Rouge also saw it, she immediately pursed her mouth, and walked out quietly, closing the door very kindly, thinking she was very alert.

  Blue Shui poured his eyes and blinked, "Why are you here?"

  Nan Nan sneered, "I don't know, you turned out to be a person who doesn't believe in words."

   Words without faith? Lan Shui frowned and heard him continue to say, "You said that you came to repair the palace today."

   "..." Lan Shui's mouth twitched, "I'll send someone to Xiuwang's Mansion to deliver the letter, and I will explain the reason to you."

  Summoned by the Queen Mother, how could she leave it alone?

   "So what?" Nan Nan calmly walked up to her a few steps.

   Lan Shuiqi frowned again, and then looked up and down at him, "Your injury... is it all right?"

   "...After taking the medicine my mother gave me, it's almost okay." Nan Nan's voice was obviously lowered.

   Lan Shui squinted and squinted, "But I am entering the palace today, and Princess Xiu said that she was resting in the palace yesterday and did not return home."

   "...I went to my mother's house to find out the medicine." Of course, the mother did not dare to return to the mansion, even Nian Nian and Bei Bei did not appear in the Xiuwang Mansion.

   Lan Shui chuckled, "Wang Xiu deserves to be a ghost doctor, her medicine... is so effective."

Nan Nan nodded solemnly, "Well, everyone said that."

   "..." Shameless.

   Lan Shui glared at him and snorted coldly, “I’m still mad at you now. Go away a little bit.”

   "You were very friendly to me yesterday." Unexpectedly, after only one day, she started to turn her face and deny.

   "That's because you were injured."

   "Then you will poke me again now, if I am injured, you will take care of me."

   Lan Shuiqing thinks this man is really a lunatic, how can anyone be like this? Isn't he the son of the royal palace? Isn't he a master of martial arts, a ruthless master?

  Why is it so...shameless?

Lan Shui glared at him fiercely. With only one glance, her eyebrows were twisted, she hurriedly walked to him, grabbed his bloodied hand and said in shock, "Why do you have blood in your hand? Really injured. Why are you so careless?"

  Nan Nan was very proud, he knew that she was a woman of duplicity, and said that she was angry with him, but in fact she still cared about him very much.

   But speaking of this, his face became serious.

  "This is not my blood, it is the blood of people in the rivers and lakes who are staring at your courtyard."

  The blue water poured for a moment, "Staring at my courtyard? People in the rivers and lakes?"

"Well, when I came here today, I found that someone was staring at your yard in secret. They seemed to be people from the rivers and lakes. Someone should have bought them, and it may be against you. But don't worry, I will solve it now. Up."

  Lan Shui suddenly remembered the oppressive feeling I felt at that time in the morning. Could it be because of the people in the rivers and lakes?

   "You mean, someone bought a master of the rivers and lakes to watch in my yard, wanting to be against me?" Who did it?

  Blue Water stunned suddenly, thinking of the news reported by Caifeng. Kim's brother came here yesterday...

  Nan Nan sneered, "That's also a master of the rivers and lakes? A person who can only leak his breath, but it is three-legged cat kung fu."

  He has cleaned up people with just a few moves.

   Lan Shuiqin collapsed a bit, for him of course he is not a master, but for these women who have no power to bind chickens, they are really masters.

  How could the guard of the Blue Mansion be so bad? Even these people in the arena that Nan Nan thinks are vulnerable can't stop it.

  "But you are indeed unsafe in the house. Don't worry, I will send someone to protect you." She is now his future wife, and he is naturally responsible for the safety.

  Lan Shuiqing originally found it inconvenient, but I thought that Shuixiyuan and Lanyuan were both female family members. If something really happened, then I would regret it.

  Therefore, he paused, and he could only nod his head, as he agreed to his plan.

   Nan Nan laughed, and leaned in front of her, "I solved such a big trouble for you, am I not angry with me?"

   "Haha." Lan Shui smirked at him, walked to the side and took a kerchief, soaked it with water, then grabbed his hand and gently wiped the blood stains on his hand.

  Nan Nan stared at the top of her head, watching her cautiously, and her heart was filled with satisfaction.

  Wait until Lan Shuiqing put the veil in place, he stared at her turned back and asked, "Just now, your face was solemn when you entered the door. Would you like to tell me what happened?"

The background of    Lan Shuiqi was stiff, and he recovered suddenly, and he wailed his lips again, and said without a smile, "There is nothing wrong with you."

   "Really? How do I feel I see some kind of conspiracy in your eyes?"

   "..." This person's eyes are too sharp, and her senses are sharp. She wants to be... calm.

   "You are really wrong. I'm just worried about my mother's condition." Lan Shuiqing replied calmly, "It's getting late. Go back and rest earlier."

  Nan Nan narrowed his eyes and stared at her for a while, then stood up from the stool, "Okay."

  He is very obedient, after all, it is the future wife's words, he will go back to rest...two quarters of an hour, and then come back.

  Lan Shuiqian watched him go, and then let out a low breath.

  It didn't take long for her eyes to sharpen again.

  She was sure that the people in the rivers and lakes that she watched in her yard were definitely the work of the King’s brother.

   has been locked up in front of the Buddhist hall and thought about it, and was beaten up. The mother and daughter of the Jin family are still restless.

   Lan Shui snorted coldly and called Rouge in.

  I ate dinner with the Wu family. Over the years, she has been accustomed to her mother and daughter being dependent on each other.

  Even though Mrs. Tai has been asking her to eat in the front hall these days, she refused all of them.

Mrs.    now dare not force her, besides, she has good reasons. Since she wants to accompany the Wu family, she will naturally fulfill her filial piety.

  After the meal, Wu stopped shortly afterwards.

  After Lan Shuiqin came out of Lan Yuan, he went back to his house alone, not even Rouge and Mom Bu went in.

  The two looked at each other, and at the same time saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

  As night falls, the sky gradually darkens. Although it was still early, Lan Mansion had already quieted down.

  Since the Jin sisters were punished to face the wall, they basically stopped arranging activities at night. Without the interest of watching the moon and chatting in the courtyard pavilion, Lan Mansion seemed much lonely.

  Lan Shuiqin took advantage of this silence, quietly left the Shuixi Garden, and walked out of the yard silently, without disturbing anyone. <

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