Lan Shuiqin knew what she was looking at. She didn't say anything, and calmly stepped forward and stood in front of her.

   Nian Nian frowned, tilted her head and stared at her face for a long time before asking, "Shui Qing, have you dressed up specially today?"

   "Well, come to visit the palace, naturally you can no longer face the sky as usual." Lan Shui poured his head in response.

  Niannian and Wen Ya looked at each other, and the latter shrugged, indicating that she was also taken... surprised at first.

  "Then do you think there is a lot of puff? The rouge is a bit uncoordinated, and the clothes are a little fancy."

   Rouge nodded again and again, yes yes yes, Nian Nian County Lord, you finally said my heart.

   Lan Shuiqin looked down at himself, with an innocent look, "Is there? I feel that this dress is more unique."

  Haha, it's really unique. Normal people would doubt its taste.

  Niannian glanced at Lan Shui Pour thoughtfully, but didn't say much. He just walked down the corridor and cleaned her hands with the basin placed there. Then she said, "My mother and concubine are not here today, and the empress dowager in the palace has something to look for her."

   said this, she paused, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

  In fact, it was not the queen mother who was looking for her. It was my mother who designed this one today. I was afraid that my eldest brother would find her to settle accounts. Anyway, my mother and my eldest brother have become addicted to playing the game where you chase me and hide.

   Thinking of this, she continued, "But she has explained that, let me take you around the house so that you don’t have to be restrained."

  Although they knew each other well, they saw each other after shopping.

  It's just...Big brother is still kept in the dark.

  Fang Cainiang called her elder brother back urgently, saying that there was an important matter to discuss with him. Now that the eldest brother came back, the mother went into the palace immediately.

  I guess it’s time for Big Brother to jump.

  Nian Nian guessed right. After Nan Nan came back from Lan Mansion, he discovered that Yu Qingluo was not at home at all.

  He frowned and went to find Ye Qingbei.

  Ye Qingbei actually wanted to follow Yuqing into the palace, but when he thought of the threatening Limou before his mother left, he still obediently stayed.

Now seeing his eldest brother come to the door, he immediately raised his hand to surrender and betrayed his mother-in-law very happily, "Big brother, don’t get angry. This is obviously my mother’s revenge on you. After all, the colorful glazed tree makes my mother very unhappy. ."

  Nan Nan sneered, "Her revenge just tricked me back, no more?"

  Well, the eldest brother is really not that easy to cheat.

  Ye Qingbei pursed his lips, looked down and pondered, just thinking about whether to tell the truth and betray the mother more thoroughly, butler Yang ran over.

   "Young Master, Second Young Master, Wei Shi Zi is here, saying that he is looking for a business with Young Master."

   Ye Lanwei? Nan Nan frowned. When he came over...mostly it was about Uncle Wu's.

  Ye Qingbei breathed a sigh of relief and calmly said, "Brother, since cousin Wei came to see you for something, you should go and see him."

  In this way, he can be considered to have an explanation to his mother.

Nan Nan narrowed his eyes, stared at Ye Qingbei for a while, then suddenly laughed, "You better have nothing to hide from me."

  After that, he turned around and said to Steward Yang, "You let Ye Lanwei go to the study to wait for me." After that, he strode out.

  Ye Qingbei tightened his fingers and frowned. The war between eldest brother and mother is really not good for the innocent.

  After Nan Nan left his yard, Ye Qingbei made a decisive decision and said to Butler Yang, “I will live in Youxiang’s Mansion for two days, and I have to ask Youxiang for some knowledge.”

  "..." Butler Yang's heart trembled, and there was always a feeling of wind and rain. Even a smart and stable person like the young master started to run away. Wouldn't it be a burden to him?

  Master, when will you be back?

  Butler Yang shook his body, and quickly went to Ye Lanwei to pass on a message.

  Ye Lanwei sat lazily in the front hall drinking tea. He wanted to wait for Nan Nan to come and invite him in person. After all, he had the news he wanted in his hand.

  I waited for a long time, only to wait until the steward Yang laughed, "Wei Shizi, our family is Shi Ziye, waiting for you in the study."

Ye Lanwei was upset and wanted to put on airs, but after all he knew Nan Nan's temperament too well, he could only stand up pretending to be chic, tidy up his sleeves, and walk away, "Okay, I'll go by myself. "

  Speaking, he blew out of the front hall like a gust of wind.

  When Butler Yang wants to follow, where is his shadow?

  Yelan walked to the south-south study at Weishumen and familiar roads. Who knew that when he just walked to the lakeside pavilion, he saw a group of people coming from a distance.

  His eyes were sharp, and he instantly squinted. He walked forward in three or two steps, walked directly to Nian Nian's side, touched his head, and smiled, "Nian Nian."

   "..." Nian Nian said that he was really impulsive to poison everyone who touched her head.

   Lan Shui Qi was surprised for a moment, and raised his eyes to look at Ye Lanwei. A person who can be so intimate with Nian Nian must have a close relationship, and he can freely enter and exit the backyard of the Palace of Xiu. At this age...

  Is he the eldest son of Xiuwangfu?

   Lan Shui frowned his eyebrows, his appearance was indeed handsome, and he seemed to have endless energy all over his body, very masculine.

  It's just that...she compared him with Nan Nan in her own heart, and she still felt, um, her own vision was better.

   "This is..." She was thinking, and Ye Lanwei's curious voice followed, and then she frowned.

  This dress...He turned his head silently, really losing interest at all.

  Nian-nian was two steps away from him, preventing his paws from touching herself, and then introduced, "This is the big girl from the Lan Shi Lang Mansion, Shui Qing, this is the mighty son of the Three Princes Mansion."

Lan Shuiqing and Ye Lanwei were taken aback at the same time. The former breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she felt that if she wanted to talk to this elder son about remarriage, it would not go well.

  The latter's mouth twitched suspiciously twice, the eldest girl from Lan Shi Lang's mansion? The girl that Ye Qingnan is going to marry?

  No way, this taste...

   Ye Lanwei trembled all over, smiled dryly at Niannian, "Haha, I have been looking up to the name for a long time. Oh, by the way, where are you going?"

  "Go to my elder brother's study to find two books."

   "Oh." Ye Lanwei nodded, saying nothing more.

  But after he turned to leave, his pace was much faster. Since Nian Nian is going to the study, it must be to see Ye Qingnan, then he has to hurry up in front of them... to laugh at him.

  He was very happy when he thought of the clothes of the girl from the Lan family.

   Therefore, as soon as Nan Nan's study was pushed aside, Ye Lanwei sat in a chair and laughed.

   "Hahaha, Nannan, although I know that your taste is not good, but it's not that bad. Haha, why would you like her?"

Nan Nan frowned, "What are you talking about?"

  Ye Lanwei became more funny as he thought about it, especially when he heard that the marriage was made by Nan Nan himself, he felt even more...Oh, my stomach hurts.

  Nan Nan waited for a long time but didn’t see him respond. Just about to fly him out, there was a knock on the door of the study, and a clear voice came, "Big Brother." <

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