The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Vol 3 Chapter 73: I see who dares to touch her

  I raised my eyes and just saw the two ladies of the thirteen princesses dressed as court ladies walking towards Nian Nian.

  Mo Piao's face changed, and he blocked Nian Nian, "Whoever dares to touch my lady, I will kill anyone, walk away, and walk away for me."

  "..." The people in the room were shocked by the sudden situation, and looked at Mo Piao who came in inexplicably in astonishment.

  The next moment, Mrs. Bai suddenly raised her head, what did Mo Piao say? Miss?

  Her name is Miss Yuxi?

The thirteenth princess did not even notice the meaning of her words. Seeing someone dared to stand in front of the person she was going to execute, the smile on her mouth became even colder, "Here is another one who is not afraid of death, okay, then Just drag it out together."

   said, winking at the two court ladies.

  The two immediately rushed towards Mo Piao like wolves and tigers, but Mo Piao snorted and kicked him over.

  The eyes of the Ninth Prince suddenly squinted, this girl is a solid foundation. The movement was quick and swift, and could kick a person with one kick. If this weak-looking maid had no internal strength, she couldn't do it at all.

  The thirteenth princess looked at the palace maid who was kicked to the ground, clutching her chest and groaning in pain. She looked at Mo Piao in astonishment, and then her face flushed, "The reverse is true, and she dared to do something to my people."

   She pointed at Mo Piao with trembling fingers, as if she had been hit hard.

  She suddenly turned her head and looked at the old lady Bai, "Old lady, are these the servants of the Su Guo Gong's mansion? Can they all dare to confront the royal family?"

Mrs. Bai pursed her lips, but at the moment she calmed down a lot. She felt that Yu Xi's ignorant and fearless expression was not as pretentious, nor as if she had no self-knowledge. Her appearance was more like a well-informed one, and there was no way to deal with it. Up.

  So, she just glanced at Mo Piao, and said, "Mo Piao, quickly apologize to the thirteen princesses."

  Just after saying this, her suspicious eyes fell on Niannian again. She heard it right, and Mo Piao was indeed Miss Yuxi.

Seeing the old lady Bai opened his mouth, Liu hurriedly said, "Mo Piao, who allowed you to do something to the princess? You are absolutely lawless. People like you are not worthy to be the servants of the Su Guo Gong Mansion. From now on , You have nothing to do with Su Guo Gong's mansion. Whether you live or die, it has nothing to do with the mansion."

   Mo Piao's mouth twitched. She was dead or alive, and she had nothing to do with Su Guogong. She is a member of Feng Cang Country who builds the palace, so she is not rare here.

From the moment Mo Piao rushed in, Nian Nian retracted the hand that had been inserted into the sleeve.

  Hearing that Miss Mo Piao's sentence, she quickly looked at Mrs. Bai. Sure enough, the old lady Bai squinted her eyes.

  Niannian sighed, well, she brought Hong Ya with her today, and from the moment she promised to keep Hong Ya, she had already planned to no longer hide her identity.

  It's just that she has been hiding from Mrs. Bai for so long, for fear that she will be upset.

  The Liu family over there has already yelled to the ruthless lady outside, "You are not coming in yet, and catch these defiant girls for the princess? Is it impossible for the princess to do it himself?"

   can be regarded as giving her a chance to kill these two things of unknown origin at once.

  Old Madam Bai frowned. This is the Palace of the Su Kingdom. She is the old lady with the fate of the emperor. How can you allow the princess to do whatever she wants in her own house? Even if it were to be punished, it was not her turn. It's been enough for so long. And this Liu family is simply afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

Mrs. Bai took a step forward. Just thinking of making a sound, she suddenly saw the red bud kneeling on the ground shivering to hug Princess Thirteen’s legs, crying and saying, "Princess, the princess calms down, this matter is a slave girl’s Wrong, it was the slave servant who broke the Crown Prince Yu Ruyi. You should put the slave servant to death. Yuxi and Mo Piao are both innocent, and it's none of their business. Princess, you have a debtor, you have to kill the servant and let others go. ."

The thirteenth princess was taken aback, then kicked the red buds in disgust, and stepped back a few steps, "Shut up, who allowed you to touch this princess? Don't worry, do you think that Yu Ruyi who broke the prince's brother will be safe? When this princess disposes of these two defiant girls, she will deal with you when she turns around. Now kneel there obediently and dare to touch them, this princess will cut off your hand first."

  "The princess spares Yuxi and Mo Piao. The slave-maid kowtows to the princess, and the slave-maid kowtows to them." Hongya was kicked aside by the thirteen princesses, and when she recovered, she immediately banged her head against the ground.

   Nian Nian frowned, seeing that there was blood on her forehead, her expression changed slightly, and she winked at Mo Piao.

  Mo Piao immediately stepped forward to support Hongya’s head, "What are you doing?" Why is this girl more determined than her?

Hong Ya burst into tears and murmured in her mouth, "Sorry, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, I'm sorry, it's me who hurt you. Mo Piao, I'm the one who deserves death. Just now, I shouldn't have been rescued just now, so I won't drag you down."

   "It's okay, I'm not afraid of getting involved. Anyway, if you want to kill me, you still have to ask my lady."

   Hong Ya was a little stunned, "Miss?"

  "Don't abuse yourself, my lady promised to protect you, she will do it." Mo Piao took out the veil on her body and wiped the blood stains on her forehead. It was pitiful, his voice was still hoarse, and now he abused himself to the point of knocking his forehead.

Ding Xiang beside    didn't say a word since then, she also heard clearly, Mo Piao called Yu Xi...Miss. Miss?

Isn't Yu Xi a maid? Isn't it the maid who entered the mansion at the same time as Mo Piao? Now Mo Piao actually said that she is the young lady of her family, is it possible that she is the daughter of the settled family?

  Ding Xiang couldn't understand, but didn't know why, so she was inexplicably settled in her heart. She reached out and grabbed Hong Ya's hand, and said in a low voice, "Just stop talking for now."

  At this moment, the two ruthless envoys whom Liu called also came in.

   Liu Yangyang, with the princess and Liu's backing, immediately pointed to Niannian unwillingly and said, "Hurry up and grab her and hand it over to the princess."

  Niannian squinted her eyes and looked at Tang Minyang, "Princess, are you really going to catch me?" Her hand went into her sleeve again.

  Princess Thirteen didn't want to hear her at all, so she snorted coldly.

  The two ruthless women walked towards Niannian, but before their hands touched her, they heard a low voice suddenly sounded outside, "Let me see who dares to move her."

   followed closely, and when the curtain was lifted, someone strode in.

  Everyone in the room looked out. Liu Yangyang and Princess Thirteen changed their faces, but they soon became slightly ashamed and slowly lowered their heads.

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