"I can bring a small servant, wait in the side hall, and wait for the meal."

Nian Nian nodded, "Then I'll go with you... Well, I mean, I am your big maid after all. You are my master. If you lose your life, then I will definitely It’s considered a broom star by others. After all, you were injured on the first day of my arrival, and I have nowhere to go in the future. I know a little bit of medicine, a little better than Alu Dingxiang. When you rest, I can take care of you."

  It is better to have a doctor accompanying him than to fight alone there.

  Bai Li also smiled deeper, "It's okay to do this..., then it will be hard for you."

   "...This is what I should do." Nian Nian frowned, feeling that the atmosphere seemed not right.

   When she lowered her head, she realized that she was changing clothes for him while she was talking.

  "..." Nian Nian hurriedly retracted her hand, a little annoyed. Then she rejoiced, but fortunately, she was unknowingly changing him, otherwise she really couldn't do it.

   Just when she felt that her movements were a bit abrupt, a knock came from outside the door.

   followed by Ah Wen’s voice, "Master, the medicine is ready."

   "Well, come in." Baili closed his eyes as well, the smile on the corner of his mouth faded, and his face returned to his cold expression.

  When Awen came in, he saw his clean shirt, and then looked at Nian Nian, who had a reddened face, raised his eyebrows, put down the medicine, and went down.

  Niannian's eyes fell on the bowl of medicine, and her nose moved slightly. She just smelled it, and she knew what kind of medicine was inside.

   is just some ordinary blood-replenishing medicine, the effect is really not great.

  She glanced at Bailiu and hesitated, “Well, the medicine I just gave you just now conflicts with this bowl of medicine, so you still don’t drink this medicine.”

   "Well, you pour it for me." He naturally reads things more faithfully.

  Niannian was taken aback, he trusted her so much?

   Grabbing a handful of hair, Nian Nian still picked up the medicine by the bed, and walked around the room, and finally saw the potted plant on the window sill.

  Thinking about it, but slowly poured into the soil a little bit.

  Watching the brown liquid sink in a little bit, the corners of her mouth slowly rose. It wasn't until the bowl bottomed out that she came to the edge of the bed again.

  However, the white sulphur on the bed was already a little unsupported and fell asleep.

  Looking at the corners of his mouth with his eyes closed and still slightly raised, Niannian's face froze suddenly. Finally, with hindsight, I realized what I had just done.

  She patted her forehead fiercely. She was dying. Why did she save him? Why did she agree to go to the palace with him to teach the exam?

  She obviously wanted to poison him, poison him, poison him, he is now seeking his own death, wouldn’t it be better? Why is she nosy?

  Niannian thinks this person will definitely be hypnotized, otherwise how could she forget her original intention?

  No way, no way, no way, Nian-nian hurriedly exited the house holding the bowl.

  Until he walked to the side of the corridor, he exhaled a long breath.

   "Yu Xi, you are really good at it." Ding Xiang said viciously, staring at her, not knowing when to walk by her side.

  The expression on Niannian's face has been reduced, and her face has become flat again.

  She turned her head and glanced at Ding Xiang, then stuffed the medicine bowl in her hand into her palm, and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

   "You..." Ding Xiang's face was stubborn, and she couldn't wait to scratch her face twice. But Nian Nian has already left without looking back.

Ding Xiang firmly squeezed the medicine bowl in his hand. After a long time, he stomped fiercely and turned and walked out of Jinfeng Garden.

  Then turn around and go to the left.

When    stopped again, she was already standing at the gate of a courtyard called'Lingshui Garden'.

  A maid at the door saw her and immediately welcomed her in.

  Clove looked at Liu Yangyang who was embroidering on the side, and said respectfully, "Miss Biao, that Yu Xi is not easy."

   "What did she do?" Liu Yangyang blinked, his hand stopped, and asked with a blank expression.

"The maidservant stayed with the young master for many years, and the young master never let the maid close. Today, Yuxi was asked to help him change clothes, and the two of them have been alone in the room for nearly half an hour." She still didn't. Dare to tell the story of Baixi's injury.

  After all, she is still a maid in Jinfeng Garden. The serious master is the young master. She still knows the secret things about the young master.

  So she still refers to her both inside and outside.

   Liu Yangyang's expression instantly became sad, and his face couldn't hide his heartache.

It's just that the words still seem to be quite strong and understanding, "Since Yuxi is the maid of the big cousin now, it is right to serve him... and Yuxi does look good... in the future, even if she is a big cousin. Brother, it is excusable to accept the house. In the future, treat her a little better, and you can live a little better, you know?"

  Ding Xiang, as a maid, although the jealousy and ambition in her heart cannot be hidden, she is still clever.

  She never felt that the lady in front of her would be as weak and deceptive as she appeared, otherwise there would not be so many simple girls who would be bought by her.

  What she said is to imply that Yuxi will be her master in the future. If she is not careful now, her life may be sad in the future.

  The provocation in this remark meant that she could still hear it, but the weakness in this poking was also real. Even if she knew Liu Yangyang was provoking, she still had to be vigilant towards Yu Xi.

Ding Xiang took a deep breath. Although she understood in her heart, she still wanted to show her loyalty at this moment, "Receive the house? Heh, just her infamous means, the young master definitely can't see it. The one who **** her was just jumping over there twice while she was fresh. Miss Ciao is the decent master."

   Liu Yangyang was satisfied when he heard this, but there was a worried look on his face, "Xingxiang, don't do anything stupid, you know?"

   "Miss watch, don't worry, I know what to do."

  Ding Xiang finished speaking, and then retired.

   Only the corners of her mouth raised slightly. She didn't like Yuxi, and she didn't want her to be in position. But she wouldn't go to deal with her personally, she came over, just to remind the lady of the watch. With Yuxi's threat to Miss Biao, Miss Biao will definitely do it.

  She looks good, but with Yuxi's identity, she is afraid that she can't match the watch lady.

  Ding Xiang shrugged and returned to Jinfeng Garden.

  Just as soon as she left, a figure walked out silently not far away, staring at her back and narrowed her eyes slightly. <

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