Ye Xiudu’s face suddenly sank, especially when she saw Yue Xin also follow through the door, her voice was as cold as frost, "Yue Xin go out and close the door."

  Yuexin's step forward suddenly stopped, and there was still an anxiety on his face. When he didn't decide whether to be obedient or not, he had an extra arm around his waist, and he hugged the person out.

   With a "bang", the door closed again.

  Yue angrily asked and stared at Mo Xian, "What are you doing? Didn't you see that the prince is lying on the lady's bed? Neither of them are married. Isn't this ruining my lady's reputation?"

  Mo Xian's forehead slid down the three black lines, and he murmured inwardly. Does your lady still have a reputation? It was completely destroyed by Yu Zuo Lin six years ago, okay?

  "Don't worry, Miss Yu gave birth to Nan Nan. What do you care about so much?"

   "Of course I have to take care of it. Although Nan Nan is the son of the prince, but the imperial decree just now has been issued, the prince wants to marry another woman, and my lady is very disadvantaged."

   Yuexin’s voice is getting farther and farther away, I think it was dragged away by Mo Xian.

Ye Xiu Duo in the room was helpless. Nan Nan had already jumped onto the bed, staring at his parents who were lying next to each other with his big eyes, and exclaimed on the spot, "What are you whispering? Me? Listen too."

  As he said, he tilted his body and squeezed his sweaty head into the middle of the two, and his ears desperately stuck to Yu Qingluo's mouth.

  Yu Qingluo was crushed to death by him, and the little fat man put his whole body weight on her.

  Fortunately, Ye Xiu had one-eyed and sharp hands, turned over and lay flat on the bed, and smoothly put Nan Nan on her chest and warned, "Your mother is still injured on her body. Don't press her on her."

  Nannan pouted, thinking about it, he is still very filial and reluctant to be hurt by his mother.

   "Mother, I just went to the post in Tianyu Country. I punched him to avenge you. Don't worry." Nan Nan smiled flatly at Yu Qing, as if he was asking for a reward.

  Yu Qing dropped his eyelids, "Where?"

   "The nose is bleeding." Nan Nan was very proud, and slowly straightened his body, making a fist with his right hand, as if the fist was so powerful.

  Yu Qingluo sighed secretly, and gave Ye Xiu a wink, as if to make him fix Nan Nan, turned around and went to sleep.

  Nannan lingered for a long time, but my mother didn't even react at all, her face collapsed, and she wiped her sweat directly on her face.

   Yu Qing fell annoyed, "Nan Nan, go to take a bath, my whole body is smelly."

   "It's very fragrant, you smell it, you smell it." Nan Nan hunched over and touched her. Who knows that he just raised his **** and heard a deflated sound of ‘puff’.

  Yu Qingluo almost wanted to die, but she had only a bellyband on her body, and she couldn't even lift the quilt and leave the room.

  Ye Xiudu laughed, and in the end she was still holding an awkward expression, but was inhaling fiercely, as if Nan Nan, who was about to **** in all the farts he had just released, got out of bed and walked outside the door happily.

  Wait until the father and son had left, Yu Qingluo opened the quilt, opened the bed net, put on a coat and lit sandalwood on the table.

  The smell in the room quickly became fresh, Yu Qingluo let out a sigh, and then returned to the bed, lay down slightly, and fell asleep.

  I don’t know how long it took, and the body was gathered into a warm embrace, and a low voice sounded above his head, "Get up and eat something."

  "Stop eating, I'm so sleepy." Yu Qingluo replied in a daze, and there was no movement behind him, but after a while, he heard a hoarse and low voice, "Open your mouth, I'll feed you."

  Yu Qingluo suddenly felt funny, and this person actually had a time to serve others. However, even though she thought so, she still enjoyed his rare service. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She didn't ask him what he was feeding. She just felt very cool and comfortable. She took a bite at a time. After a while, he swallowed all his stomach.

  After eating, she still didn't open her eyes, rinsed her mouth and lay down again.

  There was another rustle behind him. After a while, the corner of the quilt was lifted away, and his body fell into a cool embrace.

  Yu Qingluo smiled, sighed comfortably, and soon fell asleep again.

When   woke up again, it was already the next morning.

  Sure enough, the injury on my body has healed a lot. I can no longer feel any pain at this moment. If I change the medicine again today, there should be no major problem.

  Yuqing got up, saw the empty edge of the bed, and felt that everything of yesterday seemed to be dreaming.

  She and Ye Xiudu, are they... sure of the relationship?

  This step is really extraordinary, sir, children, go to the "bridal house", and finally get married, as if the procedure here is completely reversed.

  Yu Qingluo shook her head, took the medicine and carefully bandaged herself again. She couldn't help laughing when she saw that the bandage was so thick and unstructured.

  Yuexin knocked on the door and came in, she was already dressed and finished.

  "Miss, you still have injuries on your body, why did you get up?" Yue Xin received Ye Xiudu's care and must take good care of the'seriously injured' lady. How could she let her toss herself again?

Yu Qingluo didn't care, cleaned her face and said, "I'm a doctor, don't you know what I hurt? Don't worry, I know what is good for the healing of the wound. By the way, what about Ye Xiu? "

"Oh." Listening to her saying this, Yue Xin felt very reasonable, so she didn't persuade him to put breakfast on the table before smiling back, "The prince brought Nan Nan and Sheng Shizi into the palace. The Four Nations Competition will start in two days. Hearing from Mo Xian, today’s players from all countries are going to the palace. It’s a simple meeting to discuss specific matters and competition rules.

  Yu Qingluo nodded, the tighter the distance to the Four Kingdoms Tournament, the more tense the atmosphere in this imperial capital is indeed.


  Yu Qingluo drank two sips of bird’s nest porridge, and turned his head to see Yuexin's expression. She paused, and then guessed what she was trying to say. It was probably the matter of the imperial decree.

  She shrugged and said indifferently, "Ye Xiu alone has his own considerations. You don't have to worry about your lady, your lady, I am not a loser."

   "But..." Even so, you can't just lie on the same bed at this knot.

  Yuexin wanted to say something, she saw Shen Ying’s knock on the door outside, “Miss Yu, Yufu has sent someone to ask you to come over and help Yu Zuolin treat her illness.”

  Yu Zuo Lin? Yu Qingluo paused with the crystal shrimp dumplings in her hands, and then remembered the scene in the Imperial Garden yesterday.

   By the way, Yu Zuolin was seriously injured by Shangguan Jin.


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