion, he could feel that the atmosphere inside the mansion was different, and promptly gave up the plan, turned around and left.

   just ran into a thin man while walking. The man looked weak, but after being knocked back two steps, he climbed on the door frame and stabilized, even raising his head and glaring at him.

  Only one glance, Nan Nan knew that this man was a woman disguised as a man. He had a very nice face, but he could draw the whole face tough and rough with an eyebrow pencil. I don't know how much force she used to make herself look flat, without any feminine symbol.

  This woman who pretends to be a man is Lan Shuiqi.

Nan Nan was originally going to leave. He was not interested in why she dressed up like this, but when he saw the red mole on Lan Shuiqin's unintentionally exposed arm, he finally stopped.

  There was a flash of lightning in his mind, and the child who was born in the broken house 16 years ago flashed past. There was also a red mole on his elbow, which was impressive.

  Nan Nan stayed behind, wanting to see what she was doing. If she was from this imperial family residence, it would really be... a pity.

  Unexpectedly, Lan Shuiqin did this costume because her nanny's little daughter was taken into the mansion and became one of the young daughters of the royal family.

   Lan Shui Qi... actually trying to save her.

Nan Nan felt that it was impossible, not to mention that there were guards in this mansion, Uehara, and now it is a gathering of masters of the rivers and lakes. She is a woman who does not know martial arts, want to save people? There are no doors.

  But by the way...she just rescued the people, and even made a noise and caused trouble.

  En, yes, he is the ‘innocent’ who was drawn to the body by the disaster.

  He eventually fought in that mansion, but because of this, his own plan was successfully executed.

   A combination of circumstances, she rescued people, and he completed the castration mission.

  Well, it’s just a little more effort.

But the most terrible thing is that from the beginning to the end, Lan Shuiqing didn't know his existence, probably in her impression, it was just in the process of saving people... it was just a collision with a man with extraordinary bearing and imposing imposing manner. ?

  It was the first time they met when they grew up. Although it was not love at first sight, Nan Nan was impressed.

  And the time that Ye Lansheng went to the outskirts of the city to meet Lan Shuiqing in a private visit, he saw the pendant she was holding, and he was completely sure that she was the kid back then.

  However, Nannan Thunder was furious because of the change in the plan two months ago. Originally, it was because of Hall Master Ning that he forgave the old people more. Now these people, the benefits they enjoy should also end.

  He began to rectify in Yufengtang and formulated a series of systems. As long as there is a violation of the order, there is only one end.

  So he has been very busy these two months, and the wind and rain in Yufengtang is very strange.

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