Ye Xiudu's eyes at this moment were all focused on the two welts.

  Yu Qingluo has two welt marks on her body, one on the arm and the other on the waist and abdomen.

  The arm is relatively light, but the waist is a bit deeper. Ye Xiudu really saw the scar, and instantly resented himself again.

  He brought people into the palace, but failed to bring her out safely.

  The two wounds on her body were just like plucking his flesh, and she felt more painful than her.

  "Which bottle of medicine?" Ye Xiudu said again, but this time, his voice was much lower and hoarse, as if he was trying his best to control his emotions.

  Yu Qing fell into a daze, raising his eyes to look at his expression. But looking at it this way, I felt even more uncomfortable.

  He is going to marry another woman, so what is he doing with such a distressed expression? Doesn't this embarrass her even more?

   "You go out and I will come by myself." Yu Qingluo turned her head, only feeling that her head was about to explode. This kind of unclear and unclear feeling made her feel as if she had also fallen into a dead end, and the whole person became irritable.

  Ye Xiu heard the words alone, but stood up abruptly and pulled out the dagger stuck in his boots.

  Yuqing was taken aback and looked at him in astonishment. The next moment, I saw him slash his arm severely.

  The dagger was so sharp that as soon as the knife went down, bright red blood poured out.

  Yu Qingluo's eyes widened in surprise, "What are you doing?"

   "Don't tell me which bottle of medicine, I'll try it out one by one." Ye Xiudu threw the dagger to the ground, went to look through the medicine box in Yuqing, and took out a red porcelain bottle for a while.

Yu Qing fell into a sigh of relief, and her eyes were all incredible, "Are you crazy? Why do you have to be so exciting every time you do something? How can anyone stab yourself at yourself? You are simply, you are a man. madman."

   Ye Xiu laughed alone, "Why, can't you bear my injury?"

   "I'm willing to die." Yu Qingluo was so angry that her chest was ups and downs, without a word of kindness. At this point, he still had the heart to say such a thing.

  The blood on his arm, the blood...the irritation her eyes were sore.

  She felt her heart contracted when she looked at it, and she was severely pulled by someone, and she was unspeakably sorrowful.

  Ye Xiu's smile at the corner of her mouth deepened again, but when she touched the welt marks on her body, she hurriedly stopped. I bit off the stopper of the red porcelain bottle with my teeth, and asked her hoarsely, "Is it this bottle?"

  Yu Qing fell off and was angry and annoyed, staring at him just did not speak.

  Ye Xiu alone shrugged, and tilted the opening of the porcelain bottle to pour on her arm.

  "Stop it, that's poison, don't go crazy." Yu Qing was shocked, her eyelids beat, and her heart jumped out of her throat, nervous.

  Ye Xiu heard this alone, but put the bottle aside, and then bowed his head to pick another bottle.

  Yu Qingluo was still defeated by him, she knew that she had never been his opponent. Especially when he used this kind of almost crazy behavior, she was even more cruel.

   Closed her eyes slightly, Yu Qingluo leaned her head on the soft pillow a little tired, and whispered, "That brown bottle."

  Ye Xiu was overjoyed, took out the brown bottle, and pulled out the stopper. A mild and refreshing scent wafted out of the bottle in an instant, just smell it, and it immediately refreshed people.

  "You should give yourself medicine to stop the bleeding first." Yu Qingluo gave him a ugly face, "I won't get blood everywhere."

Ye Xiu thought about it alone. He quickly took a quick cloth and wiped the blood on his arm, then took the medicine and wiped it on it, and then casually pulled the gauze and wrapped it up twice before putting down his sleeves and looking at it. Staring at Yu Qingluo scorchingly.

  Yu Qingluo did not resist anymore, this man was determined not to pretend to be the hands of others. She was acupunctured by him now, and she couldn't move at all, and she couldn't hold on to her injuries all the time.

   Therefore, although she was still very annoyed with him in her heart, she obediently closed her eyes and said nothing.

  Ye Xiudu carefully put her on the bed to make her lie flat and more comfortable. After a pause, she treated her wound carefully and carefully, and then applied the medicine on it like a treasure.

  The medicine was cold, but his hands were gentle and warm. As soon as he touched her skin, it instantly made people feel numb and itchy, making Yu Qingluo almost groan.

   "Does it hurt?" Ye Xiu watched her alone and didn't say anything, and didn't shout that it hurts, so he became more nervous and anxious.

  Yu Qingluo was shocked by such a whisper, and cursed himself secretly. At this time, he was still a nymphomaniac, and he was faceless.

   "It's okay." Yu Qingluo quickly snorted, and hurriedly concentrated all her attention back.

  Ye Xiudu gave her a good medicine carefully, and then clumsily wrapped her with gauze. The layers of the layer made her brows trembled, and she couldn't speak for a long while.

  Wait until there were no scars on her body, Ye Xiudu seemed to have fought a battle, and sat on the edge of the bed with exhaustion.

"Don’t move or go out for these two days. Just lie down on the bed. Anyway, someone will help you with anything. If you want to eat, please talk to Yuexin and let the kitchen prepare food , The medicine should be changed once a day, forget it, I'll change it for you tomorrow, anyway..."

   "I'm the doctor..." Yu Qingluo's mouth twitched and interrupted him viciously.

  Doesn't she know her own situation? This whiplash didn't use much force, and the medicine I used was the best. As long as I had a rest, the next day would be fine.

  But this person, he is clearly not a doctor, but he is even more nagging than the doctor, and he is more professional than her.

   Ye Xiu listened to her alone, but he became confident, "There is a saying that doctors don't heal themselves?"

   "Huh, that's someone else." Don't put it on her.

  Yu Qingluo rolled her eyes and turned her head away.

  At this time, there was a low knock on the door, followed by Shen Ying’s familiar voice, “Master, the imperial decree is here.”

  Imperial Decree?

  Yu Qingluo suddenly raised her head to look towards Ye Xiu Du. At this time, she could guess what the imperial decree came with her toes.

  I’m afraid that what the imperial edict said was the marriage between Ye Xiudu and Princess Tianfu of Tianyu Kingdom. How could it be... so fast?

  Yu Qingluo's face turned pale after ‘slam’, and his throat seemed to be pinched, as if he couldn’t breathe.


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