When Nan Nan saw that she was crying, she suddenly became flustered. He let go of her hand and sat up, put her arms around her and patted her, "You, be good, don't cry. I know it's wrong to hide you, I originally planned to tell you Yes, I just haven't found a chance."

  From the time he got to know Lan Shuiqin, he knew very well that Lan Shuiqin had a faint rejection of the officials. At that time, if she knew that he was the eldest son of Emperor Xiu's mansion, I am afraid there would be no intersection in the future.

  Later, the two gradually developed feelings, and he began to worry again, fearing that she would blame him for hiding his identity.

  So he has been paying attention to Wu's affairs these days, thinking about telling her his identity when he has news of Wu's uncle.

  In this way, it can be regarded as a surprise to her, and the anger brought to her by her hiding her identity is counteracted.

  Therefore, in the past few days, he kept Ye Lanwei in search of the whereabouts of Uncle Wu, and began to encourage the emperor to reverse the case of the old man. But since he knew that Lan Shuiqin was struggling in Lan Mansion, he was afraid that he would not look at her and would be bullied by those villains in Lan Mansion, so he simply asked his mother to propose marriage and supported her, making Lan Mansion afraid. Her identity, she dare not act rashly.

  The effect in the past few days is really good, and Mrs. Lan Mansion no longer dared to be disrespectful to the water.

  In a few days, in a few days, he can appear in front of her as the first son of Prince Xiu's Mansion, and tell her two good news.

  But how did he know that Lan Shuiqing would appear in the Palace of Xiu today, and would be taken directly into his study by Nian Nian.

  Read it? ?

  Nan Nan twisted her eyebrows abruptly, annoyed that she must have instigated her.

His heart was full of anger, but when he lowered his eyes to see the appearance of blue water with red eyes, he couldn't bear it immediately, "I was wrong, I will let you handle it now, okay, don't cry, behave, no Cried."

   Lan Shui raised his eyes, staring at him fiercely, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't say a word.

   Nan Nan was anxious, "Otherwise, you can hit me, you can hit me as many times as you want, until you calm down."

   Lan Shuiqin closed his eyes altogether, aside his face, just didn't say a word.

   "The water pours..." He grabbed her hand and wrapped her little hand, "It's cold on the ground, let's get up first."

  Blue water pursed his lips, still motionless.

   "If you cry again, your face will be washed out." Nan Nan sighed secretly, it was really a misfortune that became an eternal hatred.

  But when it comes to her face...he suddenly became a little proud. It turned out that she was dressed up specially today, and she was dressed up in a vulgar style, just to meet the eldest son of Prince Xiu's Mansion.

  It seems that he is still unwilling to marry the elder son of King Xiu's mansion.

  When he thought of this, his eyes softened, and Lan Shui raised his eyes, and saw his undue beating expression.

   She wiped her face vigorously, pushed him away, and stood up suddenly.

Nan Nan also hurriedly stood up and went to pull her again.

  Lan Shui was very angry and gave him a violent push.

   didn't know where he encountered, Nan Nan suddenly twisted his eyebrows, and a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

   Lan Shui was shocked, his face changed suddenly, and he couldn't care about anything. He hurriedly supported his swayed body, and asked anxiously, "You, what's wrong with you?"

   "Hmm... suffered an internal injury." Nan Nan originally wanted to say it was okay, but seeing her nervous appearance, suddenly her legs became weak, and the whole person leaned on her shoulder.

  Blue Shuiqi has no concept of internal injuries, but I probably know that internal injuries are invisible and difficult to treat.

  Looking at Nan Nan's soft and feeble appearance, thinking of Ye Lanwei's cruel foot and the crackling bookcase, his heart felt like a fire, and he hurriedly helped him sit on the chair beside him.

   "I, I'll go to Nian Nian right away." Lan Shui was at a loss, turned around and left.

  However, Nan Nan did not expect Nan Nan to pull her all the time. She turned around and pulled him off the chair again, pressing directly on her body, and pressing her to the ground again.

   Then, he coughed up blood and stained the floor on the side.

  Blue Shui’s eyes were full of horror and fear. At this moment, she couldn’t care about anything. He hurriedly poked his head and shouted at the door, "Niannian, Niannian, come on, Niannian..."

   There was no movement outside the door for a while, Lan Shuiqing turned his head to look at Nan Nan, "How are you? Are there any medicines for internal injuries on you?"

   "...Yes, cough cough." Nan Nan tried to reach for it, but the blue Shui Qing who looked at it slowly and weakly became even more impatient.

  She couldn't wait at all, and hurriedly touched him.

  Nannan: "……"

  Will it catch fire if you touch it like this?

After a long while, Lan Shuiqing hurriedly took out two small porcelain bottles from his arms. As soon as he looked up, he found that Nan Nan's breath was even more messy, and he was even heavier with panting, just like a seriously ill patient.

  She hurriedly asked, "Which bottle of these two bottles, which bottle is it?"


  Which bottle of "……" is it?

  Blue Shui stretched out his hand and wiped the corners of his **** mouth, and his voice became softer, "Is it the brown bottle?"

"is not it."

  How do you feel that you are not even aware of it? so what should I do now?

   "Yu Qingnan, Yu Qingnan, you should be sober, tell me first, which bottle is it?"

  Nan Nan’s entire head was buried between her neck, and her body was too heavy for her to move.

   Blue Water pours a glance at the corner of his eyes, and he can spot the dots of blood on the ground, and immediately feel that his heartbeat is about to stop.

  She tried to push, but her strength was limited and she couldn't push him at all. I was afraid that accidentally making his injury worse, I could only let him hold it down.

  It's just that he can't tell her which bottle of medicine is effective now, and he can't save him. The only thing I can do...

   "Niannian, is there anyone outside? Is there anyone? Come in, your son is hurt."

  Her voice was a bit sharp, but it was always quiet outside.

  After a while, there was a faint sound of footsteps not far away.

  Lan Shui did not hear it, but Nan Nan heard it clearly. He cursed in his heart, but still slowly reacted.

  "Water pours..."

   Lan Shui smiled with joy, and hurriedly turned to look at him, "How are you? Are you awake now? There are two bottles of medicine here. Which one is for internal injuries?"

  Nannan looked at the blue bottle.

  Blue Water hurriedly pulled out the stopper of the bottle, poured two pills from it, and asked, "Is it enough?"


   "Snap button" twice, and soon there was a knock on the door.

   Lan Shui turned his head and shouted, "Come in quickly."

  Nannan looked at her helplessly, did she forget their current...posture?

  The door was opened with a ‘squeak’. As soon as the person outside the door came in, he took a sigh of relief and stared at the two people pressed together. <

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