"Any child was caught again?" Nan Nan shook his head and moved to his side. When he was not paying attention, he reached out and took a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth.

   said vaguely while stuffing it, "That Liuyun Country is really strange, why does it always catch children in? Do I want to go in, but I have to be caught?"

  The boy was stunned for a moment and looked at him twice. Then he looked down at the things in his arms, seeing that his eyes were bright and dripping, and it was indeed very delicious.

  He endured forbearance. After all, he was still a five-year-old. He couldn't help swallowing, and immediately grabbed two pieces and stuffed them into his mouth. Suddenly I felt that the world's deliciousness was nothing more than that, and immediately began to gobble up.

He also said vaguely while eating, "That little brother looks very nice. He raised the dust when he ran from here and apologized to us. Then he walked around in front of the post. , Originally it was fine, but when the thirteenth prince came out, he suddenly went up and grabbed the thirteenth prince by the neck, as if he was crazy."

   Nan Nan touched his bulging belly. He had already eaten a lot when he came. Now his belly is a little braced and sitting uncomfortable.

  "Go and pinch the prince by the neck?" Wow, who is so brave, so desperately seeking death. Although he has choked others' necks, he still needs to be backstage.

  "Did you not hear what he said?"

  The boy shook his head as he ate, "It seems to say where Nannan is or something, I hear just a little bit."

  Nan Nan's little hand suddenly stiffened, and he leaned his head in front of him, and asked in a hurry, "What did you just say? You said that little brother said the word Nan Nan?"

  No way, is it here to find him?

  The boy was so scared by him that a mouthful of pastries was stuck in his throat, he couldn't swallow and he couldn't spit it out.

He hurriedly punched his chest twice, and finally swallowed the pastry on his chest like a grunt. Then he raised his eyes in surprise and asked, "What's the matter? It seems that I heard the words "Nan Nan". ,Any questions?"

   "Of course there is a problem, me, my name is Nan Nan."

  The boy's eyes widened in surprise, looking at Nan Nan in front of him, he was speechless.

   By the way, the doctor who left said that it was a child named Yu Qingnan who asked him to treat himself. So, in fact, Nan Nan, who was shouting in the mouth of the little brother, is actually him?

   "This, maybe this is a coincidence?"

  Nannan’s small face has been twisted into a ball, and his heartbeat is beating fast. He turned his head abruptly and asked him, "That little brother, is he wearing a dark blue little brocade robe, so tall, a little thin, and wearing black boots on his feet?"

  The boy was stunned, nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

   "Oh, it's really Uncle Bao'er. Why did he come here? Didn't he tell him to go back to the restaurant and wait for me? What should I do? What should I do now? Uncle Bao'er was arrested, will something go wrong?"

  Nannan stepped on small steps and went round and round, feeling very anxious.

  If he is caught himself, he can still find a way to save himself, he is good at it. But Yu Baoer only knows how to make a three-legged cat. A slightly older person can knock him down, not to mention that the post house is now heavily guarded, and he can't even get in.

  Nan Nankyu started to scratch his hair, staring at the gate of the post house and looked very irritable.

  What should he do? Go straight in? Or go back to find your parents? No, no, I can't go back to find my mother. There is still a long way from the restaurant. If you delay time and time again, Uncle Bao'er's life may not be lost. It is important for him to find a way to go in and save others by himself.

"Well, Nan, Nan Nan, maybe it's not your Uncle Bao'er? Maybe someone just happened to wear that suit? Otherwise, you can go to the hawker over there and ask, I saw that the hawker seems to be still and That little brother has said something, so he should know what's going on."

   Nan Nan was taken aback, and suddenly jumped up. Yes, it would be better to ask for the details.

   "You are here first, I will ask." Nan Nan ran to the hawker over there as soon as he finished speaking.

  The hawker was still caught in Yu Bao’er, but suddenly a short body rushed up in front of him. She was startled and hurriedly stepped back and asked, "What are you doing?"

  What is going on today, why are there so many children outside this post?

Nan Nan grabbed the hem of his clothes anxiously, and asked him anxiously, "Did they catch a teenage brother just now in their post?"

   "Uh, yes, yeah, what's the matter?"

  "You tell me what he looks like, why did people arrest him, what did he say?"

  The peddler was stunned, but he was stunned for a while, to see that Nan Nan was indeed anxious, and Chee was so cute that he was so cute that he couldn't help recounting what had just happened.

"That child is also strange. At first, he walked around outside the post, and didn't know what he was looking at. Later, the thirteenth prince came out and said he was ill-intentioned when he saw him groping. When I was in front of the booth, I had the heart to persuade him and let him leave. After all, a five-year-old child was beaten very miserably. But I didn’t expect that when he heard this, not only would he not leave, he even rushed to pinch others. The prince’s neck, you say, you say, isn’t this looking for death? I’m telling you, this man..."

  The hawker kept chattering behind, Nan Nan had no intention of listening.

  He is now very sure that this person is his uncle Bao'er.

   Yu Bao'er must have thought that he was the half-dead child who was beaten, and wanted to save him by treating the thirteenth prince as a hostage.

  Nan Nan's face was very bad, and a little guilt emerged in her heart. Staring at the gate of the post house, her mind began to move quickly.

  First, he has to find a way to get in. But it definitely wouldn't work to break in like this. Maybe he hadn't seen Bo'er before he was cut into meatloaf directly.


   By the way, Bo'er is in the hands of the Thirteenth Prince, then if he scolds the Thirteenth Prince in public, these people will always be brought to the front of the Thirteenth Prince. No matter what, you have to play with Boer first.

  Thinking about it, Nan Nan nodded vigorously.

  Then stepped on his short legs, walked to the gate of the post in two steps, and shouted, "The thirteenth prince is..."

   "Yu Qingnan, you shut up."

  Nan Nan’s voice hadn't fallen yet, and suddenly there was a low, familiar soft shout in front of him.


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