Ye Lansheng suddenly raised her head, and she saw Ye Xiu staring at him expressionlessly. He waited to stabilize him before releasing his hand casually.

   "What are you running?"

  Ye Lansheng really respected him, so he quickly saluted, "Uncle Wu."

   "You go back to the Hua Ting for a meal, Nan Nan Niang kisses me, this king will naturally go."

  Ye Lansheng was taken aback, and then came to understand, it seems that Uncle Wu already knows what happened today. That's right, Mo Xian was able to be by the side of Uncle Wu. As soon as Uncle Wu returned to the mansion, he must have told him all of One, Five, and Ten.

  Ye Lansheng was still a little timid when he thought of this. After all, he followed Nan Nan to get into trouble and didn't stop him in time.

But Ye Xiudu just snorted to him and said coldly, “Since I know I’m wrong, I’ll reflect on myself. I’ve lived in the palace for so many years, and I’ve been a few years older. Some things always happen. You should know."

   "Yes." Ye Lansheng's face flushed slightly embarrassed, and he accepted all the words of Ye Xiudu.

  Until a long time, when he heard the footsteps far away, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned and ran.

  Ye Xiu Du walked into the house with a stride, and Yue Xin, who was waiting on the side, hurriedly saluted, and silently guarded outside the house.

  She didn't follow Yu Qingluo to the street to watch the excitement today, and naturally she didn't know what happened. You can see that Ye Xiudu's face is not good, you know that the prince is in a normal mood. She got Mo Xian's point earlier, so that she can hide as far as she can hide when she sees such a prince. Anyway, the prince will not hurt the young lady.

  唔...Mo Xian seemed to murmur behind her, as if she was saying that even if she wanted to hurt her, she probably couldn't hurt, and Miss Jade was tough.

  Yu Qingluo has been sitting by the window, **** the potted plants by the window, and naturally saw Ye Xiudu and Ye Lansheng in the yard. When he stepped in, he yanked the leaves on the potted plant abruptly, stood up and sneered, "I said, Lord Xiu, you finally showed up. It's been a long time."

  Ye Xiu Du was choked by her, thinking that she had been avoiding her these days, his face was slightly embarrassed.

  But he still raised his foot and stepped inside the door, sat at the table naturally, and poured himself a glass of water to drink.

  Yu Qingluo saw how at ease he thought of the house as his own, and couldn't help glaring at him. These days, she can think about it clearly. Grandma Ge's affairs can't be rushed, and Ye Xiudu can't be forced, or she will break her face, and she will really not be able to catch the clues of becoming an enemy.

  Furthermore, she had to let him bring herself into the palace from time to time. Anyway, the veil ruined by him came from the palace.

   "I heard Mo Xian say, did you see your father today?"

  Yu Qingluo's most annoying thing now is this. How did she know that she was just entering an inn, and she would actually have a face-to-face with Yu Jianda, and he still recognized her.

   Then I thought that the culprit of all this was Nan Nan. He didn't look good at Ye Xiudu, "It wasn't your good son that caused it."

   Ye Xiu smiled alone, but she was very proud of her mentioning Nan Nan.

   Yuqing twitched the corners of her mouth, and the more she didn’t wait to see him.

"Mo Xian said you warned Master Yu. I think Master Yu should know it well. If you are still worried that he can't help but tell Chen Jixin's mother and daughter that you are still alive after returning home, then Don't let him return to the Jade Mansion."

  Ye Xiu Duo changed the subject and said calmly.

  Yuqing was surprised, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Not back to Yufu?"

"En." Ye Xiudu took another sip of tea and slowly said, "I just entered the palace. Today, Jinglei Country caused such a big incident. The father was furious and reprimanded the prince for a while. The mission of the minister was also taken away. Now those things in the post hall have all fallen to Lao Ba. Let Lao Ba find something for Master Yu to do so that he can't go back to Yu Mansion without touching his busy feet. ."

  Yu Qing took a moment to take a moment, and moved forward a few minutes, "Prince Bao Wangye and the power of the Seven Princes have been taken away?"

   "It's just the prince."

  Yuqing raised his eyebrows, that's right, the emperor didn't wait to see the prince. Moreover, the prince was the most embarrassed today. His behavior was simply a shame to Feng Cangguo. The prince did not take the opportunity to abolish his position as a prince, and he had already endured it to the limit. Prince Bao didn't say a few words, it was nothing, but the seventh prince had a little hardened temper. In order to maintain the dignity of Feng Cang Country, it was a pity that he was not the opponent of the Regent.

  However, that Ye Haoran, who has always liked leisure time, was suddenly crushed by such a lot of things on his shoulders, I am afraid that he will be hiding in the Eight Kings Mansion at this moment and crying. After all, there will be another Heavenly Rain Country coming into the city tomorrow.

   But, the person who was in such a big limelight today is Ye Xiu Duo. The emperor didn't let him go, maybe he pushed him again.

"Ye Haoran didn't look for you desperately?" Yu Qingluo couldn't help but ask him. Recently, he was chasing Jin Liuli closely, wishing that nothing would fall on him, but in the end he could not escape the fate's arrangement. , Poor.

"I gritted my teeth, and started with me after I left the palace gate. However, he is not my opponent." Ye Xiudu stared at her bright eyes and watched her get so close. Feeling her slightly hot breathing, she suddenly became a little worried.

  Yu Qingluo snorted, Ye Xiu was shocked suddenly, and quickly pressed down on the eagerness that was coming up from his lower abdomen, and hurriedly reached out over the table and drank two sips of tea. Run the throat and suppressed the anger by the way, and then began to change the subject, "Your father's matter is solved, and this is not an annoying matter for you. Bo'er's injury is not a major problem, Nan Nan still has it. Xiao, how can he not eat when he is growing up? Anyway, he also knows that he is wrong, so let's ask him to eat dinner together."

Yu Qingluo couldn't help but despise him, "You are too partial to Nannan, right? Lan Sheng was reprimanded by you for a good time, and asked him to go back to the room to reflect on it. How come to Nannan, on the contrary Is there no need for punishment?"

   "..." Ye Xiu glanced away, but replied confidently, "Nannan is still young, and she's just a little foolish. It's different."

"I finally understand who inherited Nannan's shamelessness." It is exactly the same as when Nannan played a rogue. It's OK to go on like this, one or two, if you don't spoil Nannan, all of them are so unclear. The inside protects him. "Hmph, it's just a silly mess. Debo'er was injured. The Yu family knew that I was still alive, and the trouble was about to find a stepfather for myself."


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