The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 3 Chapter 21: Your whole family is shameless

  Niannian ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, shameless woman? You are shameless, your whole family is shameless.

  Niannian's hand holding the tray harder and then harder, if there is not a trace of reason present, she will crush the tray on the spot.

  She sneered secretly, Bai Li, you have a kind, if he has the courage to quit her marriage, she promises to let him die, and there is no bones left.

  Ding Xiang aimed at Nian Nian, but saw that she had been smiling slightly, her expression had not changed at all, and she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Does Yuxi really have no intention of the young master? So you don’t care about the relationship between Miss Cousin and Young Master? Is her suspicion untenable?

  Since she has no intention of being elder, then she can be less hostile to her.

"It's just that I'm sorry for Miss Biao. If the young master retires, the rumors will definitely point to Miss Biao. Miss Biao is weak and I don't know if she can bear it. But I believe that the young master will protect Miss Biao. These things are not something we can worry about."

When    talked again, Dingxiang’s tone seemed a little more kind.

  Niannian sneered again and again, but the smile on the corner of her mouth remained undiminished. She looked at Dingxiang and asked, "You have a good impression of Miss Ciao? Did she benefit you?"

  The expression on Dingxiang’s face became stiff, and she turned her head and stared at her fiercely, "What do you know? Sooner or later, Miss Ciao will become a grandmother and will not be our master?"

  Ding Xiang stayed with Baili Ye for so long, and he knew that there was no hope for him to climb the bed.

  In the past, there were also two big maids around the young master, but since the young master became an adult, all of them wanted to be aunts because of their own beauty, and the methods were endless.

The young master was very disgusted with this, and replaced all the restless maids. Only Dingxiang, after seeing the young master's methods at first, stopped thinking about it, but has been waiting until now, and is firmly seated. This location.

  But she is still very motivated. She can’t be the eldest master’s aunt, so she can only be a man who works hard to indulge her in the future.

  Ms. Biao showed kindness to her from the very beginning, and was kind to her, which gave her a lot of benefits.

   Such a generous lady, she naturally has to talk more in front of the young master.

  But...well, in fact, although she said she was the maid beside the young master, she didn't spend much time with the young master on weekdays, and the young master was a quiet person, so she couldn't say a few words at all.

  But she can’t say good things in front of the eldest master, so that doesn’t prevent her from raising a deep impression on these people, isn’t she?

  Nian Nian is pretty sure that Lilac was bought by this lady.

  However, the culprit is also white sulfur. That bastard, behind her back, actually hooked up with someone else. Now that he already has someone he likes, why did he write to Feng Cangguo to request the fulfillment of the marriage contract? Why not just retreat? He clearly wanted to hug the left and the right and enjoy the blessings of all people. She must want him to look good.

  She knew that he was not a good thing. She knew that she had picked up her jade pendant since she was eight years old.

   was thinking about it, the watch lady Liu Yangyang over there has already walked to the front.

  When she saw Nian Nian, she was taken aback, looked at her with some doubts, and asked Ding Xiang with a confused expression, "This is..."

  "The slave girl, please greet Miss Ciao." Ding Xiang was very attentive, "Miss Ciao, this is the new maid, Yu Xi."

Liu Yang was stunned for a moment, and then nodded suddenly, "So you are the maid brought by the second uncle." After that, she laughed, "Looks like a clever, second uncle's eyes are natural. It can’t be wrong. I can rest assured that you...we are waiting for my cousin with all my heart.”

  Niannianxiao is called a brilliant, "Miss watch, rest assured, I will try my best to serve the young master from the inside out."

   Liu Yangyang’s expression was stiff, how did this maid speak... so shameless?

  What is from the inside to the outside? No one talks like this.

Ding Xiang couldn't help but glared at her, and Nian Nian continued to laugh, very brilliant.

  Liu Yangyang looked at her like this, and couldn't help but twist her eyebrows. Then he kindly took off a bracelet from his wrist and handed it to the maid beside him.

The maid looked at Nian Nian with a sharp look in her eyes. She nodded slightly at Liu Yangyang, and then walked to Nian Nian with her bracelet, and said, "This is a meeting gift from our lady. , You take it well, and you will do your best to serve the young master. If you don’t understand, you can directly ask Clove."

  The implication is to ask Ding Xiang, who is the girl and what her status will be in the future, don’t fail to know good and bad, it’s best to know the current affairs like Dingxiang.

  Nian-nian took a look at the bracelet. To be honest, the bracelet was not good-looking at all, the color was average, and the texture was inferior.

  She just said that when she just watched Liu Yangyang walk over, she always felt that there was something inconsistent. It turned out that the bracelet didn't match well.

  Now seeing her take the bracelet back and give it to her, she suddenly realized.

  What would not match, she heard that the second master gave the young master a maid, so she deliberately found an inferior bracelet to wear in her hand, and then came over and gave it to her directly, to buy people's hearts.

  Niannian smiled and took the bracelet over, "Thank you, Miss Biao."

"No, I know it's not easy for you. It's hard to come to the house of a big family to be a maid. Although I have limited ability, I can help a little bit if I can help. Don't have too much mentality. burden."

  Niannian still had a smile on her face, and put her bracelet away.

   Rest assured, she has no psychological burden, nothing at all.

   "Oh." She graciously replied, "If there is nothing wrong with Miss Biao, I will leave first, and I have to work."

   "...Uh, okay." This girl can't speak too much.

  The smile on Liu Yangyang’s face was stiff again, watching Nian Nian turn around and walk away.

  The maid next to her was immediately angry, "It's really a thing of no good or bad. She really thought that she was sent in by the second master, but it was different from the ordinary maid? Dingxiang, is she so arrogant in front of you?"

  Ding Xiang is not stupid, she could hear these words, it was clearly provocative. But at this moment, she was in front of Miss Biao, and naturally wanted to follow the maid beside her, so she nodded and cursed.

   Liu Yangyang frowned, and said softly, “Don’t talk nonsense, it’s normal that she didn’t understand a lot of things when she just came here, and you’ll know after a long time.”

  Niannian has gone far, but her ears are amazing, and she can still hear her clearly.

   smiled immediately and turned a corner.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as he stopped his footsteps, a hand was suddenly stretched out next to him, and the whole person was pulled into a small house beside him. <

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