The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 3 Chapter 42: Nian nian make hands and feet

  However, the courtyard is quiet and there is no half of a person.

  Jiang Mosheng frowned, his eyes quickly searched the surrounding area, and he whispered, "Is it because I heard it wrong?"

   "..." Lu Yu thought, he should have heard it right.

  He was the first one to show up. Lu's footwork was the best in light work. He just saw a figure swiftly out of the courtyard.

  Coincidentally, that body method is also the Lu family foot method.

  Lu Yu pursed his lips, someone from the Lu family appeared here? Are you here to find him? Or... at this moment, dressed as a small servant in the palace, she will also know how to use the Lu family's footwork... how about her?

  Lu Yu thinks that the latter is more likely.

  Huang Qiupu laughed, "Well, Emerson, it's probably the sound of the wind. The wind is quite strong tonight."

  Lu Yu nodded, "Yes, I didn't hear anything else."

   Tong Weilin pursed his lips. He was the second one to come out, but actually he also slid a little at the corner of his clothes. According to reason, Lu Yu, who came out first, should have seen it more clearly.

  But his appearance was clearly intended to cover up for someone who came, but he just said seriously that he hadn’t seen or heard it. Could it be someone he knew?

  Tong Weilin frowned, but in the end he didn't say anything.

   Forget it, ask him again.

  A few people looked at the courtyard again, and then returned to the house.

  Niannian, who had already jumped far away, secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, the strength of these four people should not be underestimated, and they were almost discovered.

   Fortunately, she moves fast. If she is found out, she won’t be able to do anything bad tonight.

  Niannian shook her body, took out the crumpled map she had pinched, and opened her eyes.

  The remaining palace is the Temple of Infinity.

  I hope that Wu Yuanhou is in the Immeasurable Hall, otherwise she will be very annoyed.

  Niannian pursed her lips, and quickly walked towards the palace.

  There are a lot of guards patrolling on the road. Fortunately, Nian Nian is no stranger to the palace. It is commonplace for her to compare the sight of the guards.

  She quickly stood at the door of the Hall of Boundlessness. What is strange is that it is also the same as the Hall of Fengle. There are no guards outside.

  Niannian quickly flashed into the door, crossed the corridor and stood in the corner, secretly piercing the window paper to look inside.

  There were also a lot of officials standing in the Temple of Infinity, many of them stood quietly in the corner with their eyes closed, and some were talking lowly.

  Niannian pricked up her ears, and vaguely heard someone's low voice.

   "The eldest son of the Bai family, his strength should not be underestimated. I didn't expect that all the teaching tests in the day were passed. I don't know if we can maintain such a momentum at night and pass the test of us people."

   "I am quite optimistic about the Bai family eldest son. No matter his tolerance or temperament, he looks good, calm and introverted, but compares many old ministers."

   "Yes, I speak kindly. I don't think it's okay to work with him."

   "The most important thing is that the arguments and arguments he said in the day are all clues, which are beyond reach. The older we are, the more constrained our ideas are. It is really impossible to refuse to accept the old."

   "In the hall, it is time for a young man like him to come in."

  Nian-nian's eyes gleamed when she heard it outside, but she didn't expect that White Sulfur could give people such a high evaluation in just one day.

  She can see that the people who were in the Dongji Temple earlier should be officials who taught Bailiyi during the day. The Hall of Immortality here is probably the official who teaches examinations at night.

  She knew that Bai Li also had real talents, and not only conquered the civilian officials in the day, but these military officials seemed to have also been conquered.

  Well, not bad.

  Something inexplicable and a sense of glory.

   "Huh." Suddenly, a very disdainful voice suddenly sounded in the room.

  Nian was taken aback, and looked at the person who made the sound.

I saw a middle-aged man full of awe-inspiring awe-inspiring expression and a violent expression. He walked a few steps forward and walked among the few officials who had just been discussing. Are you scared? Fortunately, all of you are soldiers fighting on the battlefield. You are so scared to speak with a few words. It's useless."

   Everyone looked at him and stared at him one by one, but no one dared to refute his words, so they turned their heads and dispersed.

Only sitting in the corner, an old general with a healthy face, laughed loudly, "Wu Yuanhou, you don’t have to say such a thing. We know that you and Su Guo Gongfu have always been at odds, so naturally we don’t want Young Master Bai. Enter the dynasty as an official, otherwise you will have another strong opponent."

  He has a look that we all understand, and his affection doubles when he sees it.

   Then his eyes fell on another person. It turned out that the person who spoke loudly and hostilely was Hou Wuyuan. He looked... ugly.

Takehara Hou looked back at the soldier. Probably his status was not low. The hostility on his body was reduced a lot, but his tone was still cold and contemptuous. After teaching and testing in the daytime, Benhou looked very bad at him. I am afraid that he can only support this at best. The teaching and testing at night is estimated to be able to fall down only half of the time. Just as weak as he is. How dare to face us soldiers on the battlefield, I am afraid that they will be scared in less than half an hour. Therefore, it is too early to talk about entering the court as an official, and he is not qualified to be the opponent of the lord."

  Niannian raised her eyebrows, Lord Lie? It seems to be a king whose surname is highly regarded by the emperor's grandfather.

   Not long ago, there were bandits in Tianyu Kingdom. It is said that an old general personally went to battle and wiped out everything. Isn’t it him?

Lord Lie didn't care too much about the attitude of Takehara Hou, his face was still smiling, and he said lightly, "Then wait and see."

  Niannian smiled secretly, yeah, she would wait and see.

  There was a silver needle in her hand, she narrowed her eyes and smiled.

  Fifteen minutes later, Nian Nian returned to the Jinyang Palace with a relaxed expression.

  White sulfur is still asleep, Nian Nian secretly added sleeping medicine powder to the meals he ate before, so that he can have a good rest.

  Ye Qingbei looked at her back, couldn't help but glared at her, and asked in a low voice, "What did you do? Go to Wuyuanhou?"

   "No." Nian Nian looked innocent, "I just went to the hut."

  Ye Qingbei sneered, but at this moment he had confirmed in his heart, and he could send a letter back to tell his parents that Nian Nian was indeed...can't help it.

  Nian Nian entered the hall and waited for a while to see that the time was almost up, and then Bai Li also called out.

  She helped him tidy up his clothes, squinting her eyes and smiling like a fox, and said, "Everything will go well."<

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