The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 57: Everyday people come to visit her in Lan Mansion

   "What?" Yu Qingluo blinked and looked at Hongye in surprise.

Hongye swallowed and nodded solemnly.

  Xiu Wangfu proposes marriage, how important is that? Not to mention the identity of Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo, they are Nannan individuals, so many people are staring at him with their eyes open.

   People with a little status and status are anxious to put their daughter in the palace.

  Especially after Nan Nan reaches adulthood, the gate of King Xiu's Mansion will almost be broken.

  However, the people Xiu Wangye and Xiu Wangfei are not in a hurry, letting their sons be older and have not mentioned the matter of getting married.

  Everyone kept looking at them for a few years, but unexpected news like this suddenly came.

  Princesses, Princesses, Princesses and Sixth Princesses, these people were originally concerned about Nan Nan. No, I learned that Yu Qingluo had gone to propose a marriage the day before, so the next day they came to the door with curiosity dressed up.

  The three princesses came together, and the Blue Mansion instantly boiled, and everyone was trembling, not knowing where to wave their hands and feet.

  After all, their Blue Mansion, the person with the highest status in the past, was only Mrs. Shang Shu, just that, it was enough for them to stand up.

  But recently, Princess Jinxiu came to the door first, followed by the little princess from the palace, and then the princess of the palace. Now three princesses appear together...

  This kind of information has already stimulated them, and they have no idea what to do.

Mrs.    pressed her frantically beating heart and hurriedly greeted her.

  The three princesses have elegant temperament, and each looked at them with a lovely smile, but in the eyes of the lady, she felt the pressure doubled, and she didn't know where to put her hands or feet.

  She has lived for most of her life, and she has never been so bewildered as these days.

  It’s just that this Lan Mansion is just her hostess, and it seems very flimsy. But Wu became ill and Jin was punished by himself.

  She is an old lady who can't talk to the three princesses.

Mrs.    is considering whether to let Jin out first. Perhaps, if she behaves well in front of the two princesses, she can still make a good impression on them, after all, they also have a family.

  It’s just that, as soon as she came up with this idea, the eldest Princess Bao said, "Madam, we are here today, mainly to see the big girl in the house, don’t know if it is convenient for the big girl to come out?"

Mrs. Tai was taken aback, and then nodded like smashing garlic, "It is convenient and convenient, and it is naturally convenient."

   After that, she immediately asked Mother Song to invite Lan Shuiqin.

   Lan Shuiqin was also startled, and then frowned, but he still dressed up a bit, and went to Youran Courtyard obediently.

As soon as Princess Bao and the three saw her, they looked up and down, and then they talked in a low voice, whispering, but made Lan Shui Qi feel the hairs rising one after another.

Soon, Princess Bao beckoned to her, and when Lan Shuiqin came to her, she took off a bracelet on her wrist, handed it to her hand, and said with a smile, "Sure enough, she looks gentle and lovely. It’s so beautiful. This is a meeting gift for you. From now on, I will come to the mansion often."

The third princess also took an exquisite box and handed it to her, and smiled, "It looks like a well-behaved person, and she goes well with Nan Nan. You must discipline him well in the future, so that he is not allowed to bully others." Especially his son, I heard that he had been enslaved again in the past two days.

  The six princesses gave her a set of dressing box. Just looking at the workmanship, you know that it must have been made by the master, which is very precious.

   "For so many years, Nan Nan has no one who knows the cold or the heat. We are all assured that you are by your side to take care of it."

   Lan Shui Qing has an illusion, like the elder son who repaired the palace, there were so many mothers all at once...

  It’s just this thing, she absolutely can’t take it.

  She raised her hand and wanted to refuse. The lady over there had already urged her, "Shui Qing, this is the heart of the three princesses, why don’t you kneel down and thank the three princesses for their love?"

   Lan Shui frowned, she didn't plan to accept it at all. If she did, wouldn't this situation be more serious?

   probably also saw that she didn't want to take it, so it made the three of Princess Bao a more eye-catching look.

Therefore, without waiting for her to speak, she already said with a serious face, "You can't refuse to accept it. If you don't accept it, then the three of us will lose face. The gift we gave out has never been dared to refuse. ."

  The big hat was buttoned down, and the blue water was suddenly speechless.

  She pondered for a while, but she didn’t figure out how to protect their face and tactfully rejected their kindness. The three princesses didn't stay long. They mainly came to see her and left soon.

   is just their visit, but it spreads all over the blue mansion.

  Even the blue water edge and blue water sweetness, I will soon know.

Lan Shuiyuan directly smashed the medicine bowl in his hand, sneered again and again, "What kind of **** luck did she have? Not only did Princess Xiu come to see her in person, but now the most famous princesses of the Wind Cang country all came over. Show her kindness, this shameless wild species, wild species."

   "Second sister, what are you doing so angry?" Lan Shuitian smiled, "The better they treat her, the more miserable they will die when they are exposed to the things she and other men have taught and accepted privately."

  Lan Shuiyuan was taken aback, and then followed with a gloomy smile, "You are right, let's see how she ends up? Now that the three princesses are here, this matter is already a sensation enough."

  However, the sensation in the mouth of Blue Water Edge was not the only one.

   Early the next morning, Princess Jinxiu, Princess Wanyan, and several other princesses also came to look for Lan Shuiqin.

  On the third day, the ladies of the Hou Mansion and the Madam of the World also ran to the door.

  On the side of Lan Shilang, officials move more frequently, and even the Xingshu Shangshu, who had been slanderous to him a few days ago, had a big change in his attitude towards him.

  Lan Shi Lang faced these, but could only smile wryly. Only he knew that Princess Xiu was still angry. He went to the Palace of Xiu for a few days, and he didn't even see a serious master.

  Lan Shuiqing’s face was getting ugly day by day. She didn't expect that things would develop to this point. At this moment, she regretted that she didn't make it clear with Nian Nian, and asked her to convey her meaning to Princess Xiu.

  Originally, she wanted her to wait a few days, and waited until Princess Xiu's "qi" disappeared, and then invited her to the Palace of Xiu.

   But now, where can I wait? She immediately asked Rouge to hand over the post and came to visit.

  Nian Nian happily accepted the post, and agreed to wait for her at the house the next day.

  Blue Shui Qiu let out a low breath, and the whole person seemed to be collapsed.

  The only good news is that Aunt Qi successfully attracted the attention of Lan Shi Lang, and won the favor of Lan Shi Lang with understanding. She stayed in her yard for these two days.

  In the morning of the next day, Lan Shuiqing got up early and began to choose clothes.

  Just when she was about to comb her hair, a familiar figure suddenly appeared beside the window.

  Blue Shui Ding immediately took a breath, "Why are you here?" Now it's broad daylight. <

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