Nian-nian sighed, turned her head slightly, and said embarrassingly, "Second Lord, he... is very good to me, and has always wanted me to stay at Second Master’s house. It’s just that it’s inconvenient, after all. He already has a family. I'm like this... Hey, the second master told me that there was still a big maid beside him, so he asked me to come over. The second master said that he has a good relationship with the big young master, and he can always be right. My many cares will not arouse some people's suspicion."

  Ding Xiang was startled, what do you mean? She meant... what kind of relationship is she and the second master?

   Isn’t it what they think?

   "Are you serious?" Lilac looked at her suspiciously.

   Nian Nian pursed her lips, becoming more shy, "In the future, the second master will come to me, and I hope you can make it easier."

  As soon as the words came out, Ding Xiang immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing this, this person really has the kind of relationship with the second master, tusk, I can’t tell. Erye Jinwu Cangjiao actually hid here.

  Niannian secretly raised her eyes to look at her, and saw her look relieved, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

  The thoughts of these people are too dirty, really, they will think about those aspects.

But she didn’t lie either. Second Uncle Bai was really nice to her, and he really wanted her and Beibei to live in his house. She was indeed a family member, and her identity was really not suitable. She lives in his house. After all, she is still the fiancee of the eldest Master Su Guo Gong’s mansion. This fiancee can’t live in his uncle’s house, right?

  Also, Second Uncle Bai arranged for her to be a maid here, and he would definitely come to her from time to time.

  She is very honest, she really didn’t lie.

  Ding Xiang pursed her lips, and finally relaxed a little bit from her guard.

   But there is still some doubt in her heart, and she will not be so fooled.

  It’s just for the sake of it, and it doesn’t make sense for her to ask any more, she nodded to Niannian, “Well, then come with me, Master is inside.”

   said, and walked in first.

  Niannian whispered secretly.

   Entering the house, I found that the dressing up here is very simple and clean, and the whole room presents a very tough feeling.

  Niannian frowned, she was really not used to such a cold and deserted feeling.

  After a few steps, Ding Xiang stood still, and knocked gently on the door twice, "Young Master, Miss Yu Xi is here."

   is very quiet inside, it seems that there is no one at all.

  Kindly know that there are people in the room. Although they breathe lightly, they can still feel the movement inside.

  She raised her eyes and looked around the room again.

  Ding Xiang glared at her, and warned in a low voice, “Don’t take aim, wait quietly. When working as an errand in Jinfeng Garden, you must abide by the rules, understand?”

  After she finished speaking, she looked down again and waited.

There is still no sound in   , and Ding Xiang is also very patient, maintaining a respectful posture.

  Niannian twitched the corner of her mouth and asked her, "Is there no one inside?" Her voice was raised slightly, just for the people inside to hear it.

  Ding Xiang's brows suddenly curled up, and he lowered her voice to scold her, "Shut up, and then go out. The young master is busy now. As the servants, we naturally have to wait patiently for the young master to finish."

  Niannian rolled her eyes, and said ‘oh’, but she was very cleverly silent.

  After a quarter of an hour, there is still no sound inside.

  Niannian's brows were tightly twisted. Looking back at Lilac, she still had the same expression, without a trace of impatience.

  Nian Nian felt that this lilac must have such patience must have been trained for a long time.

  This white sulfur also has some skills.

  Almost a quarter of an hour later, just when I was thinking about whether to push the door and enter, I finally heard a low voice, "Come in."

  The sound circulates, digging into Nian-nian’s ears, and inexplicably makes her feel very pleasing to the ear.

  Only the next moment, her face sank, oh oh oh, it sounds good, not as attractive as the voice of the big brother Beibei, yes yes yes, not as good as them.

  Thinking about it, she took a deep breath secretly, and slightly straightened her chest.

  Ding Xiang looked at her like this, her face couldn't help but stink a little, and then gave her a warning look, and then slowly opened the door.

   "Young Master."

  Niannian followed her in. As soon as she looked up, she saw a man sitting on the couch with a chess board in front of her.

  The sunspots and whites above are scattered and densely packed, and the head of the person looking at it is dizzy.

  The man is holding a black piece in his hand, looking at the piece on the chessboard, he doesn't know what he is thinking.

  The man's side face is so handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, thin lips slightly pursed, sitting there motionless, cold and cold, with a different kind of charm.

"Young Master." Ding Xiang saw Nian Nian like this, the alarm bell in her heart made a big alarm, and he stepped forward, blocking Nian Nian's front, and said, "This is the girl Yuxi mentioned by the second master. Does the young master want Ask a few words, arrange for someone to stay?"

  Bai Li did not lift his head either, but when he heard Lilac's words, he frowned slightly.

  The sunspot in his hand landed on the chessboard, his lips lightly opened, and he asked in a low voice, "Since the second uncle arranged it, please stay. No need to ask."

   "Yes." Ding Xiang was still a little unhappy. She had always been a big maid in Jinfeng Garden. Now that there is one more person, her interests have lost a lot. Although Nian Nian was personally recommended by Bai Yifeng, she still hoped that the young master would ask a few words and refused her.

   Thinking of this, Ding Xiang's tone couldn't help but become hardened, "Young Master, since Miss Yu Xi is staying, then... let her be responsible for the deployment of the servant maid?"

Nian Nian raised her eyebrows. According to the truth, she was a newcomer who didn't understand the things in this yard, and she was even more silly about the maids. Let her make arrangements. Wouldn't it be a mess for Jinfeng Garden? ?

  This Lilac clearly didn't want her to be close to Baili Yi's body, so he wanted to arrange her to do other things.

  But it doesn’t matter, her purpose was not to serve Baili Yi. She was really afraid that she would return to the West when the white sulphur who was not paying attention would return to the west.

  Thinking of this, she did not speak either, and quietly waited for Baili Yi's arrangement.

  White sulfur also seemed to be more indifferent, looking at the layout on the chessboard, he was finally satisfied.

   responded more casually to Dingxiang, "You can arrange these things."

  A smile appeared on Ding Xiang’s face, and she took a deep breath and blessed her body slightly, “Yes, the slave maid will bring Yuxi to familiar with Jinfeng Garden.”

   After talking, she tugged, turned her around and left.

   Nian Nian snorted, her voice was very soft, but it happened that Bai Li could also be heard.

  He raised his eyebrows and turned his head, just in time to see Nian Nian turning around and about to leave. <

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