The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 353: Eat well and drink well, you are welcome

   Ye Lanwei heard the emperor look this way, and immediately fell silent, not daring to do it again. Right now, he looked straight ahead and moved forward slowly with the team.

  However, Nan Nan on the side suddenly brightened his eyes.

  The melon seeds immediately turned back and forth, and when they touched the seat where the emperor was, they waved their hands to the side without saying a word.

   yelled, "Hello comrades, comrades have worked hard, you are welcome to eat and drink well."

The cold sweat on the forehead of the **** beside    suddenly stood there, his legs immediately weakened, and he wanted to rush to cover his mouth and knock him away. He clearly told him before he came. When he walked through the scene, he should watch his nose and his heart without squinting serious and dignified. How come he is here, it is not the case at all. Did he never listen to him at all in that meeting?

   "..." The emperor almost squirted out a sip of tea, choked in his throat for a long time before swallowing with a flushed face.

  The whispers soon sounded in the ear, and the ministers were all pointing and talking.

  The three princes, the third princes, and the fourth princes knew Nannan, and when even a little gloating, they slanted their eyes to the emperor. They wanted to see, in the presence of hundreds of civil and military officials and envoys of various countries, how could the emperor protect this lawless child with little rules and etiquette?

  I heard that this kid has been studying martial arts in the palace and learning martial arts alone with Ye Xiu for more than half a month. Humph, even a child is not well educated, it really embarrassed Feng Cangguo.

  Several princes were thinking about watching the jokes in their hearts. Shangguan Jin on one side had already spoken and looked at the emperor with a little sarcasm, "The emperor, this kid's behavior is so bad..."

"This kid is interesting." Before Shangguan Jin finished talking over there, the second prince of Tianyu Kingdom had interrupted him aloud and said with a lazy smile, "This prince sees too much of those well-behaved children. It's rare to see such an innocent and lovely child."

"Huh, the second prince thinks a child who doesn't speak loudly or yells at such an occasion is cute?" Shangguan Jin narrowed her eyes and sneered a few times. "Second prince don't lose her speech because of her marriage with Feng Cang Country. It’s fair. Don’t forget, that kid is now a competitor of your Tianyu Country."

   "The regent's words are not correct." The second prince opened the fan in his hand with a ‘唰’, he was already very handsome, and when he closed his lazy posture, he looked even more romantic and suave. "A five-year-old child's life stage has just begun. It is the most fun and childlike time. This is the natural nature of the child. Does the regent think that a five-year-old child should be full of scheming, carefulness and careful thinking. Is it normal to think of ways to deal with other talents? Regent, children should look like children, not the same as our adults."

   "Strong words are unreasonable." Shangguan Jin sneered, "Everyone says that the second prince of Tianyu is sophisticated. Today, this king has seen it."

   "Thank you for the praise of the regent, this prince is really ashamed to be."

  The third prince and the others were dumbfounded. They originally wanted to watch the emperor punish the child, but now it's better. The emperor didn't say a word. The regent of the Jinglei Kingdom and the second prince of the Tianyu Kingdom had a quarrel.

  The emperor secretly breathed a sigh of relief, lifted his eyes and glared at Nan Nan. That little guy must have forgotten those rules and etiquette again, or didn't listen to them at all.

  Qi Hanwei glanced at the child silently, and raised his eyebrows very interestingly. Seeing that child's costume, it should be a child who participated in the martial arts competition. I don't know what exactly he is participating in, and whether he will match up with Thirteen.

   Ye Xiudu remained silent, holding up the cup on the side and gently touching the lid of the cup, but he didn't look like he wanted to take a drink, and even ignored the gaze of the prince and others falling on him.

  He just glanced at the female family’s viewing platform as if nothing seemed to happen, and when his eyes touched the curvy figure of Ping Ting, he immediately softened, and he quickly withdrew his gaze.

  It was just that even though it was only that moment, it was still caught by the ion sail.

  He was taken aback for a moment. Although he didn't know the specific location he was looking at, he still carefully searched for the location of the female relatives. Finally, when he saw Yu Qingluo in the corner, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but a smile appeared.

  Unexpectedly, Qingluo also came.

  I haven’t seen each other for a few years, Qingluo’s temperament seems to be different from before. Become bolder and neater, and even the aura on his body has become more and more compelling.

  Ion Sail chuckled again, and then twisted his eyebrows, and looked at Ye Xiu Duo on the side. I really don’t understand. Since Ye Xiu Duo wants to marry the Tianfu Princess of the Heavenly Rain Kingdom, why would he have to delay Qing's settlement?

  Furthermore, that imperial decree had also been passed to the Palace of Xiuwang, and Qing Luo should have known this. Could it be that she didn't have a little care in her heart?

  Ion Sail didn't understand it, so he didn't think too much. In short, he will always stand behind Qing Luo, protecting her.

  Yu Qingluo only felt that a line of sight was constantly on her body. She lifted her eyes slightly, but only saw the emperor's seat in the dark, and she couldn't find that line of sight at all.

   shrugged, Yu Qingluo still looked at Nannan in the field.

  Just in the ear, there are still many different sounds.

   "The kid doesn't know whose family it belongs to. It's really uneducated."

   "That is, dare to make a loud noise on such an important occasion. Wait, it's over here, and the emperor will definitely punish him with a felony."

   "But such a child without a tutor will be clean if he dies, lest he lose the face of our Feng Cangguo."

"Yeah, there are still envoys from the State of Liuyun Kingdom of Thunder and Rain of Heaven and Rain on the table. Ouch, now they must be laughing at our country of Wind and Cang. That child, it's not enough to succeed. , Staying in the world is also a scourge."

  Yuqing narrowed her eyes slightly, turned her head swiftly, and swept over the faces of the few talking ladies one by one. After a long while, he smiled casually, "Compared to a woman who can only chew her tongue but can't make any contribution, the four-nation contest that the child would at least participate in was, at least, for Feng Cang Country. I did a great job."

   "You, what did you say? Who did you mean to chew your tongue?" Yu Qingluo's remarks were clearly aimed at them, and the noble ladies immediately looked ugly.

  Yu Qingluo chuckled, raised her eyebrows and glanced at them, her eyes scornful and mocking, "Whoever responds to me, whoever is."

  "You woman who doesn't know good or bad, what do you think you are? Dare to arrange us?"


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