Yu Qingluo thought about it, then turned a corner and walked in the direction of the Imperial Garden.

   still some distance away, I heard the sound of silk and bamboo musical instruments, drinking and chatting over there, it was very lively.

  Yu Qingluo curled his lips, feeling really boring at their banquet. I don't understand why these men like these things so much, but they just sing, dance, and play the piano. What kind of artistic conception can these big masters come up with? Isn’t it just looking at the appearance of those women?

  When I thought that Ye Xiu Duo was among those people, I felt even more unhappy.

   curled her mouth, she carefully nestled behind a rockery, staring at the lively scenes.

After a while, I fell in love with a little **** who was waiting carefully on the side. His figure and height seemed to be about the same as himself, and he walked in a wide range. He was the one who took all the gadgets and props, and went to the backyard. I walked in that direction twice.

  Yuqing narrowed his eyes and watched him walk over with a small tray in his hand. There were two bunches of grapes on it.

  After he got closer, Yu Qingluo appeared behind him calmly. At the stall where everyone was not paying attention, a hand knife slammed into the back of his neck. The eunuch's legs were soft, and the tray he was holding was unstable, and he was about to throw it on the ground.

  Yu Qingluo was busy holding his waist with one hand to ease his falling posture, and quickly reached out to catch the tray with one hand.

  Her movements were clean, calm, and after a while, she had dragged the **** into the rockery on the side. He took his clothes off, put them on him carefully, paused, and busily lowered the smoke, and then walked out with a twist on the tray.

  The banquet talked loudly, especially the emperor, facing the princes and princes of the other three countries, he looked kind and in a good mood.

  Yu Qingluo carefully moved her steps towards the backyard, trying to minimize her sense of existence, and her body bowed extremely low.

   "Wait a minute." However, when he walked to Shangguan Jin's side, he was stopped by his hand.

  Yu Qingluo's heart squatted, and he hurriedly responded carefully, and asked sharply, "What is the command of the regent?"

   Shangguan Jin didn't even look at her. He just reached out and took the grapes on her tray and placed them directly on the table in front of him.

  Yuqing let out a sigh of relief, and slightly raised the tray to let him take it quickly, so that he could leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

  However, Shangguan Jin’s other hand suddenly raised slightly. The maid who was waiting behind him who was about to pour him was careless, and the drink was spilled directly on his sleeve.

   Shangguan Jin was furious on the spot, stood up abruptly, lifted his foot and kicked over, "You bastard, can't you pour alcohol?"

The movement he made was a bit loud. The emperor over there was talking to the prince Qi Hanwei of Liuyun Kingdom. He suddenly heard the movement on his side, he immediately turned his head, and when he saw this scene, his eyebrows wrinkled. stand up.

The father-in-law Miao beside the emperor also had a heartache. He hurried over and started training to the court lady, "What's the matter with you, you can't even do this little thing, so what's the use of keeping you?" Then, Miao Qianqiu hurriedly turned his head to apologize to Shangguan Jin, "The Regent, please calm down. It is indeed the regent's mighty and inviolable. This girl was shocked by the regent's aura, so she lost her position for a while. Forgive me. The slave saw that the prince’s sleeve was stained with wine, so he took the prince to change his clothes."

  Yuqing heard it clearly, this Miao Qianqiu is still thinking about saving the life of the little palace lady.

  In fact, this was not the palace lady’s fault. She poured the wine in a good manner, and Shangguan Jin stretched out her hand before letting the wine spill on him.

  Poor see, the lady of the palace was so scared that she was trembling and her face pale. She knelt on the ground and couldn't even say anything to beg for mercy. She thought she could not escape to death.

  Yu Qingluo shook her head secretly, kneeling on the ground without saying a word. The people in this palace have always had their lives as cheap as paper. Even with an identity like Ye Lansheng, a careless person will lose his life, let alone a little girl.

  Now, it depends on whether Miao Qianqiu has the ability to persuade the brutal and vicious Shangguan Jin to release people.

  Yu Qingluo thought this way, but suddenly a low voice came from above her head, "Finally, this king is not killing innocent people. Forget it. You, take this king to change clothes."

Huh? How kind is it? Is this Shangguanjin changed?

Yu Qingluo couldn't help but curled her lips secretly, but she was bumped into her shoulders coldly. As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Father Miao lowered her voice and raised her, "The regent is calling you, so I don’t take the prince to change. Clothes going?"

  Yuqing was taken aback, shit, isn’t it, shouldn’t you be so unlucky, actually taking Shangguanjin to change clothes?

   "Why, is it possible that you were also frightened by the king's aura, can't you even stand up?" A cold voice came from overhead.

  Yu Qing fell as if the blood all over his body started to boil, damn, why is Shangguan Jin staring at her again?

  It's just that she can't refuse it.

  Yu Qingluo stood up and resigned, and handed the tray in his hand to Father Miao.

  Miao Qianqiu was taken aback, staring at the tray in his hand with black lines on his face. Then he began to worry again. This also seemed like a ignorant slave. What if I offend the regent again later?

  But, people are appointed by the regent, what can he say?

  Miao Qianqiu couldn't help but raised his eyes and looked at the first emperor.

  The emperor nodded to him, hurriedly said a few words to appease Shangguan Jin, and asked him to go and return quickly, and then signaled that Miao Qianqiu was back.

   But Yu Qingluo is distressed, where is the palace for changing clothes? She doesn't know, is it possible to take Shangguanjin to the room of Xiaosi?

  I am afraid that he will be strangled to death before entering the door.

  Hey, I had known that she might as well go in the direction of Ye Xiu independence? Originally, I was thinking that I had been alone with Ye Xiu for so long. I was afraid that I would have been recognized by him after I passed him. Then he turned his head and walked towards Shangguan Jin.

  Where I thought, the trouble still got in the way.


  Thinking of Ye Xiu Duo, Yu Qingluo secretly took his eyes and looked in the direction where he was. Then he was taken aback and looked at his gloomy expression.

  Especially when she saw Yu Qingluo leading Shangguan Jin forward, her entire face was completely dark, and her fingers squeezed tightly, her mouth opened, she was about to speak.

   Yuqing's heart tightened, he wouldn't want to say something at this moment, so as to prevent himself from following Shangguan Jin.


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