Rouge looked at the yellow paper blackened with ink, and suddenly became annoyed.

  She is really confused, how can she say these things while the lady is writing? She is very clear about how difficult it is for Miss to practice calligraphy. The master and the lady do not allow Miss to read and write at all, so they don't even buy pen, ink, paper and inkstone for her.

  The brushes and inkstones in the hands of the lady are still used by the lady with her own private money and quietly let Mother Hu go and buy them for the lady.

  There is no rice paper that can be used for writing, so the lady can only take the paper bag used for wrapping medicinal materials for the wife on weekdays and unfold it to practice writing.

  It’s better now, and she ruined a few words so well.

   "Miss..." Rouge was almost crying, "I'm sorry."

  Blue water returned to his senses, and saw the paper stained with ink on the table, and smiled, "It's okay, anyway, I'm almost done."

  She simply put away the paper and pen, and carefully put the inkstone into the box, then she cleaned her hands and sat down by the window.

  Rouge stood behind her, and it was even more annoying to see that she had not spoken.

  Blue water poured in but frowned slightly. In fact,...what Rouge said made sense.

  Her mother’s illness has been dragging on for many years. Although the doctor that father and grandmother asked for is not a quack, it is still much worse than the imperial doctors in the palace and the famous doctors in the world.

  Niang took a lot of medicine, but it didn’t seem to be good, and it has been getting worse recently.

  Ghost doctor, ghost doctor, ghost doctor! !

The two words    hit Lan Shuiqi's head again and again, as if they were deeply embedded.

  There was no normal way before, and it was really impossible to see Princess Xiu. The palace was also heavily guarded, and she couldn't mix into the palace like she was in the palace of the imperial relative who was playing with the girl.

  Nowadays, there is a rare opportunity to see Princess Xiu in a fair and honest way, how can you give it up?

  She didn't understand the character of Princess Xiu. She had only heard that the ghost doctor had a very weird temper, so she was not sure whether she would try to treat unnamed pawns like them.

  But anyway, this is a first-line opportunity.

  As long as she sees Princess Xiu, she has a glimmer of hope.

Even if Princess Xiu is unwilling to treat her mother, as long as she mentions herself a little bit and tells her how to make her mother feel better and her condition improved, this is also good for her. .

  Rouge watched her lady’s eyes change and then changed again, from the deep thinking at the beginning, to the perseverance at the back, and finally to the radiance of brilliance, as if the whole person had a little more temperament, and the mood became even more anxious.

Ms.   's thoughts are always difficult to guess. Sometimes she looks very good at talking, but sometimes she is shocked and admired by what she has done.

  Just like the last time, the lady went to rescue the wet nurse's little daughter alone. Afterwards, she knew she was shocked in a cold sweat.

  Should this kind of thing be done by the ladies of the big family? Who has the courage to run to a place where there is a lot of crisis to rescue people, if the master and madam knew about it, I don't know what it would be like.

   But, I don’t know why, seeing the young lady think of people like them, and treat them like my family. Rouge felt so touched, as if she would not hesitate to break her bones for the sake of the young lady.

  At this moment, seeing the lady being silent because of her own words, she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

After a long while, Rouge felt that the sky outside was about to darken, and she only slightly spoke out, "Little, miss, you, if you are really really unwilling to go, then let's not go, okay? "

   "No, I'm going." Lan Shuiqing stood up and looked at the sunset outside with a firm tone.

  She is not favored in Lan Mansion. Over the years, she has also understood the preference of her father and grandmother. She does not expect them to care and love for herself.

  However, her mother is the only relative she wants to protect. If even the mother died, her motivation might also be dissipated.

  So, even if you go to Prince Xiu's Mansion, you may not be able to see the princess, you may not be able to get the princess Xiu to see a doctor for your mother, and you may not be able to get a few words from her.

  But, if you don’t go, there is no hope at all. If you go, there may be a hint of possibility.

  Even if it is only a little bit, she will try it.

   Rouge’s eyes lit up, Miss is really going?

  But the next moment, her shoulders collapsed again, "But, but the lady just said that, the master and the lady may not let the lady go."

  What's more, there are two young ladies and three young ladies fanning in front of the master and the wife.

  They have always been jealous of Miss's beauty. If she is allowed to go, they will definitely feel that they have been robbed of the limelight by her, and they will ruin their thoughts.

  So, there must be a lot of resistance in front of the lady.

   Lan Shui smiled, "Didn't you say that there is me on the invitation? Since there is me, then I must go."


   "If Dad and grandmother don't want me to go, there are only a few excuses they have, and they haven't had them before."

   Rouge pursed her lips. Indeed, there were other official ladies who had sent invitations to invite several of the Lan family’s sisters to a banquet. But the master and the lady were not happy for the lady to go. It was not that the lady was ill, but that she had something to do. After several times, the official lady did not invite her in their posts.

  It’s just that in the past, the young lady had all her thoughts on her, and those official ladies really wanted to make friends with only the second and third young ladies. The young lady in their family didn't have much interest, and just followed the master and the wife.

  This time, the lady said so firmly that she was going. Is it possible that she has any idea in her heart?

  Rouge became a little excited when he thought of this, "What is the lady going to do?"

  "When is the lotus appreciation feast?"

   "Hmm, the day after tomorrow." Time is a bit tight, but because of the tightness, more people feel that this is a banquet for the emperor or Nan Shizi.

   Lan Shuiqin's eyes were bright, and he laughed, "When the day after tomorrow, you will naturally know. By the way, is the nurse back?"

   "Should be back. After she sent her little daughter to the countryside, it's almost time to return to the house."

   "Well, you help me call the nanny, I have something to ask you for help."

  Rouge immediately responded, "Okay, I will go now."

  Lan Shui Tien stood up, looked out the window, and looked at the small courtyard outside, his breathing became much lighter.

  The lotus appreciation banquet in the Palace of Xiu, she will appear, even if...There are so many people who don't want to go by herself, she will show up in front of the gate of the Palace of Xiu, dignified as a girl from the Lan family.

  [Author's digression]: Today’s update is late, there are some card texts, sorry, sorry<

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