The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 351: The Four Nations Competition begins

Ye Xiu stretched out his hand alone and pulled her in, grabbing her waist with both hands, and snorted, "Does it take such a long time to see a doctor? I'm not well, so I dared to come out and run around. Do you have to hold you with a chain to make you feel more at ease?"

   "Why are you here?" Yu Qing was surprised, and then became a little uncomfortable.

  Last night, the two of them were... They broke the window paper, and slept all night in a hug. Now it’s a bit embarrassing to face each other like this.

  She pursed her lips, and moved a little aside.

   Just a moment, his waist suddenly tightened, and he pulled it back again.

  As soon as she turned her head, she saw Ye Xiudu glaring at her angrily, as if she had just dodged that way, what a heinous thing.

   "Uh... How about Nannan?" Yu Qingluo has never been in love. Although she has been educated for many years, she knows a lot about TV novels, and she can talk about love with closed eyes. But she really wants to get along with a man, she still can't find a suitable way.

  Especially at this moment, when facing Ye Xiudu’s burning eyes, the only thing she can do is to change the subject.

  Although he was still in his arms, his back was still pressed against his chest, and he felt his temperature. But Yu Qingluo didn't dare to turn his head and meet his eyes, so she could only spit on herself secretly in her heart.

  Ye Xiudu tightened his arms again, until he felt a little more comfortable in his posture, then raised his voice to Mo Xian outside and said, "Go back."

The grunt of the carriage came slowly, and Ye Xiudu's low and dull voice sounded, "Nan Nan knows that Father Guan was the one who beat your whip yesterday, and is still teaching him in the palace. How is your injury? Okay? Have you ordered it? Have you changed the medicine today?"

  His questions ran out one by one, Yu Qingluo was a little dizzy, and after a dry laugh, he laughed, "I am a doctor, and I know my own body."

  Ye Xiu pursed her lips alone, but didn't speak any more.

   After all, he still cared about the whiplash on her body in his heart, and he was always a little upset and self-blame.

  The carriage quickly entered the Palace of Xiu, and Ye Xiu escorted her back to the house alone, and then went to the study again.

  Yu Qingluo knows it is busy at night. The Four Kingdoms Tournament will officially start in two days. As the emperor's son, even if he wants to stay out of the situation, he still has to put up a spirit to help.

  Especially among the people who came this time, there are people like Shangguan Jin who are difficult to deal with. As the host, Feng Cangguo must do everything in a proper way.

  Although some of the emperor’s sons were shrewd and capable. But on the aura, the Shangguan Jin, who can deter arbitrariness, is probably only Ye Xiudu.

  Yu Qingluo sat in the room, and after a while, Yue Xin ran in. The eldest lady who said it was Yu's mansion came in person and asked her to go to the mansion for Yu's clinical treatment.

  Yu Qingluo just sneered to get her away.

Madam    didn't dare to delay the mess in the palace, after a few hesitations, she left in anguish.

   The next day, Ye Xiudu entered the palace early in the morning, and Nan Nan seemed to follow him.

  On such a busy day, Yu Qingluo is the only one who can take it easy.

  Yu Mansion sent another person, saying that Yu Zuolin had woke up, and seemed to have something to say to Yu Qingluo. This time, without Yu Qingluo's instructions, Yue Xin asked the guard at the door to berate him to leave.

The   Four Nations Competition, just as everyone was nervous and looking forward to it, officially started.

  Ye Xiu Du entered Yu Qingluo’s room early in the morning and pulled the woman who was still lying in bed out of the bed.

   "Didn't you say you are going to the game? I asked you to reserve a place for you. Get up."

  Yu Qingluo's whole body is limp. She slept very late last night, and Nan Nan was extremely excited these days. Especially yesterday, the whole person was like taking a stimulant, jumping and jumping on her bed, making trouble before going back to bed until very late, and now she is very sleepy.

   Ye Xiu Du secretly sighed and asked Yue Xin to come over and wait for her to get up and get dressed.

  After a long time of trouble, I only felt a little bit more energetic. When I went out, it was already half an hour later.

  Yuqing got into the carriage, and found that Yu Baoer was sitting on the left side nervously, taking a deep breath.

Yu Qingluo couldn't help laughing when she saw it, "It's not you who participated in the competition. How could it make you more nervous." Nannan and Ye Lansheng are both contestants. As contestants, they must be in the palace early in the morning. , So the two little guys are not the venue for the game with her.

  Yu Baoer scratched his head. He wore a dark blue shirt today. He looked very energetic. The aura exuding from his body was different from the past.

   "Sister, next time I want to participate in the Four Nations Competition." Yu Baoer is a man. Although he is young, he also has the blood to win glory for the country.

  Yu Qingluo smiled and touched his head, with a low voice, "Okay, next time let Ye Xiudu report your name, I believe you will be the first one."

  Look, Bo’er is the purest idea. Like the wild monkey in Nannan, he participated in the Four Nations Competition just to let the whole world know his abilities. His idea is very shameless.

  Ye Xiudu did not sit in the carriage today, but instead rode a tall horse to open the way in front. With that arrogant and indifferent look, without speaking, the people could retreat and give them a way.

  Yu Qingluo missed his black panther. If Ye Xiu rode out the leopard alone, that would really shock the audience.

  It's just a pity that the leopard was left in another courtyard outside the city by him, and he didn't bring him back to the Palace of Xiu.

  The carriage walked slowly and leisurely for another half an hour before it stopped in front of the main entrance that looked very grand and magnificent.

  Yu Qingluo put on the veil, and as the curtain of the car opened, she also jumped out of it.

  Ye Xiudu just nodded slightly to her, and told her to be careful, and then let the court lady on the side lead her to the other side, while she took Yu Bao'er and entered directly toward the front door.

  Yu Qingluo came to the competition venue for the first time, and she was shocked and stunned just with two eyes.

This place covers a very wide area. There are rooms for people to relax and drink tea all around the stadium. Even if it’s just a small cottage, the carved jade fence on it looks very delicate, a little bit small. The details are not overlooked.

Those houses are surrounded by a circle around the entire arena. Above the houses, there are a layer of steps, which are specially designed for spectators to see. But in the middle of the arena, It is a large area of ​​open space, just like the current sports field.

  Yu Qingluo couldn’t help thinking, in fact, if there is no excavator or high-tech car, it is the hard work that really tests people to complete such a large project.


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