The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 340: Yu Qingluo's Mind

  Yu Qingluo just glanced at the father-in-law Guan, just about to speak, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside.

   followed, and Ye Xiu strode in stride.

   Seeing Yu Qingluo with his hands tied, he forgot to salute the emperor, so he rushed to her in front of her, "Why are you here?"

  When Yu Qingluo saw him, he heard his decisive voice in the Imperial Garden not long ago. His face instantly became very ugly, and he didn't want to bother him.

   "Xiu'er, is he really yours?" When the emperor saw him, he was slightly surprised. Seeing Ye Xiudu's nervousness now, he felt puzzled. It's just a little boy, so his face has become so bad?

  Ye Xiudu turned around and nodded slightly to the emperor, which was regarded as a salute.

  Who knows that as soon as he turned his head, he saw two lash marks on Yu Qingluo's body. As soon as his pupils shrank, he took a deep breath, his voice was sharp and cold, "Who did this?"

  Yu Qingluo snorted coldly, but his eyes fell on the father-in-law who was standing beside the emperor.

  Ye Xiu turned around alone, raised his right leg, and kicked the father-in-law's heart fiercely, his eyes burst, "You dog slave, how dare you give her such a heavy hand."

  Guan's father-in-law's body suddenly flew out, and the whole person slammed into the wall behind.

   With a "bang", Miao Qianqiu, who ran into the door out of breath, almost softened her feet.

The emperor's face sank instantly, and he didn't expect Ye Xiudu would actually do something, or to his own people, even if he was his most beloved son, he could not help but reprimand him, "Xiu'er, you are too presumptuous. Guan Gonggong It’s just the duty. This minion pretends to be an **** and says that it’s your order. He must be unruly. You still..."

   "Father, she is pretending to be a eunuch, and she is indeed an order of a child minister." Ye Xiu can't stand alone, just looking at the two welts on her body is heartbroken.

  Unexpectedly, just taking her into the palace would cause her to suffer such a serious crime.


   With two "pongs", Ye Xiuduo drew the knife from the guard's waist and slashed at the iron chain that locked Yu Qingluo, and put her down from the shelf.

  Yu Qingluo's legs softened, and Ye Xiu hurriedly reached out and hugged her.

  As soon as she touched her hands, she heard her gasp.

   Ye Xiudu knew that she had touched her wound, and immediately became nervous, "How is it? Does it hurt?"

   "Huh, isn't this just taking advantage of Lord Xiu's intention? I'm dead. Wouldn't you better marry the princess of Tianyu Kingdom?" Yu Qingluo was still indignant, snorted coldly, and started pushing him.

   only pushed twice, but he didn't move.

Ye Xiudu's eyebrows were all twisted, "What nonsense, why would I expect you to die? Tell me, where else is it hurting besides this? No, I'll send the doctor to you quickly, I... …"

"What's an imperial doctor? I know how to do it myself. You let go and find your Princess of Tianyu Kingdom. You don't need to care about my life and death." Yu Qingluo still feels aggrieved, especially looking at his appearance at the moment, the kind of unspeakable The feeling came up again.

   For a while, I hated myself for being unsatisfactory. He obviously didn't want to be involved with the royal family. He clearly wanted to keep a distance from Ye Xiudu.

   But when I heard that he was going to marry another woman, the heart was twisted like a twist, sour and uncomfortable.

  This kind of feeling, even if Yu Qingluo tried to deny it, she knew exactly what she was thinking.

  The emperor stood aside, still very angry and annoyed before, especially when Ye Xiudu didn't care about what he said at all. But listening to the conversation between the two people suddenly felt strange again. He simply waved his hand to let all the people in the prison go out, even Father Miao, who also helped Father Guan, who was vomiting blood on the ground, walked out the door.

   Ye Xiu Du was anxious, and the two wounds looked shocking, showing how ruthless the person who started it was. He was so annoyed that he didn't protect her well.

   But when I turned around and heard her words, my mood improved inexplicably.

  This woman, obviously, really cares about him going to the marriage, she is obviously unhappy and unhappy in her heart. It seems that she is not as indifferent to herself as she has shown herself.

  As soon as he thought of this, Ye Xiu was anxious and happy alone, bent down and picked him up, "Go, go home."

  Yu Qingluo widened her eyes and screamed, "You let me go, Ye Xiudu, I said I don't want you to care about my life and death."

  When she raised her voice, the emperor immediately heard some problems. This is where the eunuch's voice is, it's clearly a woman's.

  The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Yu Qingluo, and found that she really did not have a Adam's apple, and she was not a small servant at all. Looking at Xiu'er's attitude, how does it look like treating a man?

   Ye Xiu alone ignored Yu Qing's fall, his brows were still not loosened, and he whispered, "Honestly, or the wound will hurt, it will be you. If you have any grievances, I will show you back."

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips and snorted coldly.

  Ye Xiudu turned around now, who knows that when he turned his head, he saw the emperor squinting at him.

   "Father, I will explain this to you when I turn around. I will take her back to the mansion first." Ye Xiu was taken aback for a moment, as if he had only thought of the emperor here.

   "En." The emperor looked at him, then at Yu Qingluo, before snorting low.

  Is this woman Nan Nan's mother?

  In this way, she must have heard the words that the second prince of Tianyu Kingdom said just now in the Yuhuayuan.

  He really couldn’t understand what Xiu'er was thinking. This was obviously very nervous for this woman, but she actively wanted to ask for Princess Tianfu from the Kingdom of Heaven.

  Although, he even hoped that Xiu'er married the princess. After all, there is a lot of help for him, better than a woman of unknown origin.

  I just don’t know if Nan Nan...will have a temper.

  The emperor waved his hand and told them to go back first.

  Ye Xiu hurriedly left the cell holding Yu Qingluo alone. After several ups and downs, the people had reached the position of the carriage.

  Yuqing let go, but didn't say a word to him, got into the carriage and closed his eyes to calm down.

  Ye Xiu looked at the two welts on her body alone, distressed and annoyed, and did not dare to touch half of her hands.

  Until the carriage drove out of the palace, he whispered, "Where's your medicine? Let's apply a little first."

   "..." Yu Qingluo ignored him and turned sideways carefully. Just be careful, this movement still pulled the wound, she frowned slightly and took a low breath.

  Ye Xiu is very anxious, "Don't move."

Yu Qingluo still ignored him, and the carriage fell silent for a moment. Ye Xiu wanted to say something alone, but because she was afraid that her movement would aggravate her wounds, she could only stare at her worriedly.

  The carriage quickly stopped at the Palace of Xiuwang. Despite Yu Qingluo's objection, Ye Xiu got out of the car with her in his arms.

  As soon as he walked in, he saw Nan Nanxing rushing over. It's just that those delightful and cunning eyes sank instantly when they touched the whip marks on Yu Qingluo's body.


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