The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 44: Lan Shuiqing was delivered by my princess back then

  At this moment, the Youran Courtyard is quiet and terrifying.

After Lan Shi Lang invited Yu Qingluo to Ann, he sat aside. After receiving the hint from Mrs. Tai, he asked several times why Yu Qingluo would propose to Lan Shui.

  It’s just that Yu Qingluo insisted that he had to wait until Lan Shui poured over, so he could only sit aside, looking anxious.

  Yu Qingluo looked at him, her eyes narrowed.

  She has a very unfavorable opinion of Lan Shi Lang. At that time, Mrs. Lan gave birth to a child in a broken house. She died nine times and almost didn't even keep her child. He was fine, and almost forced her to death as soon as he turned around. The mother and daughter were also wronged for more than ten years.

  Back then, she had a difficult childbirth in the ruined temple, but in the end she met Ye Xiudu and met her husband who was kind to her and Nan Nan, who was always dedicated.

  Such a comparison made her hate Lan Shilang even more.

  Useless men, she is very contemptuous.

  Thinking, Yu Qingluo took another sip of tea, poked her neck slightly, and looked outside.

When Mrs.    saw this, she said hurriedly, “This water is really true, why hasn’t it come yet? You know that the princess is waiting here, and she’s still daunting, it’s not proper. Mother Song, you go and remind you again.”

   "Yes." Mother Song walked out immediately.

  Yu Qingluo frowned. After all, Lan Shuiqing is still surnamed Lan, and she is still the daughter of the Lan family. Even if the wife doesn't like her, she should take care of the Lan family's face.

  She's better, but she is arrogantly instigating separation.

"Wang Hao, I'm really sorry. Shui Qing is a bit weird on weekdays. Sometimes she can't listen to what we say. Please don't care about her." Lan Shi Lang, who received the lady's gaze, immediately followed suit. .

   The red leaves on the side were unhappy when they heard it. This Lan Shilang was really damned. If he didn't speak for his daughter, he wished that the blue water would not be poured.

  Sure enough, the girl of the Lan family is really unhappy in this Lan Mansion. Let Nan Nan marry her and go back, they will definitely treat her as a jewel as a treasure.

Yu Qingluo calmed down a lot, twitched the corners of her mouth, and smiled, "Speaking of which, the outside world also said that the princess is a weird, withdrawn and not easy to get along with. This is a coincidence. If Lady Lan is also a weird, I'm even more curious, maybe we are still like-minded weirdos?"

Madam Tai and Lan Shilang's expressions changed at the same time, and they hurriedly said, "Where is the princess talking? The princess is gentle and understanding, where it becomes difficult to get along with? That must be the jealousy of outsiders. The princess will spread such rumors."

  Yu Qingluo twitched the corners of her lips, "Well, according to this, the Lan family girl's weird temperament is because someone is jealous of her?"

   "..." Madam Tai's expression froze, and for a while, she didn't know how to answer.

  Fortunately, there were low footsteps from the outside world at this moment. Mother Song went and returned, respectfully saluting, and said, "The princess, the madam, the master, the eldest lady is here."

   "Quickly, let her in." Yu Qing's eyes were dyed with excitement, and she couldn't wait to speak with Madam Wife and Lan Shilang.

  Grandma Song responded, and soon Caixin came in with Lan Shuiqi and Rouge.

  As soon as Lan Shuiqin entered the door, he felt a few hot eyes. She didn't need to look up, but also knew who made the look that was about to burn her to death.

  She didn't care, her eyes were not slanted, but she bowed to Yu Qing Luo Yingying who was sitting on the main seat, "Shui Qing has seen Princess Xiu."

  Yu Qingluo was the first time I saw Lan Shuiqing, and she was full of curiosity in her heart. Seeing her attitude at this moment is neither humble nor overbearing, it is even more satisfying.

   "Look up and show me."

   "Yes." Lan Shui tugged the palm of his hand, then slowly raised his chin.

  It is also the first time for her to have such close contact with Yu Qingluo. With just a glance, surprise flashed in his eyes.

  She thought she was a princess, she should be a graceful and noble person, but the woman in front of her was not only plainly dressed, but also very simple and neat in her dress.

  At a rough glance, she was even more casual than her dress, but invisibly, there was a touch of kindness that was willing to be close.

  There is not that kind of high-pitched, observant posture, the smile on her face still has a hint of brightness.

  This is Princess Xiu? That woman who was cherished by the prince Xiu in his palm, that woman who even the current emperor respects very much, that Tianfu princess who is rumored to be the most favored Princess of the Tianyu Kingdom, that ghost doctor with a lofty status in the world?

  Lan Shuiqi's breathing became sharp for an instant, and she didn't understand why she had such an inexplicable sourness, which was strange.

  Yu Qingluo is also looking at Lan Shuiqian, very satisfied in her heart. The blue water edge looks the same as the blue water sweet, but the blue water is more bright and moving.

   is also right. When she delivered Mrs. Lan's birth, Mrs. Lan was also beautiful, and her daughter was naturally not bad.

  But what made her wonder is that Mrs. Lan is so good-looking, and more than a little bit better than the Jins sitting next to him. Is this Lan Shilang blind? Actually, Mrs. Lan is the Jins, tusk.

Mrs.    looked at the two facing each other, she had already seen satisfaction from Yu Qingluo's eyes, and she snorted badly at the time.

  She hurriedly winked at the Lan Shi Lang on the side.

Lan Shilang pressed his lips tightly, and hurriedly broke the calm with a loud voice, "Wang Hao, this is the little girl Shui Qi. Shui Qi, you are too slow, how can you keep the princess waiting? By the way, your mother How's your illness?"

   Lan Shui's face suddenly sank, and suddenly mentioned her mother's illness. Is this her biological father threatening her?

   Lan Shuiqing saluted Mrs. Tai and Lan Shilang, "Everything is fine for mother."

   "Well, that's fine. You go and sit aside. Later, when the princess asks anything, you must answer honestly, don't lose your temper, you know?"

   Lan Shui drew his hand and sneered secretly. At this time, she wanted to see what other methods they had to resort to.

Mother Song quickly put the chair under Lan Shuiyuan and let her sit down. Yu Qingluo frowned, and suddenly waved to her, saying, "Come here, sit next to me, let me Take a good look. After all these years, she has really grown into a slim girl."

  The room suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Yu Qingluo in surprise.

  Not seen for so many years? What do you mean?

Mrs.    couldn’t help asking, "Wang Hao...I saw it when Shui Qing was young?"

How is this possible? Lan Shuiqing never had the opportunity to leave Lan Mansion when she was a child. How could Princess Xiu meet her mother who stayed with her all day long?


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