As soon as Mo Xian raised his head, he saw Ye Xiudu walking towards this side with a gloomy expression. Behind him, followed by the fruitless Qin Song who was chasing and fleeing in black with a look of shame, he must have known what happened here. It's up.

   "Master, **** your subordinates, please confess the crime." Mo Xian knelt on one knee and lowered his head slightly.

   Ye Xiudu's expression was still low and deep, his gaze only stopped on the arm of Mo Xian's hand. Then he opened his eyes to look at Nan Nan, Nan Nan smiled at him slightly.

  The heart that Ye Xiu was holding alone inexplicably loosened, Nan Nan is so relaxed, Yu Qing Luo should be no problem.

  He asked Mo Xian to get up, and turned his head to look at Master Ye who was saluting him, “Master Ye, let you take care of it here, this king will take one step first.”

  Master Ye immediately bowed his head, “Don’t worry, the prince will do his best to find the murderer.”

  Ye Xiu nodded alone, holding Nan Nan's hand and turned and left. Mo Xian was anxious, wondering why the prince was so calm and not anxious at all.

  He raised his eyes to look at Shen Ying and Peng Ying who were on the side. Shen Ying just shook his head at him without saying anything.

  In fact, when the master heard Qin Song's words that Miss Yu was being held hostage, he almost killed him. But in the end he endured it, and then asked Nan Nan about the situation. After learning that there was nothing wrong, he began to think. Immediately afterwards, he rushed here, he thought, the master should know it in his heart.

  A group of people stubbornly walked to an inn on the side, found a wing room and sat down. Nan Nan began to bend over to look for the small box in the bag. After a while, he pinched a black medicine and stuffed it into Mo Xian's mouth.

  Mo Xian was taken aback, his head tilted back, "Nan Nan..."

  "This is a medicine to stop bleeding. The blood on your hand is still dripping. If you drop it again, you will lose too much blood." Nan Nan still insisted on stuffing the pill into his mouth.

   Mo Xian gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "This is what I deserve." If he wants to stop the bleeding, he will acupuncture himself. This is just a way for him to punish himself. He couldn't save Miss Yu, and his heart was full of guilt.

   Ye Xiu glanced at him alone, and said quietly, "Eat it, wait until Wentian comes back."

   "Yes." Mo Xian took the medicine that Nan Nan handed over, and ate it with a grunt. After a while, the blood that was still flowing on the arm slowly stopped.

Even though Qin Song knew that Qin Song had already told the master about the ins and outs of the matter, Mo Xian explained the situation in detail again, and then whispered after a long while, "Master, that person's goal is obvious, she is Miss Jade. Seeing them, they didn't want to take Miss Yu's life. I just don't know whether they held Miss Yu because she was a ghost doctor or because she was Yu Qingluo six years ago."

   Ye Xiu alone gave a low ‘en’, his expression still tense.

  At this moment, a low knock on the door suddenly sounded. Wen Tian then walked in and knelt down on the ground like Mo Xian to plead guilty, “The subordinate is useless, and I live up to the master’s expectations. Please the master to condemn.

   Mo Xian immediately knelt down beside Wentian on one knee when he saw this posture, as did Qin Song.

   Ye Xiudu's face was dull, and seeing Wentian like this, he knew that he had returned empty-handed.

   Nan Nan pouted and said nothing.

  It was only a short while before he saw Ye Xiudu's eyes fixed on him. Nan Nan was taken aback and blinked in surprise, "Daddy, what are you doing?"

"Do you have a way to find your mother?" Ye Xiudu thought about it after listening to Qin Song's words. Since Yu Qingluo can find the direction of South-South with a scorpion, then Nan-Nan must have a way to find it. Yuqing fell.

  It was because of this that he calmed down his panic, nervous and anxious heart. He decided to come back and wait for news from the sky. If he couldn't wait, he could only ask Nan Nan.

  Sure enough, when Nan Nan heard what he said, his eyes widened and he immediately stepped back. After a while, he turned his head firmly, shook his head and said, "I can't help it."

   Ye Xiu sighed alone, stood up and walked slowly towards him a few steps.

  At any rate, it was his own son, and after spending some time together, he also understood Nan Nan's temperament. Knowing that this little guy is afraid to tell him that he wants to take risks.

  Nan Nan immediately stepped back, and his entire body was stuck to the wall.

"Nan Nan, have you forgotten yesterday's punishment? Or, do you want to stop eating from today?" Ye Xiu's eyes narrowed slightly, staring dangerously at the little one who was holding his bag. Guys.

   Nan Nan's mouth twitched, looking at him pitifully. In fact, dad is sometimes more ruthless than his mother, especially when it comes to mother-in-law matters, he will abuse himself desperately and then abuse himself.

  Pity him, a five-year-old child who has no backing and no ability to beat him, it is really hard to live.

Seeing Ye Xiudu approaching closer and closer, his eyes narrowed deeper and deeper, Nan Nan finally jumped up with a jealous spirit, reached out his hand and made a stop gesture, "Okay, okay, I know, I'll take you to find my mother. Dear."

  The people in a room were stunned when they heard his words, feeling that they were thinking about finding the way to find the Jade girl, but in Nan Nan's eyes, it was a simple thing that couldn't be simpler.

  However, they were relieved after all, they could find Miss Jade...that would be good.

  Nannan sighed secretly, swallowed and poured out all the contents of the bag, and then turned over on the ground for a long time before finding out a small square box.

As soon as    opened, there was a scorpion twice the size of Yu Qingluo, lying motionless in the box, silent.

   Ye Xiu frowned, but the others couldn't help but poked their heads.

Nan Nan poked the scorpion with his finger and whispered, "Da Lily, wake up, don't sleep."

  The scorpion was stabbed by him, but he didn't move again, as if he didn't give him any face.

Nan Nan raised his head and smiled awkwardly at everyone, "Da Lily's temperament is like me."

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, and everyone else suddenly realized. What kind of pets are there really, who have a temperament like Nannan, isn't that lazy?

   Nan Nan poked hard again, and the scorpion finally became impatient, and his body turned around abruptly.

  "Go, go find Sayuri." Nan Nan opened the door and pointed it in the direction. The scorpion stopped there again for a long while and didn't understand it. For a long time, until Nan Nan lost his patience, it began to crawl outside lazily, moving very slowly.

  Ye Xiudu sighed secretly, then turned back and said to Mo Xian, “You take Bao’er and Lan Sheng back to the palace first, and take care of the injury on your arm.”

   After that, he bent over and hugged Nan Nan, and as the scorpion got faster and faster, he left the inn with a calm face.


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