The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Desire dissatisfaction

  Lan Shuiqin only felt the blood pouring up his head, raised his eyes and stared at him fiercely.

   "You have to look at me, just look at me openly. Don't rush for a while. You keep hurting your hand and don't deal with it. Are you crazy?"

   Lan Shuiqing hurriedly went to find the ointment. Fortunately, her mother was sick all the year round, and there were no others around her, but she always prepared some basic wound medicine. It's also for the mother's bruise and fall, so she can deal with it in time.

  Nan Nan glanced at the injury on his arm, not caring.

  In response to what she had just said, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

  "You said just now that I should look at it with integrity? Well, you sit opposite me, and get two candlesticks, let me take a good look...Is it thin."

   "You... simply abnormal." Lan Shui gave him an angry look, and began to bow his head to bandage his wounds.

  Nannan leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, her eyes drooping slightly, falling on the back of the blue water leaning head, the corners of her mouth slightly hooked.

"Remember not to touch the water on this wound, you know? Change the medicine again tomorrow. This is the ointment. The effect is still possible. You can use it." After the bandage was carefully wrapped, Lan Shui poured the ointment that he had just applied To him.

  Nan Nan did not answer, but sighed silently, "I don't know how to change dressings, and I don't know how to dress up."

   Lan Shui frowned, "Then you go to the drugstore tomorrow and ask the doctor to bandage you."

  Nan Nan still shook his head, "No, I am hurt...I came here at some untimely time. Going to the drugstore may cause trouble."

   is really in trouble, if his mother knows that he is injured, there will be trouble.

   Lan Shui was stunned, but actually wanted to ask him what he was doing and why it would be troublesome to go to the drugstore for a sword injury.

   But when the doubtful gaze was cast on him, he immediately turned his head away, aside his gaze, and plainly told her not to ask more.

   Lan Shui Qing secretly sighed, and finally said helplessly, "Then come back tomorrow night, and I'll change it for you."

  "I keep the pearls, too."

   "..." Lan Shui wanted to shake his head, and the next moment, when he saw that he was going to tear the gauze apart, he hurriedly responded, "Okay, I'll take it."

   "Let your maid go to bed early tomorrow, and you will wait for me here alone."

   "...Okay." Lan Shui's mouth twitched, and she seemed to be unable to resist him at all.

Nan Nan was satisfied, and finally got up and said to her, "Then you take a rest early and I will come back tomorrow."

  The blue water pours for a moment, he is leaving now?

  The next moment, she suddenly became angry again, why can't she bear it? What can't you bear?

  They obviously didn't get along for a long time, and it was obviously impossible to be together, but the pattern of getting along and the miss when she didn't see it made her feel frightened.

  The situation seems to be developing in a very bad direction, and she is beginning to be afraid...

  What happened to her? Why can't you control this rush of emotions? Let the gaffe go on, and she will be overwhelmed.

  Lan Shuiqin only felt that the sky was spinning, and when he looked up again, he realized that when Nan Nan finished saying that sentence, he had disappeared.

  Blue Water pours out a heavy breath, and sits weakly on the edge of the bed.

  While Nannan had already swept out of the Blue Mansion and went straight to the Xiuwang Mansion.

As soon as    entered, he went to Ye Xiudu’s study room and rustled through it.

  After a while, I found a copy of a post from a former Confucian scholar, pulled it out, and rushed to the Garden of Mind.

  That is the place of mindfulness, and mindfulness has fallen asleep.

  Ke Nan Nan passed by and pinched her pretty nose.

   Nian Nian was annoyed, and kicked him sitting on the edge of the bed, and said angrily, "Big brother, you do this every time."

Nan Nan laughed, handed her the copy of the post in her hand, and said, "I heard that you are going to the Lan Mansion tomorrow, right? Give this to the Lan family girl." She likes to practice calligraphy. This gift is always It suits her heart.

  Niannian frowned, "Oh", turned over, and went back to sleep.

  Only the next moment, she suddenly turned around again, straightened up, and stared at Nan Nan.

   "This... Give it to Lan Shuiqin? My future sister-in-law?"

   "Huh." Nan Nan didn't forget that she was in the palace that day. He deliberately said that to mislead Niangqin and Aunt Rou.

  Niannian looked at his expression and knew that the older brother was taking revenge on her. If you want to deliver something, you just get up the next morning and give it to her, and you have to wake people up in the middle of the night.

  Unmannered, Nian Nian was resentful in her heart, but still obediently put the post away, turned her back to sleep.

Nan Nan rubbed her head and got up and left the Garden of Mind.

  Finally, his footsteps stopped outside the courtyard where Ye Xiudu was located.

There was still a rustling voice in the room. Today, the Prince Xiu’s Mansion hosted a banquet. So many things happened. In addition to the incident with the Lan family girl and Nannan’s return, Yu Qingluo had a lot of words to follow Ye Xiu said alone.

  The eyebrows and eyes were very excited. After all, although the blue lady could only hear her name but she could not see her, but Yu Qingluo's affection for her had doubled.

  What's more, even if Nan Nan and Nian Nian feel good, that character must not be wrong.

  This girl, can't let it go anyway.

  Yu Qingluo was so excited that she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so she talked to Ye Xiudu for half the night.

  Now that it’s finally over, Ye Xiudu is holding her to chew on her neck, and the sound of footsteps sounded outside.

  He ignored him and continued to kiss her.

   Suddenly there was a low knock on the door, followed by Nannan's low voice, "Mother, I have something to ask you for help."

  Yu Qingluo was upright and infatuated, and immediately an excited spirit pushed Ye Xiu away alone.

   "Hmm..." Ye Xiudu's head hit the bedpost, and a sharp cold light suddenly burst out of his eyes. At this moment, he really wanted to poke Nan Nan a hole.

  He suddenly took Yu Qingluo back, and shouted at the door, "Is there something to talk about tomorrow, for the whole night, don’t you need to sleep?"

  As soon as Nan Nan heard this, he knew that Dad was dissatisfied with desire.

  He coughed slightly, his face slightly unnatural.


  Now his future daughter-in-law is very important. If the future daughter-in-law ran away, it would be him who wanted to be dissatisfied.

   "Mother, it's about the eldest girl from the Lan family. I want you to help me if I have something."

  As soon as she heard the lady of the Lan family, Yu Qingluo’s eyes lit up, and she hurriedly pushed the night to cultivate her independence, "Hey, I'll go out for a while, and you will be well soon, don’t..."

   "Don't go, that stinky boy, the more he lives, the more he goes back, don't you know what time it is now? Do you still understand the world? I will educate him later, and you will sleep for me now.

  Ye Xiu Du was furious, and violently pulled Yu Qing Luo back.

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