The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 361: You are a player, not an audience

   Nan Nan screamed, and the whole body rushed towards the six people.

   just rushed halfway, suddenly twisted his heels, stopped abruptly when he touched the person from Jinglei Country, and fell to the ground with a ‘bang’.

   followed closely, and the little body rolled away, and then got out of the gangster circle. He grumbled and rolled back to the person, and said angrily to him, "What are you doing? Are you kicking me? I tell you, if I'm too handsome, the floor can't help but get close to me, I I'm dead now."

  The man froze for a moment, then looked at him suspiciously, looked up and down for a while, and asked a little uncertainly, " you have kung fu?"

  "Nonsense, I participated in a martial arts fight, not a vinsai." Nan Nan groaned, and reached out to touch his ass, thinking that there must be a small footprint on the back of his clothes, which must be particularly ugly, affecting his handsome image. Thinking of this, Nan Nan couldn't help but glared at him fiercely.

  The person's eyes are still very complicated, if he had not read it wrong. This kid’s skill seems to be more than just a little bit. The posture of twisting and rolling his feet just now is very skillful and agile. As far as he knows, few people can turn things around under such circumstances. They are many martial arts masters. , It may not be able to flip back.

  Is it right? The man still shook his head vigorously. How could this guy who is greedy and fearful of death have such good skills? It must have been a coincidence just now, but it happened to be avoided by him.

  Thinking about it this way, he looked at Nan Nan with subtle differences in his eyes. But **** it, he was so badly injured that he has no strength to kick him again to verify it.

Nan Nan slapped her **** fiercely, and slapped the footprints on her back vigorously. Then she glared at the person in front of him again, "I warn you, if I didn't see you were seriously injured and died soon I don’t care about the loss, otherwise, I will kick you straight from here. Also, next time I dare to kick me, I will..."

   "Bang" Nan Nan hadn't finished speaking, a person suddenly rubbed his side and fell heavily to the ground, spitting out blood with a ‘pop’, his face turned blue and lips were ugly.

   Nan Nan was shocked, and suddenly stepped back a few steps, patted his own heart and calmed down, "It scared me to death, scared me to death."

  The man glanced at him and wanted to stand up, but he just moved and fell back heavily.

   Nan Nan blinked, moved a short step beside him, and asked, "You, are you okay." Looking at his clothes, he seemed to be a player from Tianyu Kingdom.

  Heavenly Rain Country...

  Nannan is a little embarrassed, save it or not? This is a very serious question.

  He was still thinking about it. Another person fell heavily on the other side. Nan Nan jumped his feet in horror, and suddenly turned his head, only to find that a player from Liuyun Kingdom was also on the side.

  Nan Nan realized that the fighting seemed to be effective. Two people fell over here, and four people were fighting over there. Another player from Tianyu Nation also seemed to be in a disadvantageous situation, and his form was very good for Jinglei Nation.

  Nan Nan tilted his head, fingered her lips little by little, as if thinking about something important.

  It took a long time before he suddenly made up his mind, and suddenly pointed at one of the people in Jinglei Kingdom and shouted, "He has a snake in his sleeve, it's a poisonous snake."

Nan Nan's voice improved a lot, and the four people who were still shaking together quickly separated.

  Jingleiguo's two contestants suddenly turned their heads and stared at Nan Nan fiercely. The other two players were equally astonished on the spot. They twisted their eyebrows and looked at the direction Nan Nan was pointing. They really saw that the sleeve moved slightly, as if something got in.

  The expressions of the two men changed drastically, and they gritted their teeth in an instant, "Jinglei Country will really use some tricks, which is too despicable."

   "Huh." The snake's player snorted coldly, raised his arm slightly, and attacked them again without saying a word.

Nan Nan quickly chose a place to nest carefully. In fact, when he was kicked out, he happened to see the snake spit out a snake and bit a person. It was the Liuyun Kingdom player who fell out from behind. He carefully watched the complexions of the two of them. Although they were indeed injured, it was because of the snake venom that they became so serious.

  诶, it turns out that you can bring snakes in. He had such a clever head, melon seeds, unexpectedly, he had known that he should have brought in Lily. In this way he could lie on the side and let the big and small lilies sting one by one. Thinking about it, it seemed so beautiful.



   Two more voices came at the same time. Nan Nan blinked and glanced at the two players who fell to the edge. Then he patted his chest. Fortunately, one of the two is from the Thunder State, and the other is from the Tianyu State...

  Well, the only ones who are still fighting are the Jinglei Country and Liuyun Country players with the poisonous snake hidden in their sleeves.

  The Kung Fu of Liuyun Kingdom really seemed to be very handsome, and in such a dangerous situation, he could avoid the vicious fight between that one and the snake.

With a "huh", Liuyunguo's contestant took the opportunity to grab the tongue out of his head, grabbed the snake's seven inches with one hand, and slammed it to the ground with a flick of the snake's head. It collapsed in an instant, and then softly dropped under the platform in the next second.

  "Do you dare to kill my snake." Jinglei's contestant was shocked, and his shot was lightning fast, and he slapped his chest directly.

  The man turned around on the ground, and without any time to stay, he rose from the ground again and quickly greeted him.

  Nannan tweeted, and a voice rang in his ear, "Take advantage of this opportunity, you hurry up to deal with the thundering nation, hurry up."

   "En?" Nan Nan dropped his head in surprise, and saw his teammates looking at him hating iron and steel. With a cold sneer, Nan Nan raised his chin coldly and noblely, glanced at him sideways, and said righteously, "Do you think I am the kind of person who is in danger? I am a person with noble morals, I If I rushed up at this time, it would not be able to reflect my personal charm."

  The man stared at him viciously.

   Nan Nan started to touch her chin again, thoughtfully, "But, you are so annoying, you keep talking here, I can't watch the game properly."

  That person vomits blood, watching the game? He is a player, *** is not an audience. He doesn't do anything on this high platform, but keeps talking.

   "Otherwise...Let's do it." Nan Nan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he glanced at him with a smile.


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