Niannian glanced at her and whispered back, "It's not time yet, don't say it anyway."

  There are some things that she shouldn’t say. What's more, her brother is still busy with the affairs in Yufengtang. She doesn't know what is going on with Lan Shuiqing and brother, so it's better not to have more troubles.

  En, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is only two words, she doesn't want to say it.

  The two were talking, when Lan Shuiqing stopped and waited for them.

  Splendid smiled lowly, "The blue lady, it fits my eyes." As she said, she took a big step up, but dropped her thoughts.

  Niannian hummed, silently vomiting.

  The three people quickly sat in the pavilion. Not long after, Wen Ya went and returned, and brought Rouge back by the way.

  Niannian glanced at the two opposing people who were chatting speculatively, and asked Wen Ya in a low voice, "Aunt Rou is here?"

"not yet."

  Niannian tilted her head, held her chin for a moment, and said, “Well, she should know that the Lan family girl actually has nothing to do with Brother Sheng.”

  Wen Ya despised her very much. It was obvious that she deliberately said that to mislead the princess and the queen mother. In the end, she seemed to be the most innocent person.

  But Nian Nian's guess is correct. At the moment, Ye Lansheng and Xu Rou are staring at the imperial study room of the imperial palace.

"Mother, what did you just say?" Ye Lansheng felt as if she had misheard, and hurried forward a few steps. "You just said... Aunt Qing held a lotus appreciation banquet in the mansion, mainly because she wanted to see the girl from the Lan family. , Is it suitable to be a queen?"

  Xu Rou was very happy. She wanted to come over early in the morning, but her son was summoning the minister, so she could only slow down and come to her later.

"Yeah, your Aunt Qing and I both want to see the Lan family girl, and are afraid that summoning her into the palace will make her uncomfortable. This time, it will be better if there are so many aristocratic ladies present. You should change quickly. In casual clothes, we will go to repair the palace together. Since you have a fancy for others, then it is necessary to get along more and meet each other."

  Ye Lansheng's eyelids suddenly began to jump up. He thought that the empress had been quiet these days, and that he had given up the plan to summon the Lan family girl. Unexpectedly, this...this situation changed to the Palace of Xiu.

Aunt Qing was about to hold a lotus appreciation feast. Founder seemed to have mentioned something in his ear, but he didn't care about it at the time. It was normal for the royal family to hold a banquet. In addition, he was busy with government affairs, so Fang Zheng just prepared gifts. Sent over at that time.

  But now I know that it is actually for...Lady Lan Family.

   Ye Lansheng patted his forehead heavily, and said weakly, "Mother, you...misunderstood."

   "Well? Misunderstanding?"

   "It’s not me, it’s... it’s Nannan."

  Xu Rou was shocked and looked at her son in shock, "What did you say?"

Ye Lansheng sighed, "Really, Nan Nan took a fancy to her. I saw Nan Nan's eyes on the girl from the Lan family look different, so I asked Nian Nian to investigate her and ask her to be Sister-in-law is appropriate and inappropriate."

  Xu Rou's mouth twitched, and the joy on her face faded.

But the next moment, his eyes brightened again, and excitement came to my heart again, "It's the same, whether it's you or Nannan, anyway, you want me and your Qing aunt to see each other. But since it's not what you like, then Xiu Wangfu Don’t go, I’ll go by myself.”

  Speaking, Xu Rou had already turned around and walked outside the door.

  Ye Lansheng sighed heavily again. She felt that her mother and Aunt Qing had been getting along for a long time, and her personality became more and more similar.

Who knew that when Xu Rou walked to the door, she stopped abruptly, turned her head and stared at Ye Lansheng, her face sank, "By the way, Nan Nan has found it, how about you? Shouldn't it be time for me as soon as possible? ?"

   Ye Lansheng felt that his scalp was going to be numb, so he gave a dry laugh and nodded immediately.

   Xu Rou walked out of the imperial study room contentedly, Ye Lansheng breathed a sigh of relief, sitting behind the imperial case, opened the memorial, but couldn't get in.

  Xu Rou has always loved Nan Nan as much as her own son. When he has someone he likes, she is naturally inexplicably excited.

  As soon as he changed his ordinary clothes, he took the maid’s guard and rushed to the Palace of Xiu.

  The palace of King Xiu is very lively, and the lotus flowers in the lake are indeed blooming beautifully. I heard that there was a woman named Mo Piao in King Xiu's Mansion who liked all kinds of flowers and plants since she was a child. She took care of most of the flowers and plants in King Xiu's Mansion, and she has studied this very well.

  The same goes for the lotus in this lake. It is said that since Princess Xiu planned to hold a lotus appreciation banquet, all of Mo Piao’s thoughts were placed on this lotus.

   Actually speaking, even if it is not for lotus appreciation, the other flowers in this mansion look very beautiful.

  Many housekeeper ladies came to Xiuwangfu for the first time. The palace occupies a huge area, and only the scope of their activities is spread over pavilions, towers and pavilions, which are very exquisite.

Not to mention, this time Yuqingluo directly adopted the form of self-help in order to save costs and avoid the need to worry. The exquisite and beautiful pastries are placed in the built shed. The maid delivered it to you.

  The exquisiteness of the beautiful palace, coupled with the unprecedented banquet format, made the official ladies linger, and even for a long period of time, these ladies used this form in the way of entertaining guests.

  Moved this thought, naturally also included the two sweet sisters of Lanshuiyuan and Lanshui.

  It’s just that besides this one thing, they also pretend to have another thing in their hearts.

  They saw Rouge go to the shed to get snacks with their own eyes. Rouge was at the banquet, indicating that Lan Shuiqin was also here.

  Lan Shui Qiu was not resting well in Yafengyuan, but he knew how to run around. Knowing that she is restless, she will definitely come here to find her presence.

  Since this is the case, it is no wonder they are.

  But they gave her more than one chance, she didn't cherish it, and they didn't mind letting her smell bad and learned some lessons.

  The two sisters looked at each other, and then searched through the crowd.

  The last sight fell on the woman in a lake-blue dress, and walked up with a smile.

   "Sister Shen." The two stood beside her cutely and well-behaved.

  Shen Wenxian is the daughter of Lan Shilang’s immediate boss, Shangshu of the Criminal Department.

  On weekdays, the two sisters of the Lan family did not fudge her, and they were the kind of ‘close friends in the boudoir’ that Lan Shui said. Seeing them coming at this moment, Shen Wenxian's posture became a little arrogant, "Is it you? When did you come?"

   "We came early in the morning." While talking to her, Lan Shuiyuan dragged her to walk aside, away from the others. Then he lowered his voice and said, "It's not just us here, but our eldest girl is here today." <

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