The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 374: Everyone runs on Nannan

  Yang Lin glanced at him and snorted coldly, "I don't bother to learn from you."

  It’s just that, even though he said so, the look in Nan Nan’s eyes still carried a trace of admiration that he didn’t even notice.

  The fighting that day, although he looked down on the five-year-old child at first, he never thought that he would make a big reversal at the last moment, shocking everyone. Although, it was he who kicked himself down from the high platform to make himself the first to be eliminated, and it also made him even more unable to raise his head in the family.

  However, Yang Lin had to admit that Nan Nan's dazzling skill when he finally dealt with the two people made the blood in his whole body seem to boil. He admired his skill and ability, and was convinced.

   Winning the first prize, he should be someone like Nan Nan.

  Yang Lin never thought that he would have another intersection with Nan Nan. He was just a child of a small family. Although his family did a small business, he was not favored at home because of his mother's care. This time he participated in the fighting, he had come here with the mentality of death. Either it was a blockbuster, and he was standing tall at home from now on, or he was killed on the spot, which is considered to be fulfilling his mission.

  Who knows that neither of the two results have touched him, but he admires Nan Nan and has a bit of resentment at the same time, because Nan Nan, his life in the Yang family is even more difficult.

  To meet again now, even he doesn't understand the taste of that. The complicated one can only turn his head and not look at Nan Nan.

  Nan Nan didn’t care either, Yang Lin didn’t look at his beautiful face, and he didn’t like to look at his grudge face either. Turning his head, Nan Nan began to look for Ye Lanwei, but his small body had turned twice, and he was not seen.

  Weird, Xiao Shengsheng clearly said yesterday that the prodigal will also participate, how about people? Where did you go?

   "Hey, what are you doing there? The game has started?" Someone around him bumped into Nan Nan, and Nan Nan was taken aback, and when he turned his head, he frowned Yang Lin's eyebrows.

  Yang Lin rolled his eyes. Although this man's martial arts was unfathomable, he seemed a little dazed.

   sighed, Yang Lin ran to his position and stood up.

  Nan Nan looked around, poking her own head with her finger hard. Strange, what did Dad tell him yesterday? Dad said...Where should he stand?

  Ye Xiu Dudu silently began to help his forehead, he really didn't listen to his words yesterday.

  The players on the field began to cover their mouths and laughed lowly, and pointed at Nan Nan. Yang Lin felt so embarrassed, how could this person be in the same team as himself?

  It can be seen from the last fight that this child named Yu Qingnan has no team spirit at all. How could the emperor allow him to participate in Cuju?

  Yang Lin ran forward and pulled Nan Nan over.

  The examiner slammed down the gong, and with a "bang", the game officially started.

  Although it is a competition between children, it is not lost to adults at all in intensity.

Nan Nan tilted his head and glanced in the middle of the scene, then suddenly realized. That's it, just kick the ball into the goal, right? It's simple.

  Nan Nan began to roll up his sleeves, and ran towards the ball in the crowd.

  His figure is extremely flexible, and within two strokes, the ball has already landed on his feet, with a ‘pop’, in the middle of the goal.

  Wind Cangguo’s team won one point first.

  Someone in the audience applauded, Yang Lin couldn't help but yelled. The sweat on his forehead was stained with the turban, giving him an indescribable vitality.

  However, the other players had a faint expression. Although they scored a goal, they did not have the slightest joy on their faces. They just turned around silently and continued to stand back to their positions.

  Yang Lin was taken aback for a moment and glanced at them strangely. He really didn’t understand that Nan Nan scored the points for them. Why are they not excited at all?

   Shaking his head, and seeing their Feng Cangguo score hanging on the board, Yang Lin still suppressed the weird feeling and continued to throw himself into the game.

  However, after coming down several times, he gradually felt something was wrong.

  These people, not only the players from Jinglei Country, but also the players from Fengcang Country, are targeting Nannan.

  Yes, just for Nannan alone. They grabbed the ball from Nan Nan's feet and ran against Nan Nan. They tried to stretch out their feet to beat him over and over again, and their hands hit his arm from time to time.

  This kind of behavior is really too bad.

  There was anger in Yang Lin's eyes. This is a match. This is an event related to their national honor. At this moment, it is not united. It is too much to try to frame and deal with his teammates.

   Yang Lin sighed in his heart, so during the intermission, he sneered directly at Feng Cangguo’s ten-year-old child who was called the captain, “What do you mean?”

  The captain was taking a sip of water, he was taken aback when he heard the words, and frowned and glanced at him, "What do you mean?"

   "Yu Qingnan is our teammate, why are you killing him?"

  Yu Qingnan? Nan Nan stood on the other side and ran over immediately after hearing his name.

  Just standing still, I saw that the captain pushed at Yang Lin and hummed, "What are you talking about, when did I harm Yu Qingnan?"

"Huh, do you still want to quibble? I can see it clearly. You are clearly united, completely excluding Yu Qingnan from your team, and intentionally or unintentionally hit him and stir him. We are all Feng Cang Country now. The main responsibility of the players is to unite and win the first place. Now that there is an infighting, doesn't it allow other countries to take advantage?"

Nan Nan blinked in surprise. He is not a fool, and of course he can see that these people are targeting him. It's just that he doesn't care. For him, as long as he can kick the ball in. He doesn't care about winning or not, as long as he plays happily.

  But he did not expect that Yang Lin, who had been at odds with himself and kicked him a few days ago, would come forward at this moment and help him speak.

  Uh...This Yang Lin is really patriotic**.

  Nan Nan got the right finger, should he also show his patriotism? After all, the emperor sitting in that seat now is his grandfather.

  The captain seemed to be in pain by Yang Lin, and snorted coldly, “I don’t know what you said, I warn you, if you yell loudly, be careful that we are not polite to you.”

  Yang Lin lifted his chin, "I want to see, why are you being rude to me?"

  The captain squeezed his fingers, his expression became cloudy, and he lifted it up to greet Yang Lin's face.


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