"En?" Lan Shui was surprised.

   When she turned her head, she saw Mother Liang opened Wu's box, then took out a square box and placed it in front of Lan Shuiqing.

   Lan Shui dipped for a moment, and met Wu's eyes, Wu's slightly nodded at her, and she opened the box.

  Then his eyes lit up, and the box was actually satin, which felt smooth and comfortable. It was a good fabric for clothes.


Mr. Wu closed the box gently, and said softly, "I originally wanted to prepare it for you, and use it when you get married. But now... Since you are going out, you must always have a good outfit. Mother can’t help. I can’t hold you back at least if I’m on you?"

  Lan Shui's heart-wrenching mouth suddenly warmed, looking at the thin-faced Wu, she felt sour again.

  She knows how much her mother has for her. Now she has given her such a good thing, I am afraid that she will save it regardless of her own body.

   Lan Shui took a deep breath, grabbed Wu's hand, and whispered softly, "Mother don't worry, in the future... our days will be better in the future."

  The shop started to make money, and then she went to the princess Xiu to cure her mother’s illness. In the future, the two of them, mother and daughter, will have a good life.

  Yes, even if she asks, even if she exhausts all the means, she will also see Princess Xiu.

   Lan Shuiqin's eyes gradually became firm, and then he spoke with Wu for a while, then let Rouge hold the box and return to his small courtyard.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked outside the courtyard, she saw the maid beside the wife walking around impatiently.

   Lan Shui poured his expression on his face, and said to Rouge, "Look at the box, you go to the side and wait, and wait for her to go out again."

   "Yes." Rouge understood that this box cannot be known to Mrs. too.

  Lan Shui looked at the rouge hiding, and then she held her mother's hand, lowered her head slightly, and walked forward slowly as if she was weak.

  As soon as Caixin saw her, she immediately took a few steps forward and frowned when she looked at her shaky appearance.

"Miss." She greeted intentionally, and then said bluntly, "The madam ordered the servants to say, and the palace will hold a lotus appreciation feast in the future, and the eldest will also be invited to ask the eldest if she wants it. go with?"

do you want to go? Lan Shui lowered his eyes and sneered.

  If you go to the second and third sisters to spread the word, it is not such a problem. I am afraid that the subordinates have long been asked to prepare clothes and jewelry, and choose the chauffeur guards to follow. Where do I need to ask if I should go?

Lan Shuiqing took a deep breath in secret, then raised his face, and said weakly to Caixin, "Go back to grandmother, I am not very good for these two days, and I have a sick look. I really don't want to go to the banquet. It’s troublesome. The second sister and the third sister sue me for the crime."

  As soon as Caixin heard this, her expression brightened. Before she came, Mrs. Tai had even told her that no matter what method she used, she must dispel the idea of ​​Miss attending the banquet.

  Unexpectedly, there is no need at all, the eldest lady herself is ill.

  Thinking that you don’t need to spend more time on your own words, the attitude of heart-warming is better, but even smiled and bowed, "In this case, the lady has a good rest, and the slave and maid will go back to the lady."

   After that, she turned around and left. She couldn't wait, as if there would be a virus in this yard.

  As soon as her figure disappeared, Lan Shuiqing straightened up, narrowed his eyes, and gave a sneer.

  Rouge walked to her, very angry, "What? That chin can be pushed up into the sky. If I don't know martial arts, otherwise I will beat her to death, beat her to death, beat her to death."

   Lan Shuiqing was amused by her, took the box in her arms, and walked into the house.

  It was exactly what she had expected, and Mrs. Tai really didn't want her to attend the banquet in the Palace of Xiu.

  Now she is actively showing weakness, but it can prevent Mrs. Tai from having too much guard and defense, and she will be smoother in the future.

  For the next two days, Lan Shui Qing's door was closed tightly, and he couldn't get out for half a step. He just rushed to make clothes with Rouge and Mom Bu in the house.

As for Lan Shilang and Mrs. Tai, it was even more as if they didn’t know that she was ill. Even a doctor didn’t ask for one for her. He just happily asked people to prepare costumes for the second girl and the third girl. Go to repair the palace in the wind and glory.

  Compared with the bustle on the other side, Lan Shuiqi looks lonely and lonely here.

  Rouge was angry a few times, but after all, she had no choice but to curse in her heart that the second girl and the third girl had an accident on the road. It is best to fall out of the carriage and fall half-body unsuccessfully.

On the day of the lotus banquet, it was not only the Blue Mansion that was excited and lively. The invited mansions in the entire imperial capital seemed to have won prizes. Early in the morning, people dressed their own girls beautifully and set off for repairs. Palace.

  Blue Shuiqing also got up early in the morning. Mom Bu and Rouge were more nervous than her, and they kept choosing the few poor jewelry in her dressing box.

   Lan Shui was helpless, "What are you busy with? There are only a few things to look at. You don't need to pick, just simple ones."

   "But miss..." Rouge pouted, not very happy.

   Lan Shui Qing just picked up a moon-white hosta on the dressing table. When I met him on the outskirts of the city that day, it seemed that he was wearing this hairpin.

   Thinking, she involuntarily inserted the hairpin into her hair.

   Rouge screamed, "Miss, how do you use that? Too vegetarian, too vegetarian."

  Blue Shui looked in the mirror, but thought it was good. Originally, she was not trying to grab the limelight. As long as she didn't lose courtesy in her dress, she was fine.

  "Miss, the second girl and the third girl are going to set off, what about us?" Mom Bu looked at what Rouge wanted to say, so she interrupted her directly.

  Miss has an idea in mind, so they just do.

   Lan Shuiqin stood up and let out a soft breath, "Let’s go, too, by the back door, are you ready?"

   "It has been set up."

   "Let's go."

  Blue water poured the whole clothes, stayed with Mom, and left the yard with rouge.

They went out through the back door. There was already a small carriage waiting there. The driver was Mom’s distant nephew. This time she was serving as the shopkeeper in her snack shop, and the carriage was also used in the shop. of.

  The road to Xiuwang’s Mansion was very blocked, the official sedan carriage was originally spacious, and the guards and maids of the various houses blocked the road.

  The blue water inclination carriage passed by the small road. The carriage was narrow, and even when it entered the alley, it was unimpeded all the way. On the contrary, it arrived at the gate of Xiuwang Mansion earlier than the two girls who went out first.

  She and Yanzhi were sitting in a carriage, which was parked in an alley not far from the Palace of Xiuwang.

  The two watched the movement on the road from the window of the car, and it didn't take long before they saw the carriage of Lan Mansion coming slowly.


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