When the two heard this, they looked at each other and exchanged a cold and sullen look. Afterwards, he slowly adjusted his breath and walked to the south and south sides step by step. It seemed that he was planning to outflank.

  Nannan wiped his mouth and wiped all the pastry pieces on his lips. Only then did he tighten his small face, and set his posture just like the beginning.

   "Come on, come on, come on, come and ravage me."

  The corners of their mouths twitched, and after looking at each other, they rushed towards Nan Nan quickly.

  The whole scene on the high platform was on the verge of triggering, and the atmosphere around him became tense in an instant. Even the people in the stands were holding their hearts, and they looked at the three children on the field intently.

Ye Wanyan grabbed Yu Qingluo's hand, her heart throbbing, her eyes still falling on Nan Nan's body, but her mouth never stopped, "Those two people are so despicable, they actually dealt with each other, and that The player from Jinglei Kingdom is still a sinister guy. Green girl, will that person still carry a snake on him, specifically to deal with Nannan?"

   "No." Bringing a snake can be said to be a fluke. If you have brought two snakes and haven't been searched for it, it can only mean that the examiner who searched the body has already hooked up with Jinglei Country.

Ye Wanyan seemed to have not heard her answer, maybe she didn't need Yu Qingluo's reply, she just continued to speak to herself, "This fighting is really more interesting than I thought. I'm so nervous now."

  Yu Qingluo twitched the corners of her mouth, her nervousness... she felt it, the princess was sweaty while holding her hands.

   But then again, when did she know this princess so well? Are you familiar enough to hold your hands?

  Yu Qingluo rolled her eyes secretly, and pulled out her hand without a trace. His eyes continued to fall on the high platform over there.

As soon as Nan Nan's eyes turned, he avoided the attack of the two men, and then quickly dived forward, kicked the player from Jinglei Country on the shoulder, patted Ryuunguo player on the chest with one hand, and swiped the two players out of it. Hit out directly.

   was just a trick, but it shocked the audience.

  Someone in the stands could not help standing up, especially the military commander behind the emperor. His eyes lit up and he yelled, "Okay."

  Others nodded one after another, and all the laziness that had just been swept away, they all looked at the high platform attentively.

   is the female dependent, and she couldn’t help but focus her attention.

  The queen mother suddenly grabbed Lvfu's hand and nodded with a smile.

  Nannan backed away, and quickly retreated five steps away from the two.

  The two players who fell to the ground instantly jumped up and attacked Nannan again. Nan Nan snorted, his small body was very flexible at the moment, his head was lowered and raised, and the corners of the clothes did not touch the two of them, and he patted them out again.

   "Look, even if I don't use Lu's footwork, you two add up, and I'm still good." Nan Nanyang's proud expression is very unsatisfactory, but that is true. The tricks just now did not use Lu's footwork.

  Not only the two players on the high platform were shocked, but the players who were kicked down by Nan Nan were also full of inconceivable hearts.

  Lu's whole body began to tremble slightly, the Lu family's footwork. This is a profound skill that he has only dared to look at from afar. This is a skill that he can only see in the 12-year-old Lu family's descendants and grandchildren.

  Nowadays, it can be used so freely by a five-year-old child. Could it be that he has no connection with the Lu family? Or is he a descendant of the Lu family?

  Yes, he said at that time that he had given himself an antidote for his surname Lu.

  No, no, this boy is called Yu Qingnan, not Lu.

  Also, the moves he made just now have nothing to do with the Lu Family.

  Who is this kid named Yu Qingnan?

  Lu Man couldn't help but look back at the second prince, as if he wanted to see something on his face. But the second prince was still as usual, without any emotional ups and downs. Even the Shangguan Jin beside him had already squinted his eyes at this moment, but the second prince didn't even have a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

  There was another noise from the stands, and the two players were forced to come in a hurry, and the shots were even more cruel and ruthless, and they wanted to kill them.

  The atmosphere in the stands became tense again for an instant, and many people looked at Nan Nan, who was evasive and evasive.

   "Why, now you only start to hide like a turtle with your head shrinking?" Probably because he felt that Nannan could not stand the aggressive action, Jingleiguo's contestant sneered again, making fun of him as he shot.

Nan Nan glanced at him, "You really don't know good or bad, I thought I would take you off the stage. After all, I have always been so kind and bodhisattva-hearted. But you actually scolded me as a shrunken head. Tortoise? I tell you, this is the most intolerable to me. I have the most, the most, the most...the most people say I am Sayuri."

  He kept chattering, but he said that the two players were even more irritable.

  Especially after playing for so long, both of them are out of breath and sweating all over. But this little baby was still able to cope with it, and his face was calm, even on his forehead, it was just a thin layer of sweat from the sun.

  They shot more fiercely and couldn't wait, Nan Nan was already annoyed in his heart, and he no longer showed mercy.

  At the moment, his hands were claws, and he grabbed the collars of the two of them. The speed was fast and fiercely, and the two players who had both palms unavoidably collided with each other.

   With a "bang", the palms slapped at each other, and the two spouted blood at the same time.

  The two were shocked, but they didn't expect that the little doll moved fast and had a lot of energy, so they didn't give them a chance to react.

  They adjusted their condition quickly and were about to take another shot, but Nan Nan had already jumped up, then swooped down straight, bent his waist at the stall they avoided, and swept towards their legs.

  The two men dodged the risk, but when they met again, they were obviously impatient and exposed a lot of flaws.

  Nan Nan's movements are very strange, his moves are fierce and fast. Even if it is an adult, it may not be able to avoid his speed. His body was light, his palms were full of wind, and between those moves, people were enthusiastic and screamed.

   "Boom. Bang." Two beeps.

  Nannan still failed to play the killer in the end, and directly kicked off the two players who had vomited two mouthfuls of blood.

  An exclamation came from the stands, and everyone looked incredulously at the five-year-old child who had not been favored from the beginning, but was now the leader.

  Nannan raised her chin slightly, waved proudly to the stands, and shouted, "Daddy, I won, hahaha."


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