Yu Qingluo’s eyelids kept jumping, and after looking at her from the second prince of Tianyu Kingdom, he never stopped.

  Nannan did not look outside, and the three of them nestled in the wing and began to mutter and talk.

  Yu Qingluo listened to the movement outside, knowing that people are almost gone, and returning to the palace from the small road at this time, it should be much quieter and smoother.

  She pressed the beating eyelids, wondering that the quality of sleep has been good these few days, how can such a sleepy appearance appear?

   rubbed her eyebrows, she still got up, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

   "Nan Nan, let's go." She greeted her, and Nan Nan immediately raised her head to respond to her, and then she slid off the table and cleverly took her hand.

  I was just taught yesterday. Today, he is absolutely going to play the role of a good son. Whatever the mother says, he must respond immediately.

  Yu Bao'er and Ye Lansheng looked at his flattering appearance, they couldn't help but smile with their mouths.

  Yuqing gave him a blank look, and after throwing away his sticky little hands, he took the lead out of the box door.

   Nan Nan pouted, and my mother began to dislike him again, and started again, really unkind. Thinking about it, he followed up again dissatisfied.

  Yuqing did not go very fast, really got on the carriage, Nan Nan and the other two little guys have also arrived.

  Wen Tian watched him start to climb up the shaft again without any image, he couldn't help but shook his head, and simply stretched out his hand and hugged Nan Nan. Obviously he stretched out his hand, he could obviously jump up, he had to use such a tricky way.

Ye Lansheng and Yu Bao'er behind    couldn't help shaking their heads, and then they stepped on the footstool and got into the carriage.

  As soon as he went up, he saw Nan Nan pounced in Yu Qingluo’s arms and said good things. The two people sounded weird, isn't Yu Qingluo not blaming him? Why is Nan Nan still so sticky, like... Yes, as if she has something wrong with her.

  When the two of them thought of this possibility, they immediately turned their heads and pretended that they didn't know anything.

  Nannan really raised her face and hummed, "Mother, I haven’t been in a long time..."

   "No." Yu Qingluo refused without even thinking about it.

  Ye Lansheng and Yu Bao'er are surprised. Nan Nan hasn’t said anything yet, so why did they refuse it all at once? Is it possible that the two mothers and sons really have a good mind, and needless to say, they can understand?

   "My mother is a badass." Nan Nan pouted, and immediately became unhappy, and did not pounce on her, turned around, and sat beside Ye Lansheng.

  Who knows that this side has not yet been seated, the carriage suddenly bumped, almost causing Nan Nan's head to hit Ye Lansheng's nose. Fortunately, Yuqing's eyes and hands were quick, and he got the person back.

   But soon, the people in the carriage found that the speed of the carriage was getting faster, and the turbulence was more serious than before.

  The next moment, there was Mo Xian's rigorous voice, "Miss Yu, we are having some trouble. Someone is staring at this carriage, please be careful and sit firmly."

  Yuqing lowered her eyebrows, and glanced at Ye Lansheng and Yu Bao'er, who were afraid but composure, and Nan Nan, who was eager to try, and gave a soft ‘en’.

  However, before she had time to protect them, the carriage stopped abruptly, and a fierce fighting soon came from outside the curtain.

  Yu Qing lifted the curtain, and saw two masked men fiercely waving the knives in their hands, slashing at Wen Tian and Mo Xian.

   Mo Xian let out a low growl, separated their attacks with a sword, and then rushed forward, taking the time to say to Wen Tian, ​​"Wen Tian, ​​protect the lord and leave quickly."

  Wen Tian's face condensed, he glanced at the three people who were fighting against each other, and he gritted his teeth abruptly and was about to shake his horse whip.

   But couldn't wait for him to move, a man in black rushed over behind him, blocking Wentian's movement.

  Yu Qingluo grabbed the edge of the door frame with her fingers, staring at the few people who had already begun the melee, her eyes deep.

  Wen Tian and Mo Xian's skills are clear to her. If it is an ordinary thug, it will be overwhelmed by a few tricks. However, looking at the situation now, it seems that it is difficult to tell the winner or loser for a while, and the three people are very good at it, and they will actually make Wen Tian Mo Xian unable to get away.

  Yu Qingluo glanced back at the three children and raised his hand suddenly, calling out the guard who just wanted Ye Xiu to stay by her side.

  Which right hand had just been lifted, the carriage suddenly shook, and a person crouched in front of the carriage, his eyes were cruel and cold, and it directly met Yu Qingluo's face.

  The latter gasped, and almost shot at him without even thinking about it.

  The man was taken aback, and then coldly snorted, "It turns out that he is also a practicing family."

  Yu Qingluo could hear that this person's voice was deliberately lowered, a little dull.

  Yu Qingluo missed a move, and she had a bad feeling in her heart. She doesn't care if she is alone, but she is afraid that this person's target is the next three children.

  Nannan has the ability to protect itself, but Ye Lansheng and Yu Bao'er don’t.

  Having concerns, he appeared bound, and did not dare to leave the carriage easily, leaving the three children exposed to this person.

   But the visitor hummed again, grabbed her by the shoulder and dragged her out.

  Yuqing frowned, and she could only shout to Nan Nan in anxiety, "Don't come out, protect Bao'er and the others."

With a low drink in her eyes, Nan Nan, who was about to stick her head out to grab her, retracted her head, tightened her small eyebrows, and looked back at Ye Lansheng and Yu Bao'er. Obediently sat back in the carriage. However, those eyes that were originally lazy with eyebrows and eyebrows became unusually rigorous at this moment, listening carefully to the surrounding sounds.

  The person who was holding Yu Qingluo was also taken aback by her low drink, but his main purpose was her, and whose baby in the car was not his concern.

   He gave a mocking smile, picked up Yu Qingluo, jumped onto the roof of the car, and then used his feet. There was a scream of ‘Ka Ka Ka’ from the carriage under them, and the carriage door fell to the ground, and the carriage collapsed.

  Yu Qingluo squinted her eyes suddenly, faintly guessing in her heart.

Nan Nan has been listening carefully to the movement. After hearing the faint sound from overhead, he immediately took one in one hand, dragged Yu Bao'er and Ye Lansheng, jumped from the carriage door, and then picked a corner to protect him. Against them.

  However, when he stared at it again, Yu Qingluo had been held by the man and jumped onto the roof. After several ups and downs, the person had disappeared.

   just heard her voice coming from far away, "I will be fine."

Nan Nan stomped fiercely, only to realize that the man seemed to have brought a lot of people here. At this moment, the deserted street they were on, including Yu Qingluo and the emperor's dark guards, had already been unable to deal with each other.


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