Ye Xiu duo found out books about Cuju in his study and handed it to Nan Nan. It was only the day before the game that he knew that Nan Nan, a little troublemaker, had never been exposed to Cuju.

   Such a novice, even said that he would go to the competition.

  Ye Xiu is very weak, but helpless.

  Yu Qingluo seemed to have nothing to do with her, leaning on the bed beside her, smiling at the father and son with slanted eyes.

Nan Nan hung his head, holding the two books in his arms pitifully, and said with great difficulty, "Daddy, I don't know the words in the book. Look, what are these two words? It's so complicated. Looks like."

  "..." Those two characters are called ‘cuju’. The corners of Ye Xiu Du's mouth twitched fiercely, and he raised his eyes to look at Yu Qingluo, "Or, will you teach him?"

  Dare to stay out and watch his jokes?

Yu Qingluo shrugged her nose, she was also helpless, "I haven't played Cuju, let alone read the rules in the middle, so..." She could do nothing, and she started to laugh low again. stand up.

"Daddy, actually you don't have to be so embarrassed. Look, I haven't participated in a fight. Didn't I also take back a lot of silver?" Nan Nan thought of the box of silver that the emperor had bestowed on him. The saliva couldn't stand the rushing, and the beauty in my heart bubbled straight.

  Ye Xiu sighed alone. Cuju is a team competition, which is different from fighting.

  But this child, no matter how much he said, he still got in with one ear, and kept getting out of the ear. That's all, just talk about how to play. When he improvises, maybe there will be unexpected gains?

Nan Nan is a personal genius. Seeing his father’s expression that he has given up on treatment, he immediately thrust the book in his arms into his arms, and laughed happily, "Then it’s okay, I’ll go to Xiao Shengsheng. play."

  After that, I turned around and had to run outside the study. He is now a man of the world, and many people know that his martial arts emperor loves Ye Lansheng and he is accompanied by Ye Lansheng, so now there are many officials and noble children who give gifts to this palace, and they are all delivered to Ye Lansheng.

  Of course, half of the gifts in the middle were also given to him. Nan Nan looked at these external objects very seriously, how could he miss it?

  Besides, Xiao Shengsheng is such a good person, so he gave him his share, eh, so he has to go back and count it quickly to see how much money he has now.

  While thinking happily, Nan Nan opened the door.

  It’s just that before stepping out of the door here, I saw Shen Ying raising his hand to knock on the door.

  The little guy blinked and asked him strangely, "Uncle Shen, are you constipated?"

  Shen Ying knew that he had no good words in his mouth, so he pinched his nose and walked over to the study room, "Master, Yu Zuo is here, saying that he is looking for a young girl."

  Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo looked at each other, why did that person come again?

Nan Nan poked his head in again, "Yu Zuorin? That Yu Zuorin who almost killed me? He fucked, I'll go and clean him up."

   "Nannan, don't talk dirty." Yu Qingluo glared at him.

   Nan Nan jumped immediately, "Mother, the main point I want to say is to clean up him, why don't you have a tacit understanding with me?" Just notice that he is swearing, and doesn't grab his own merits.

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone. In the past few days, the Yu family would send people to Xiu Wang's Mansion to find Yu Qingluo almost every day. It seemed that he was going to give an explanation about what happened that day, but he was invited out before he entered the gate of Xiuwang's palace.

  Now, I came here in person.

   "Nannan, you go." Ye Xiu lifted his chin alone and let Shen Ying take him out.

  Yuqing was taken aback for a moment, "Are you really going to let Nan Nan go and clean up Yu Zuo Lin?"

"Six years ago, Nan Nan was also considered a victim. Yu Zuolin's chase almost killed my son. Shouldn't he avenge himself?" Ye Xiu snorted softly, if Yu Qingluo allowed him. He doesn't mind doing it himself.

Yu Qingluo twitched the corners of her mouth and looked at the bloodthirsty expressions of the father and son. He secretly sighed and waved his hand, "Go, but Nan Nan, although Yu Zuolin was injured, he Martial arts are not low, so be careful."

   "Don't worry, he didn't dare to do anything to Nan Nan." Ye Xiu-du winked at Shen Ying, who knew it, and immediately led Nan Nan to leave the study.

  Yuqing didn't understand it at first, but after a pause, he immediately reacted. This father and son are really shameless. Compared with them, he is a pure Mary Su, okay?

   "Let's go and see?" Yu Qing Luo's eyes brightened. Since Yu Zuolin sent the door to Xiaobian, how can I miss such a wonderful moment?

  Ye Xiu raised her eyebrows alone, the next moment, she stretched out her hand to put her waist, followed Nan Nan, jumped directly onto the roof of the study, and swept in the direction of the door.

  Yu Zuorin came in a hurry, and there were doubts in his heart that had not been solved yet, and many unthoughtful places were only remembered now.

  He has become more and more powerless recently. When he arrives at the Palace of Xiuwang, how can he directly say that he wants to see the young girl? No matter what, you should come to see the prince, and then talk to the prince slowly.

  It’s like this now, but it would offend Lord Xiu.

  Yu Zuolin rubbed his eyebrows with some headache, and exhaled. I was thinking how to resolve this dilemma, but inside the palace, two figures suddenly appeared, one tall and one short, looking full of posture.

  He knows the tall guard, he seems to be the guard that Lord Xiu relies heavily on, the short child...

  Yu Zuolin frowned. As far as he knew, there are Yu Bao'er, Ye Lansheng, and a student named Nan Nan in the Xiuwang Mansion. He has seen Yu Bao'er, Ye Lansheng should be a little older, then this kid... is it Nannan?

  Although Yu Zuorin took time off to recover from his injuries in the past two days, he did not leave a single trace of what happened on the playing field.

  According to reports from his staff, the most sensational match of the past two days was the martial arts fight in the afternoon of the first day. And the most unignorable child is the player named Nan Nan who was ignored by everyone but was shocked by the heavens in the fighting.

  I heard that the emperor valued him very much.

  I heard that it was the martial arts taught by Lord Xiu himself.

  I heard that the queen mother loves him very much.

  I heard that he also has some connections with Tianyu Kingdom.

  I am afraid that the future of children like this is limitless.

  Thinking about it like this, the eyes of that child became more complicated.

Shen Ying followed Nan Nan and saw Yu Zuolin, as if he did not exist as a person, more like to verify what Yu Zuolin had guessed in his heart, and slowly said, "Nan Nan, the emperor. Summon, are you a little too casual in this suit?"

  [Author's digression]: There will be updates in the afternoon.


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