"Ah..." Mo Piao screamed, who was concentrating on eating, and she was so scared to stop by the person who fell.

  She was still holding a pair of chopsticks in her hand, her eyes looked horrified at the people who fell from the roof to the table and smashed all the soup and water on her body, and did not move.

  However, just before she could react, the person on the table struggled and turned over again, and then... fell straight in her arms, took her to the ground with one piece, and pressed her directly to the ground.

   followed closely, and the man passed out and was motionless.

  Mo Piao’s expression became even more miserable, and the chopsticks in his hand finally fell to the floor with a ‘click’.

  Nian-nian stood aside, resting her chin with her fingers, raising her eyes to look at the big hole in the roof, and meditatively said, "This inn has been in disrepair for a long time, it is too dangerous, Beibei, let's change to another inn."

   "That's right, I didn't expect a big hole in the roof just casually. Fortunately, we flashed fast."

   "Yes, fortunately," Wen Ya patted her chest.

  Mo Piao finally recovered, looking at the three people who were still discussing over there without tears, with a look of grief and anger, "Should you remove the person from me first?"

  Wen Ya gave a light cough, still moved quickly, and turned the person off her body.

  Mo Piao looked at the three people aggrievedly, “You run away by yourself, you don’t know how to tell me.”

  Looking at the soup and water on his body and the bright red blood stains, Mo Piao suddenly wanted to go home. The three of them were too loyal, so they just avoided it, and didn't give her a hand.

  Wen Ya pursed her lips and smiled, slanting her eyes and humming softly, "Who told you to know what to eat? I didn't even hear anything on it."

  Mo Piao is also a martial artist. Although he is the weakest among the four, he can't even hear the crisp footsteps above his head. It was obvious that she herself was too greedy to get hit.

  Mo Piao opened his mouth, but after all he could not speak, he could only lower his head, looking at his clothes with disgust.

   Then turned to look at the person who was opened by Wen Ya, only to find that she was covered with blood, and she looked seriously injured.

  She blinked and looked at Nian-nian and Beibei.

  Both of them were motionless, and the person looking at the ground didn't know what was thinking.

  For a while, I heard Ye Qingbei’s puzzled voice, "Niannian, can't you save it?"

   "I don't know, I can't save it." Why should I save someone who is in a bad mood, and smashes his own table with food?

  Who knows whether it’s a good person or a bad person, she came to Tianyu Country to do serious things, but she didn’t want to get in trouble. This person knew at a glance that she was hunted and killed. She was stupid to save people.

   "Let the shopkeeper give us a better room." It's so late now, and it's hard to find an inn again, so let's just check it out.

  Niannian said, she went to pack her own things.

  Ye Qingbei nodded, turned and walked towards the door of the room.

  However, just after taking a step, his eyes suddenly stared, and his gaze fell on the waist of the man on the ground.

  There was a token lying quietly there, with a strange pattern, but it was a token familiar to Ye Qingbei.

  He retracted his feet, walked to the person again, pursed his lips, raised his eyes and looked at Nian Nian, "Nian Nian, save people."

  Niannian raised her eyebrows, wrapped her hands around her chest, and tapped her toes on the ground. "Why?"


  Niannian said that she was still in a good mood and felt very good.

  She looked at Ye Qingbei carefully for a while, and then followed his line of sight to the waist of the woman on the ground. Has she seen the pattern on the token? It seems a bit familiar.

   At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the door, followed by an apologetic voice from the inn shopkeeper, “Guest, are you okay?”

Nan Nan turned his head slightly, and quickly replied, "It's okay, it's just that there is something dirty on your body, you can ask someone to prepare another room for us." Then, he raised his eyes and glanced at Mo Piao on the side, adding In one sentence, "There is still hot water."

   "Okay, okay, the guest officer will be here soon." The shopkeeper sighed in relief. Seeing that the guests in the room didn't mean to blame, he wiped his sweat and went back.

  Niannian curled her lips, then squatted down and gave the pulse to the woman on the ground, "There is no worry about life, please carry the person to the bed."

  Wen Ya and Mo Piao immediately came forward and carefully carried the woman onto the bed.

  Nian Nian smoothly pulled the token, placed it in her palm, and turned it carefully, and her eyebrows were slightly raised.

  Her temperament was originally not to care about many things, except for those herbs, she hardly remembered things she didn't want to remember.

  So although she felt familiar with this token, she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

  After a while, she still couldn't remember where she had seen this token.

Ye Qingbei came up and saw her tangled and frowning face. The corners of her mouth twitched. He had to explain to her, "This is the token of the Imperial Guard of the Heavenly Rain Kingdom. The guards directly take orders from the emperor. Prince Yu." Well, that's Uncle Marshmallow.

  Niannian's mind seemed to have a sudden flash of light, and she suddenly realized it, and finally remembered where she had seen this token.

  This token seems to have a piece of elder brother. I heard that the emperor’s grandfather gave it to him when his eldest brother was in Tianyu Kingdom when he was a child.

   Although she didn't understand why the dark guard's token was given to her eldest brother, it is not difficult to see now that the woman who fell from the sky and was unconscious should be the emperor's grandfather's dark guard.

  The royal guard who was hunted down! ! !

   Nian Nian squinted her eyes, suddenly turned her head to look at Ye Qingbei, and asked with a smile, "Beibei, are you hiding something from me?"

"..." The only shortcoming of the children of King Xiu's Mansion is that they are too sensitive. Ye Qingbei laughed and shook his head very seriously, "Absolutely not, but since they are the guards of the Emperor's Grandpa, they must be for the prince. On the way, when we saw it, we couldn't help but die, didn't we?"

Nian Nian gave a cold snort and ignored him.

  The shopkeeper quickly changed a room for them. Ye Qingbei did not ask him to help, so as not to see the injured and unconscious woman, he just asked Wen Ya and Mo Piao to carry the person to the next room.

  Nian Nian gave her medicine, her pulse condition had stabilized, and after so much trouble, she quickly went to rest.

When   woke up the next day, the sky was already bright, but the woman in the room hadn't woke up yet.

  Niannian sat on the edge of the bed, frowned and looked at Ye Qingbei, who was also sitting opposite, and said, "There is a problem that I think is very strange." <

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