Yu Qingluo raised her eyes slightly and glanced at Yu Jianda.

  This person, she doesn’t know...

  The Yu Bao'er opposite him suddenly woke up, thinking that her sister had no memory, so she hurriedly said in a low voice in her ear, "That's Dad..."

  Yuqing lowered her brows and twisted her brows, Yu Jianda? Damn, why is he here?

Her displeased gaze swept back at Yu Jianda, who looked at her in shock, but saw that the latter suddenly staggered, staring in horror, and stepped back a little embarrassedly, "You, aren't you dead? Qing Qing) Fall, didn’t you die six years ago?"

  Qi Hanwei turned his head swiftly, stared at Yu Jianda for a while, and then his thoughtful gaze fell on Yu Qingluo's body.

  He was still thinking that since Yu Bao'er called her sister, then this woman should also be Yu Jianda's daughter. It's just that when she saw her come in, her expression was faint, it was as if she didn't know Yu Jianda, her eyes were strange as if she had never seen this person. At that time, he thought, this sibling was probably not biological, but maybe the sibling he had recognized.

  Now it seems...this woman is also Yu Jianda’s daughter.

  What does this mean, ‘should die six years ago’?

"Qing, Qingluo, why are you still alive. You, you...impossible, how could this be possible?" Yu Jianda stepped back again, staring at that as if he had lost his soul. The woman who looked at her coldly.

  She didn't speak, Yu Jianda just stepped back.

   Seeing this, Qi Hanwei finally coughed and asked, "Master Yu, this is..."

  Yu Jianda turned his head abruptly, glanced at him, then rubbed his eyes again, and asked with trembling lips, "Ma, prince, can you see...Qingluo, so she, she is not a ghost?"

   "She is indeed human." Qi Hanwei glanced at Yu Qingluo and raised his eyebrows.

   Is she called Qingluo? Yuqing falls? This name is very nice, and it feels a bit like her temperament. This Yu Jianda is no big talent, so it's a good idea to name his daughter.

  Yu Jianda took another sigh of relief, his eyes widened like copper bells, and his eyes were full of shock.

  Yu Qingluo snorted and asked Qi Hanwei, "Who is this person?"

   "??" Not only Qi Hanwei's face is full of doubts, but Qi Hantian and others are also very puzzled. Judging from Yu Jianda's appearance, he clearly knew her, so why is she so strange?

  Qi Hanwei frowned, looked around, then said, "He is... Yu Bao'er's father."

"Qingluo, you, don't you know me?" Yu Jianda took two steps forward and looked at his daughter who hadn't seen him for a long time. His heart was shocked, joyful, and guilty. Numerous complex emotions surged up and made him instantly. The throat is dry and the tip of the nose is sour.

  Yu Qingluo laughed and snorted softly, "You have admitted the wrong person, I am not Qingluo in your mouth."


"Father." It was the first time that Yu Bao'er called Yu Jianda'Father' when she entered the door. She just said something, but she was very cold, "She is not a sister. My sister was killed six years ago. Didn’t Dad know? At that time my sister came to ask for help, but you still didn't let her in.

   Speaking of this, Yu Bao'er has a hatred towards Yu Jianda.

  If it weren't for the attitude of father and father, how could Chen Jixin and her daughter dare to do that kind of thing? It was Dad's indulgence that made my sister suffer for so many years in vain.

  On this point, he will never forgive him.

  Yu Bao'er is also transparent. He knows that Yu Qingluo is still calculating her and his identity must be concealed, so he also made up a lie.

  Yu Jianda was taken aback, and his face was ashamed by Yu Baoer.

  Yes, it was he who was heartless and unfeeling, but after so many years, he also regretted it. What's the use of just regretting? The daughter is dead, he can't save her.

  Now seeing Yu Qingluo, besides being shocked, he also wants to make up for it.

  But, why did she deny him?

   "Bo'er, she is clearly your sister. Could it be that my own daughter still admits wrong?"

   "Father, I didn't lie to you. She is indeed not a sister, but she looks similar to her sister."

  Qi Hanwei raised his eyebrows and smiled secretly. He could hear clearly just now, Yu Bao'er did call her ‘elder sister’, Yu Jianda, there should be no mistake.

Yu Qingluo had no intention of entanglement with Yu Jianda any more, but he put away the medicine packet in his hand, and whispered to Yu Bao'er, "Okay, let's apply these ointments first, and I will deal with it carefully when I go back. . Come, let's go."

  Yu Bao'er glanced at his father. It was a child, and his heart was a little soft. Seeing that he was stunned, she didn't say much, Dang Even fell to the soft bed with Yuqing.

  But just after taking a step, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and grabbed Yu Qingluo's hand quickly, "Nan Nan, Nan Nan is still in their hands..."

   "He's okay, he didn't come into the post."

   "But, I heard that there is a five-year-old child..." Yu Bao'er was still worried.

Yu Qingluo couldn't help sighing, touched his head and whispered, "I saw him outside just now, and the kid who was beaten was not him. Don't worry, Nan Nan has good skills and won't be so embarrassed. But you, how dare you to kidnap the prince so boldly, look, you are all beaten like this."

   Yu Bao'er was a bit sullen, grabbed her hair and smiled embarrassedly, "I have to learn kung fu in the future."

  Yuqing twitched the corners of her mouth, she was not asking this question. "Learning Kung Fu well is the second thing. Next time remember not to be so impulsive. Even if you suspect that something has happened to Nan Nan, the first thing you should do is to come back and move the soldiers, you know?"

   "I, I didn't think much about it at the time, just, just, I'm afraid Nannan's life is in danger."

  Yuqing laughed, forget it, Nan Nan has an uncle who loves him so much, how can she bear to blame him? He himself was hurt and wronged all over, which made her feel so distressed.

  At first, seeing him curled up motionless, she was really frightened, and she thought she was a step too late.

  The two talked back and forth, ignoring everyone in the room, and walked directly outside the door.

  Qi Hanwei's forehead twitched, is this woman always so high-spirited? It's fine if you don't put him in your eyes. If you walk out of his post, should you talk to him? Anyway, he is also the prince of Liuyun Nation, even if she is rescued, he shouldn't be ignored so thoroughly.

   turned around, he just wanted to stop the person.

  Yu Jianda took the lead and rushed up eagerly, spreading his hands and blocking Yu Qingluo's face, "Wait, wait a minute."


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