The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 2 Chapter 80: He is talking about himself

  Lan Shuiyuan's face turned white, and he felt a little choked in his heart.

  It is clear that there is a maid next to him in the outside yard, why... Father came over, but no one came to report?

  Just now, how much did he hear?

When she was panicking, she heard the cold voice of Lan Shilang sounded again, "Do you think it is useful to ask him? I tell you, don't give me any more moths. The decision of Jin's to be reduced to a concubine, will not Change. You two will stay in your own yard for me to reflect, and you are not allowed to meet your uncle again, otherwise, don't want to step out of the Blue Mansion for the rest of your life."

  Lan Shui Yuan and Lan Shui Tian both lowered their heads slightly, but they were relieved in their hearts.

  Listening to Lan Shi Lang's words, I'm afraid that he just heard the last sentence before coming in.

Jin Xiong glared at Lan Shi Lang angrily. After a while, he flicked his sleeves and sneered, "Do you think I would be happy to come? Lan Mingliang, don't you think that you are a criminal servant. I'm in the palace, so do you disdain us? Let me tell you, I am not willing to come to your shabby place. I don't need to send it. I will go by myself."

   After he said, he flicked his sleeve, turned and left the house.

   "Uncle..." Lan Shuiyuan yelled in a low voice, but Jin Xiong took advantage of the opportunity to argue with Lan Shilang, walked out of the Blue Mansion, and disappeared quickly.

   Lan Shi Lang shouted at the door, "Housekeeper Liu, see off the guests."

After he said, he turned his head, stared at his two daughters fiercely, and said in a deep voice, "You two don't waste your time, this matter is decided by the wife, and no one can change it, let alone your ineffectiveness. Uncle of mine, don’t tire you by the time, have you heard?"

   "I heard it." The two of them responded very well-behaved aggrievedly.

When Lan Shilang saw this, he sighed in a low voice after all, and his voice softened a bit, "Don't worry too much. Although the Jin family is reduced to concubine, the cost of food and clothing is indispensable for them. Wait until Mrs. Tai's anger is gone, Dad will go and talk again."

  No matter what, what happened last night, he also has a share.

   Lan Shi Lang said, his face was still a little ashamed, he turned around and walked away in a hurry.

  Blue Water Edge raised his head, his eyes narrowed slightly. Sure enough, Dad still has affection for his mother, so as long as they solve the problem of Lan Shuiqi, the family can live happily together.


   "Second sister, the maids outside seem to think that our two sisters have lost power, but we put it in our eyes." Lan Shuitian stepped forward, her voice low.

Lan Shuiyuan nodded, "Daddy came here and no one announced it, huh, these people were given by the wife, and they must have shallow eyelids like her. It's a pity that the maids who followed us before have been changed. Otherwise, we don’t have to be so restrained."

   "Well, it seems that we will have to be more cautious in our actions in the future. It is impossible to guarantee that traitors will not appear in these people. Just leave things outside to uncle, so we can be safe and behave for a few days.

  The two were talking, and then sneered a few more times.

   In the evening, the big and small Jin clan was beaten by the wife of his wife, and was reduced to a concubine's room and sent to the most secluded quiet garden in the Blue Mansion. There were only two maids waiting by his side.

  This kind of thing, naturally, was more or less spread to the outside world, but people began to discuss the reasons why Kim was reduced to a concubine's room.

   But compared to the Jins, Lan Shuiqing and Ye Qingnan’s marriage are more concerned. Many people think that Kim will end up like this because of this incident. After all, the Wu clan has been oppressed for more than ten years, and now that he is flying to the sky, the Jin clan naturally has no good fruit to eat.

  It's just that this kind of thing is in their point of view, and it doesn't end up unexpectedly. What's more, the Jin family was originally a concubine, and his status was very humble. Many people sneered at being raised as a flat wife.

  Therefore, what happened to the Jin family was nothing more than a ripple in the hearts of everyone, and there was nothing to bring about.

  And that night, something happened.

   Originally thought that when the King was overthrown, he would have a chance to gather his heart. It is said that while Mrs. Tai was unconscious, she stole Mrs. Tai's most valuable bracelet. The wife was so angry that she was dragged out to fight, but Caixin was weak and she was beaten to death within a few seconds.

  When he heard the news, Lan Shuiqing paused with his hands sewing clothes, and then continued without saying much, letting Rouge recount today’s news with joy.

   "Miss, did that Caixin really steal Madam Tai's bracelet? Does she have the courage?"

Lan Shui smiled, bit the thread in his hand and put it back in the sewing basket. Only then did he shake off the robe in his hand twice, and said with a smile, "Cai Xin is usually very courageous, not surprising. ..." The topic stopped, and she quickly shifted Rouge's gaze, "Do you think the color of this robe is a bit dark?"

  Rouge immediately pursed his lips and smiled, “Miss, don’t care whether it’s deep or not, anyway, the slave thinks it, Nan Shizi will definitely like it.”

   Lan Shui twitched at the corner of his mouth, folded the robe and put it up, "Who said it was made for him?"

   "Hey, is it possible that the lady made it for the master? But the master... the stature... doesn't seem to match."

   "..." Lan Shui glared at her fiercely, "Didn't you say it's late and want to sleep? Then don't you hurry up?"

   is really talkative.

  But... She met Nan Nan several times, and the colors of his clothes were a bit dark. The dark clothes look really good on him, with a faintly murderous atmosphere, giving people a strong sense of oppression and an unignorable aura.

  So when choosing fabrics, she chose dark materials without even thinking about it.

  It’s just that, she thinks that he wears light-colored, it should also look great. His figure and skin color seemed to be born for all kinds of clothes.

  唔, otherwise let him make another light-colored one next time, let him try them all and see which one he likes.

   was thinking about it, there was a gurgling sound in her ear, and when she turned her head, she saw Rouge looked at herself teasingly.

   Lan Shui gave her an angry look, "What are you doing?"

   "Miss, I am not sleepy at all now, I am very excited, I can chat with you."

   "But Ben Shizi wants to chat with her, what should I do?" As soon as Rouge's voice fell over there, a low voice suddenly sounded from the windowsill.

Rouge was taken aback, and as soon as she looked up, she saw the familiar figure on the window sill. Her body shrank subconsciously, and she immediately saluted, "I have seen the son of the world."

  Nan Nan jumped off the window sill and walked to the blue water.

   Lan Shuiqing thought of the robe he had just put away, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't see it.

"How did you come?"

  "Didn't I tell you yesterday? I will send someone to protect you."<

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