The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 187: Ability to beat a woman

Yu Qingluo finally understood why those princes never put the prince in their eyes, such a violent prince who was provoked by a woman in a few words, such a prince who allowed a concubine to climb on top of him as a domineering prince, such a The prince who couldn't understand the hard work of the princess, he was also drunk.

  It's just that the princess and Ye Lansheng are pitiful, both of whom are clearly smart people, but they have such a useless husband and father. It's no wonder that Ye Lansheng stayed in the small courtyard of the palace for two years and no one cares about it. Fortunately, he knows how to keep his life safe.

  The princess was reprimanded by the prince, and her face flushed slightly, and she was clearly wronged in her heart, but in the eyes of the prince, she became a pretentious expression, far from Zhao Ping's pitiful Chu Chu's favor.

  The prince looked at Yu Qingluo, slammed the table in front of him, and said angrily, “Who are you, why don’t you salute when you see the prince? You dare to reprimand the prince’s concubine so boldly.”

   "Love concubine?" Yu Qingluo laughed, turning a deaf ear to the first half of his sentence, only grabbing his last two words. Then he turned his head to the steward Yang and said, "Steward Yang, move the chair under the woman's buttocks for me. There is no place to sit in the concubine's room in the front hall of the palace."

  Butler Yang hadn’t seen Zhao Ping’s arrogance and domineering, with the same hands, shouted to the guard on the side, "Except for the girl, the prince and the prince are sitting under them, all the other chairs are removed."

   "Yes." The guards responded blankly. They didn't have any fear of the prince. Since they are in the palace of Xiu, they are the servants of the prince Xiu, and they will only obey the instructions of the prince. Now the prince delegates the power to Miss Jade, so what Miss Jade said is the imperial decree for them.

  Now, one by one, they walked into the hall, and then under the prince's stunned expression, he pulled Zhao Ping up without pity, took the chair and left.

  Zhao Ping was stunned, standing in the middle of the room blankly, unable to react for a long time.

  The prince was also stunned, his eyes rolled around the body of the guards, and then around Yu Qingluo's body, not knowing what to say on the spot.

  The princess was still quick to respond, but at this time, she would not say much.

After all the chairs had been moved, Zhao Ping gave a scream, then turned his head and watched the prince weeping straight, his voice was suffocating all at once, and it was miserable, "Prince, concubine body, concubine body thought, In the future, following the prince, no one would dare to bully the concubine. Unexpectedly, in front of the prince, some people dared to pull the concubine off the chair. Those rude guards also dared to touch the concubine with dirty hands. Prince, woo...concubine body, concubine body can't live anymore."

  Speaking, Zhao Ping had already slammed into the pillar on the side.

  The princess was shocked, and reacted faster than the prince, and rushed to help Zhao Ping block.

  Zhao Ping was still a bit heavy. Although she didn't really want her own life, it was necessary to get a small injury.

   Therefore, the princess was only hit by her, and the hairpin on her head was poked in her chin. She shed tears from the pain on the spot, and she slid down on the ground, panting with her chest.

The prince screamed, with a very stern voice, "Ping'er." As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped onto Zhao Ping's body nervously, and raised her head carefully, "Ping'er, how are you? Is there anyway? Where did you bump into it? Why are you so confused? If you have any grievances, this prince will call you the shots. If something happens to you, what will you let the prince do?"

   There were tears on Zhao Ping's face. Holding the sleeve of the prince, he buried his face in his arms and wept.

The princess gritted her teeth uncomfortably and wanted to stand up, only to find that her legs were accidentally twisted when she just ran over. She was in pain after a little movement. She could only sit on the ground with a awkward face and her eyes were red. He looked at the prince, holding Zhao Ping and comforting him as if he was holding a baby. The smile at the corner of the mouth is very bitter.

  Yuqing wrinkled her eyebrows tightly, and her hands hanging beside her were pinched tightly.

However, the prince turned his head fiercely and yelled at him, "You woman, dare to humiliate the prince's bottle so much, and forced the prince to almost commit suicide here. Today, the prince wants yours. Life."

  The prince princess was startled, she was shocked and unaware of the pain, hurriedly persuaded, "Prince no, this is the Palace of Xiu, we have to wait for the fifth brother..."


The prince raised his hand and slapped her directly, staring at her with crimson eyes, "You shut up, do you really think of yourself as something? If you don’t have a prince, you would even have a concubine’s room. Rather, nothing can help the prince. You dare to raise the ambitions of others here and destroy your own prestige. Have you put the prince in your eyes?"

  The princess covered her face, bit her lip, tears could no longer be controlled. "Prince, I do it for your own good." A woman who can be so arrogant in the palace, and a woman who can order the housekeeper to order all the guards, is definitely not low in this palace.

  If this woman had an accident today, Lord Xiu would never let it go. How can the prince match the ability of Lord Xiu? At that time, even if the Lord Xiu wanted him not to be the prince, it wouldn't take much effort.

   But the princess understands this truth, but the prince does not. He was already crying with Zhao Ping's voice, completely exploding those emotions that had been suppressed for many years.

   "Slap" the prince's backhand was another slap on the face of the prince's princess, "You shut up, otherwise I will abolish you on the spot."

   "Enough, the prince wants to show off his prestige and lose his temper. Go back to your prince's mansion, what can you do in the prince's mansion?" Yu Qingluo couldn't stand it any longer, and she was extremely contemptuous of what the prince did.

  No wonder this whole Feng Cang country's nobles, concubines and princes, none of them put this prince in their eyes.

  To a princess who still shares the joys and sorrows with him to protect his dominion, let alone others?

  The prince quietly comforted Zhao Ping in his arms, and helped him stand aside. Then he rushed over and wanted to attack Yu Qingluo. Who is he? Who is Yu Qingluo? Not to mention that Yu Qingluo has skills in her own right. Even if she stood there motionless, the man who built the palace would not allow others to move her hair.

  The corner of Yang's housekeeper's mouth was pressed tightly, and his fingers had been slightly clenched.

   "Housekeeper Yang, don't worry about it, I want to see today, is he only capable of beating women? Or is he not even capable of beating women?"

  Butler Yang was taken aback for a moment, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Yes."


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