The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 356: The person who was brushed off

  Yu Qingluo didn't talk to Ye Wanyan anymore, her eyes fell on the players involuntarily.

  The competition started alternately with the Wensai Wusai, and the first one was the Wensai between the ages of five and ten.

  And the first one to play was Ye Lansheng.

  A total of eight contestants from four countries. As soon as the eight children came out, the other contestants walked to the stands one after another and sat upright on the seat opposite Yuqingluo.

  There are six items in the essay competition, pairing, playing chess, playing music, painting, poetry, and counting.

  Instead, there are more martial arts competitions. The least limited is martial arts. In addition, there are horse riding, archery, cuju, running, sword dancing, step play, water polo, and comparison of strength.

  Each player can only participate in two competitions at most.

  The number of participants in the Wenxi competition is already large, so almost one person and one event are enough. Ye Lansheng only participated in the right pair. And Nan Nan, in addition to fighting, secretly negotiated with the emperor without authorization and added another Cuju.

  Also, how could a person like him who would join in the fun miss this kind of activity?

  The game officially started, Ye Lansheng stood in the middle with the other seven players, with a cautious and rigorous eyes. The emperor stood up, raised his hand, and the guard standing next to the court banged the gongs and drums standing aside.

  Eight tables are lined up, and eight and a half-sized children sit in the seats, waiting for questions to be answered.

   "It's really boring." Yu Qingluo stared at Ye Lansheng with shining eyes, and heard a boring voice coming from her side.

  She was taken aback and frowned.

Ye Wanyan saw that she was not talking, she sighed heavily, and said, "There is really nothing to look at for children under ten to compete. Young girl, why do you look so excited? Look at everyone, everyone. No interest."

  Yuqing raised her eyes, glanced at the female relatives behind him, then glanced at the seat of the emperor.

  Surely as Ye Wanyan said, everyone didn't seem to be very interested. Some people were muttering something over there, as if they were absent-minded.

Yuqing pursed her lips, and then realized that for many people, players under ten are still kids who don’t know anything but just play. No matter how successful they are, no matter how good the pair is, they In the eyes, it is only pediatrics.

  Unless, among these children, there will be a few players who can be called genius prodigy.

   "Young girl, who do you think will win among them?" Ye Wanyan seemed to like to talk. Even if Yu Qing didn't say anything, she could go on without feeling embarrassed at all.

  Yu Qingluo’s eyes fell on Ye Lansheng’s body. Seeing his calm and calm appearance, he felt a little at ease. Then he turned his head to look at Ye Wanyan and asked very seriously, “Who do you hope to win?”

"Of course I hope Lan Sheng can win." Ye Wanyan rolled her eyes, as if she was talking nonsense. "Lan Sheng is not only a player from Feng Cangguo, but also my nephew. Although I am not to the prince brother. I like him very much, and think he is too stupid, but Lan Sheng has followed my prince and concubine. He is a very clever child. However, he has been left out in the palace for the past two years. Without the careful guidance of my husband, I am quite good. Worry about him."

  Yu Qingluo laughed. This night Wanyan really dared to say that even the prince was stupid and could say it in front of her, and he was not afraid that the prince would be upset when she knew it.

"Ah, by the way, young girl, I heard that Lan Sheng also lived in the Xiuwang Mansion during this period. You and Lan Sheng should have known each other. You know exactly how Lan Sheng is. You think he is sure to know. Win?"

   "I dare not say whether it will win, but at least at this moment, among the eight children on the field, only Ye Lansheng has the most confident, calm, and not half-shouldered demeanor."

   Ye Wanyan was taken aback, turned her head to look, and she really saw Ye Lansheng's demeanor, completely different from the other children.

  The eight players are all about the same age, but the other few, who have seen the face for the first time and displayed their talents in front of many high-ranking officials, are more or less frustrated in their hearts. No matter how calm they were on the surface, the clenched gesture of their little hands still revealed their little thoughts.

   Ye Wan smiled smokyly, turned her head to look at Yu Qingluo, and said, "It seems that you said that, I am also interested in their game."

  As soon as she finished her voice, the examiner over there was already standing in front of a shelf on which a pair of scrolls hung.

  I saw the examiner's hand raised, pulled a red thread next to the scroll, and suddenly pulled the scroll, revealing a pair of dragons and phoenixes.

  ‘In the Bell and Drum Tower, the bells keep banging all night long. ’

  The venue was quiet for an instant, and the examiner touched his beard with a cold look, "Please, contestants, face down."

  Ye Lansheng just looked down and thought for a moment, then raised his hand, holding the brush in his hand, only slowly dipped in the ink, and the pen flew, and quickly wrote the bottom line on the paper.

  This pair is not difficult, for them, it is also easy to come out.

  The difficulty is that the eight players must come up with and write the bottom line in the fastest time, and the handwriting must be neat and clean. In other words, this term is not only a pair, but also handwriting.

  Ye Lansheng was not the first to write the Xialian, but he was not two behind, and soon handed the Xialian to the five examiners sitting aside.

  When everyone saw the flying but rigorous handwriting, their eyes suddenly lit up. After looking at each other, they immediately nodded, "Okay, good words."

  Looking at Ye Lansheng’s second league, ‘in the Jinke field, today’s gold list is only inscribed’, the expressions of several people are more satisfied.

  Others also successively taught the lower league. Five examiners combined, four of them were specially selected and placed on the side.

After that, the examiner stood up and bowed to the emperor respectfully, with a clear voice, "The emperor, after a total of all the adults, the four winners of this competition are Jiang Sheng from the country of Liuyun, Feng Feng Ye Lansheng from Cangguo, Murongle from Thunder Country, and Gaoliu from Tianyu Country."

   After that, he took the bottom couplet of the four from the shelf and presented it to Father Miao with both hands.

  Miao Qianqiu stepped on and took them to the table, and handed them to the emperor.

  Everyone circulated them one by one, nodding their heads constantly, and they agreed with the result.

"Is there any mistake? The pair of Jiang Sheng from Liuyun Nation is not as good as another player from Tianyu Nation. Why did that person not get selected, but gave Liuyun Nation the spot instead?" Ye Wanyan Suddenly speaking, the annoyed voice shocked Yu Qingluo who was sitting aside.


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