Lan Shuiqin said that she didn't know either.

   "I just heard that someone suddenly came to Xiuwang's Mansion in the morning, and I don't know what happened. It seems that my grandmother is very happy. It seems a good thing."

   "A good thing?" Jinxiu let out a cold sneer, and suddenly laughed overcastly, "It's a good thing to blame."

  Only people who don’t know Yu Qingluo will take the Lan family girl to repair the palace to be so beautiful. They wouldn't think so easily. It is estimated that the two sisters of the Lan family will be stripped of half of their skin.

   Lan Shui looked at the appearance of Princess Jinxiu, couldn't help but laugh, and stopped entangled with them, just led the way in front.

  When Nian-nian and Jinxiu arrived in the courtyard where Lan Shuiqing lived, their eyebrows were twisted at the same time.

  "Your house..."

"I live here, just take care of my mother nearby." Lan Shuiqing didn't want to say more. What she was despised was not a glorious thing. She lived here also quietly, with less chaos, except for being small. It's a little bit off, there is nothing wrong with it.

Jinxiu glared at her, "Your Lan family deceives too much."

  Nian-nian raised her eyes and looked around. The environment was really bad. Hasn't her brother been here? You should know, how can it be said?

Lan Shuiqin was afraid that they had been pestering her house, and hurriedly turned off the topic, looking at Nian Nian, "Actually, the sick person I said yesterday is my mother. My mother has been in bed for many years and has a bad body. Nian Nian , Can you come with me to see her now?"

  Nian Nian saw her worry, so she nodded without delay.

  The group quickly went to Wu's courtyard, and just walked into the courtyard, they heard Wu's coughing from a distance.

  Lan Shui Qing walked a few steps quickly and got busy.

  Wu was lying on the edge of the bed, his whole face flushed from coughing, his body was limp, his whole body was thin and bones, it was really shocking to look at.

Madam Hu on the side patted her on the back and whispered, "Madam, your illness is getting more and more serious. I think, let's talk to the lady, think of a way to get the master to invite another doctor over. Now Dr. Jiang is a quack doctor at all. Otherwise, let the eldest lady ask Princess Jinxiu for help. Didn’t the eldest say that she met Princess Jinxiu yesterday?"

"Mother Hu, don't talk nonsense." Wu clan endured the uncomfortable, murmured at her in a low voice, and said in a low voice, "Shui Qing really made friends with Princess Jinxiu. If she has just become friends with her, she will find the county. The Lord helps, what would the other princess think? I don’t want her to finally have a friend, and it’s also dragged down by my illness."


  What else Mother Hu wants to say, Lan Shuiqin has lifted the curtain.

  Just now, she heard clearly. Nian Nian and Jinxiu that followed also heard a general idea.

Although Lan Shuiqin's heart was very painful, she still suppressed her emotions, as if she hadn't heard anything, and smiled as she came to Wu's bedside and said with a smile, "Mother, the princess and Niannian are here. I told you yesterday that they are my new friends."

  She didn’t tell her mother that Niannian is a pharmacist in the Palace of Xiuwang yesterday, because she was afraid that her mother would think that she would ask for help from Princess Jinxiu the first day she met Princess Jinxiu, and that she would worry too much and would not sleep all night.

   Now that Nian Nian came, she didn't conceal it, "Mother, Nian Nian is a doctor. She has very good medical skills. Let her take a look for you."

  Sure enough, Wu clan became a little angry when he heard this. She squeezed the blue water forcefully and poured it out, hating iron for not making steel, and said, "You, why don't you listen to your mother? Just take part in the banquet, always remembering what to do with the doctor for me? You really... …"

Princess Jinxiu hurriedly stepped forward and said hurriedly, "Mrs. Lan, don't worry. We know that Shui Qing is filial and keep your body in our minds. Because she is such a person, I will make friends with her. Nian. Reading to come over to see you is also what we asked for."

  As soon as Wu clan turned his head, he saw that the Princess Jinxiu in front of him had a kind attitude, without any arrogance.

   Even if she was about to get up, she was hurriedly pressed back by Princess Jinxiu, "Mrs. Lan, you are not in good health, so just rest well." After that, she turned her head and glanced at Nian Nian.

  Nian-nian came forward and sat where she had just sat.

  Wu raised his head and saw a beautiful and graceful woman sitting on the edge of the bed, unable to help but stunned.

  This girl is dressed in ordinary, but she can't hide her delicate eyebrows that look like a picture. If such a person is dressed again, I am afraid that it will be terrible.

  Niannian let her look at her, her finger was already on her pulse.

After a short pause, he retracted his finger and looked nervously at his Lan Shui Pour, and smiled, "Mrs. Lan, this is not well adjusted after delivery, and after so many years of worrying, she will become frustrated in her heart. Weak, often coughing and vomiting blood, hurting the lungs and organs."

  "Can it be cured?" Jinxiu asked immediately.

  Niannian glanced at her with cold eyes, Jinxiu shuddered immediately, then coughed lightly, and laughed, "Look at what I said, read the horse, and it will be cured in time."

  Nian Nian is satisfied, "Ms. Lan suffered heavy injuries mainly after giving birth. That is the root cause of her poor body for so many years."

  Grandma Hu nodded straight aside, "Yes, Madam back then..."

  Wu squeezed her hand, and Mother Hu hurriedly shut up. Some things are really hard to tell outsiders.

Nian Nian didn’t care, but took out a medicine packet from her body, “In fact, the lady’s disease is best based on acupuncture and moxibustion, supplemented by medicine, with alternative treatment. Try your best, or your medical skills are not good enough, if it is not for men and women who have intentions and worries, after all, Mrs.’s disease is a woman’s disease. But I am also a woman. Madam can leave it to me."

  Blue water listened, his eyes were dyed with joy. Hearing Niannian said that, that was pretty sure.

   Madam Hu also nodded again and again, yes yes yes, the doctor Jiang, whom the wife invited over, must have not treated her well. He didn't say anything about acupuncture and moxibustion treatment at all. If he did, they could actually look for a doctor girl.

  "But Mrs. Lan, the most important thing to treat is to feel comfortable, so that the condition can heal quickly. If you have anything, you can rest assured that there will be Princess Jinxiu in the future and will not let Shui be wronged again."

Jinxiu who stood by    was taken aback, and then immediately nodded like garlic, "Yes, yes, if Shui Qing is bullied in the future, just tell me and I will vent her anger."

  Wu’s eyes were stained with a smile, Shui Qing really made two good friends.

   "Well, madam, you can lie down, I will give you the needle..."

  Niannian's voice fell, and there was a rush of running outside the door. After a while, Rouge rushed in panting, "Miss, it's not good, something has happened."<

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