The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 71: She wants to stay away

   "Since Jin wants to hold Lan Shi Lang so much in his hand, and let Lan Shi Lang chat with her to relieve boredom at this late hour, let the two be more intimate, how about?" Nan Nan's voice was gentle, but his smile was deep.

Aunt Luo shuddered inexplicably, and she didn't know why. Facing the rumored son of Xiuwangfu, she would feel nervous and stressed, as if standing in front of him, she needed to use all her energy. The same force.

  This kind of feeling did not appear when facing Lan Shi Lang who was in a rage.

   However, after hearing the meaning in Nan Shizi's words, Aunt Luo, who was a past person, quickly understood.

She turned her head and looked at Nan Nan, then at the thoughtful Lan Shuiqin, raising her hand up because of the unknown weakness, and whispering, "This, this is unlikely. Although the master loves the Jin family, but The Buddhist hall... has always been a place that Mrs. Tai attaches great importance to, and would not allow others to do that kind of things there. So even though the master went to the Buddhist hall in the past two days, he could at most only accompany the big and small Jins. Talk, talk about it."

  After saying this, Aunt Luo was a little nervous. If she said that as a refutation of Nan Shizi's words, he would not be angry...

   Thinking of this, Aunt Luo stepped back silently, hiding behind Lan Shui and leaning back.

  Blue Shui drew the corners of his mouth, his eyes fell on the thing that Nan Nan was holding.

Nan Nan didn't mind Aunt Luo's words, and threw the medicine bottle in her hand up and smiled, "Don't worry about this, this thing is...then who developed the Acacia powder, just a little bit can make people confused. Fascinated."

   Aunt Luo’s eyes lit up, um, with that thing, it is indeed... a good thing.

It’s just that Lan Shui Qing’s thoughts are much more complicated. She frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Can it be done quietly? Will it not be suspicious afterwards? There will be no traces left? My father, though. The Blue Mansion’s backyard was messed up, but it was the criminal minister who was very experienced in solving and trial cases. If he felt something was wrong afterwards, I was afraid that the first suspect would be me."

This is the reason why she never dared to design the mother and daughter of the Kim family easily. Lan Shi Lang and Mrs. Tai had prejudice against her in the past, so bad things happened in Lan Mansion. They would always put the charges on her, regardless of her. Reasonable and unreasonable.

   Nan Nan's eyes darkened a bit, "Don't worry, no one can doubt your head with me."

  Aunt Luo was instantly bloodied by such a categorical announcement, and she was envious.

  Sure enough, the world is fair, although the eldest lady has suffered so much in the past ten years. However, it can be seen that this Nan Shizi and their master are completely different people, and I am afraid that they will be good to Miss in the future.

  Lan Shuiqin was also stunned by what he said, and inexplicably felt an unprecedented sense of dependence in his heart.

  For so many years, she will not rely on others for anything, but now, she feels that it is good to have him.

  Nan Nan looked at the smile on her face, and her mood was very rippling.

He walked to her silently and stood still, shook the bottle in front of her, and smiled, "This thing is specially developed for women, it is colorless, tasteless, and soundless. Those who have been caught know that they are doing it. What, she will even remember every word she said, but... there is no way to control herself. After all, this thing is just urging her own thoughts."

  The Jin family has been in the Buddhist hall for so many days, and it is the moment of anxiety in his heart, but he has reached the age of a wolf like a tiger again. She wants to get out of the temple, knowing that her most powerful weapon is her body.

  Her heart is more eager than Lan Shi Lang to be upset, she wants to grasp Lan Shi Lang's heart in this way.

  It’s just that she has been sensible all the time, knowing where she is, and will control her thoughts and actions.

  With this medicine, she would completely forget about the Buddhist hall and so on. Even if she knew where she was, she didn't want to care anymore. In the final analysis, this medicine is just a catalyzing effect on the deepest desire in her heart.

  Therefore, her behavior will not appear confused and sentimental, and it will not be like an ordinary spring or medicine.

Nan Nan explained this and laughed again, "Of course, although Lan Shi Lang is sober, but in the face of Jin's temptation, he has to sit back and relax... It's really embarrassing for him."

  If you can really sit back and relax, there won’t be so many concubine rooms.

  Nan Nan actually despised him. In his heart, he still admires his father at this point.

   Aunt Luo's eyes moved, a little dim, but she quickly regained her spirit. Didn't she know what kind of person Lan Shilang is? What are you still thinking about now?

  The top priority is to bring down the Jin family as soon as possible, so that Aunt Qi’s son can stand in front of everyone with integrity.

  She doesn’t need children’s love, just revenge for her children.

  Thinking of this, a raging fire rose in her heart, and her courage also rose up, and she was able to withstand the pressure that Nan Nan released.

   "Then, how do you put this medicine?"

Nan Nan glanced at her, and then fell on Lan Shuiqing's body again, "Leave this to me."

  "..." Will it be overkill for Nan Shizi?

  However, with Nan Shizi acting together with them, the plan this time will surely be successful. She originally thought that Nan Shizi was just making an idea and wouldn't get involved.

  It seems that he really loves Lan Shuiqi, and Aunt Luo's confidence is immediately enough.

"After the incident, the wife of the Lan family will definitely be furious. On the surface, the responsibility for this incident rests on Jin's head. It is her who seduce the Lan Shilang to do such a ridiculous thing. But. Lan Shilang must not be well, Mrs. Tai has a grudge in her heart. Looking at Jin and Lan Shilang will naturally not be pleasing to the eye. Lan Shilang has always respected and obedient to Mrs. Tai, even if she still has love for Jin in her heart, every time she sees her , I would think of this thing, I feel ashamed of Madam Tai, and I will gradually become alienated." Nan Nan deeply felt that his plan was still quite perfect, so Shui Qing should love him more.

  However, as soon as he lowered his head, he saw that Lan Shui's eyes were very strange and complicated.

  He was taken aback and asked, "What's wrong, is there any problem?"

   Lan Shui poured his mouth and twitched, and after a while, he asked in a low voice, "This medicine...who researched this medicine? Shouldn't it be the princess?"

  No matter who researched it, she will have to stay away from this person in the future. <

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